The inevitable offshoot of the Belgian political thread. Post cute politicians from your country, or heck, from other countries if you know any.
I simply must open with Finnish MEP Piia-Noora Kauppi:

and the Cultural Minister Tanja Karpela:

(Of course, I wouldn't vote for them for any other post than the President, on my firmly-held belief that it doesn't matter who's the President but it's time to have a good-looking woman in there for a change.)
I simply must open with Finnish MEP Piia-Noora Kauppi:

and the Cultural Minister Tanja Karpela:

(Of course, I wouldn't vote for them for any other post than the President, on my firmly-held belief that it doesn't matter who's the President but it's time to have a good-looking woman in there for a change.)