The time for choosing a university edges ever closer and what's a better way to get a feel for a place than ask a huge forum full of well traveled, smart people?
Yes, I am this bored.
Below are my choices for university so far in order of preference and where they are located. Any opinions or funny stories about them would be appreciated, as well as any other destinations I may not have considered (in the UK).
1) Edinburgh University (Edinburgh, Scotland, UK)
2) University of East Anglia (Norwich, England, UK)
3) University of Bristol (Bristol, England, UK)
4) Cardiff University (Cardiff, Wales, UK)
5) I dunno
6) I dunno
*place I wanted to go to*) University of Toronto (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
Yes, I am this bored.
Below are my choices for university so far in order of preference and where they are located. Any opinions or funny stories about them would be appreciated, as well as any other destinations I may not have considered (in the UK).
1) Edinburgh University (Edinburgh, Scotland, UK)
2) University of East Anglia (Norwich, England, UK)
3) University of Bristol (Bristol, England, UK)
4) Cardiff University (Cardiff, Wales, UK)
5) I dunno
6) I dunno
*place I wanted to go to*) University of Toronto (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)