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I say they feed HIM to the gator.

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  • I don't know about other posters, but I do not automatically elevate all humans above all animals just because of their species. There are definitely some animals worth more than people in terms of their contribution to the world, even to their contribution to a few or single persons. In my eyes, being a sadistic son-of-a-bitch who stomps cats and throws them to wild 'gators drops you down a few pegs on the worthiness chart; at that level, you have to redeem yourself by making some positive social/worldly contributions to move back up past the animals you so casually kill for amusement.

    All humans are not equal. And don't give me any "soul" arguments - if you can't point to and measure it, don't use it as evidence.


    • Originally posted by ajbera
      There is a definite correlation between abuse and torture of animals as a child/adolescent and future violent criminality.
      Any evidence?

      I would say there is a definite correlation between watching Disney cartoons (or any cartoon with small cute fluffy animals behaving like humans for that matter) and overreacting on this issue.


      • Originally posted by Imran Siddiqui
        I'd say this kid is comparable to a juvenile rapist.

        Like others have said. Get a ****ing sense of proportion!

        Unless you mean he raped the cat . Cats and humans are different things, don't cha know?
        It's an attempt to terrorize someone, like burning a cross on their lawn but much more personal. I'd be more optimistic about this kid if he killed a stray animal. Not knowing that killing someone's pet is going to be traumatic shows a real lack of empathy, knowing what will happen and doing it anyway shows a pretty well-developed sense of cruelty.
        He's got the Midas touch.
        But he touched it too much!
        Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


        • Originally posted by Lincoln
          It was kind of comical to see Fido in his seatbelt looking out the window as the human beings stood on the sidewalk -- rejected because of a dog. That is the American culture nowdays. "Dogs are people too, you know."
          Or as I like to say, "People are dogs too."
          He's got the Midas touch.
          But he touched it too much!
          Hey Goldmember, Hey Goldmember!


          • Originally posted by Azazel

            Perhaps he should "playfully" be thrown to a full-grown gator, just to see how fast he can swim? What fun!

            The mere fact that you suggest this, even jokingly, sickens me.

            Humans>>Pets,monkeys>>Other creatures.
            I was trying to make a point: that "pranks" which involve killing aren't in the same league as "pranks" which merely involve destruction of property.

            It was Hurricane's view that sadistic killing is "just a prank", not mine.


            • Originally posted by Lincoln
              All this reminds me of a church I attended once. Several people were going to a gathering afterword. Some of the poorer members did not have a car so they asked for a ride. Most were given a ride but some were left behind becuse of the dogs that occupied the front seats of several cars. It was kind of comical to see Fido in his seatbelt looking out the window as the human beings stood on the sidewalk -- rejected because of a dog. That is the American culture nowdays. "Dogs are people too, you know."
              Are you perhaps reading too much into that?

              Why should a poor person's desire to avoid having to walk (or miss out on the gathering altogether) supersede the dog-owner's desire not to abandon the dog in a neighborhood probably unfamiliar to it, and quite possibly never see it again?

              Of course, "why bring the dog along in the first place" is a fair question.


              • will a gator eat a incapacitated cat? yes, yes it will.

                bravo junior scientist!
                "I hope I get to punch you in the face one day" - MRT144, Imran Siddiqui
                'I'm fairly certain that a ban on me punching you in the face is not a "right" worth respecting." - loinburger

