The Bush overtime reform proposal:
Excludes previously protected workers by reclassifying them as managers, administrative or professional employees who are not eligible for overtime pay;
Fails to automatically include large numbers of low-income workers;
For the first time, excludes certain middle-income workers from overtime protections by adding an income test;
Removes from overtime protection large numbers of workers in the aerospace, defense, health care, high tech and various other industries;
Makes schedules less predictable for some working moms and dads;
Proposes confusing standards for low-income supervisors.
Excludes previously protected workers by reclassifying them as managers, administrative or professional employees who are not eligible for overtime pay;
Fails to automatically include large numbers of low-income workers;
For the first time, excludes certain middle-income workers from overtime protections by adding an income test;
Removes from overtime protection large numbers of workers in the aerospace, defense, health care, high tech and various other industries;
Makes schedules less predictable for some working moms and dads;
Proposes confusing standards for low-income supervisors.
As if times weren't hard enough, that Son-of-a-Bush wants to end the eight hour day/fourty hour week and take away our OT!