Che: The Anti-globalizers say they are internationalists but their fear mongering is the greatest restraint upon further international exchanges.
Spiffor: I can't argue with you that the US is quick to go after any potential market opportunity but it is hardly the "tidal wave" people keep talking about. This sort of reminds me of the anti-Japanese pobia that swept the industrialized world in the late 1980s through the early 1990s; supposedly the Japanese did everything so much better that they were going to take over the world and put everyone else out of business.
Of course that never happened. The fear mongers were exaggerating then and they're exaggerating now. Same crap in a new wrapper.
Spiffor: I can't argue with you that the US is quick to go after any potential market opportunity but it is hardly the "tidal wave" people keep talking about. This sort of reminds me of the anti-Japanese pobia that swept the industrialized world in the late 1980s through the early 1990s; supposedly the Japanese did everything so much better that they were going to take over the world and put everyone else out of business.
