Esteemed collegues, ladies and gentlemen, the Federation of the Dragon Alliance has requested our assistance in resolving a conflict involving the three regions of USSR, North Alerica, and United Dragon Realms.
As the acting Delegate of Apolyton, Guardinia has requested more information about the situation and the cause of conflict.
For the time being, what we know is that the USSR is apparatly threatening to invade North Alerica because they're angry about not getting access to a telegram which was sent to somebody else and which was "of no concern to them". Further details to follow.
We have received the following telegram from the Federation of the Dragon Alliance:
The Republic of Guardinia has officially offered to act as a mediator and/or peacekeeper in this matter, but no further promises of any kind have been made as of yet.
Any thoughts on this?
As the acting Delegate of Apolyton, Guardinia has requested more information about the situation and the cause of conflict.
For the time being, what we know is that the USSR is apparatly threatening to invade North Alerica because they're angry about not getting access to a telegram which was sent to somebody else and which was "of no concern to them". Further details to follow.
We have received the following telegram from the Federation of the Dragon Alliance:
I , in representing the interests of the United Dragon Realms region and in accordance with our aliance with the North Alerica region, would like to ask, no, BEG for your help and interference in the affairs of the regions USSR, North Alerica, and United Dragon Realms. USSR is on the verge of attacking North Alerica and we, the UDR, will be forced to honor our Alliance and retaliate. the delegate for NA has announced that if the international community does not help, the sheer difference in number of Nations (about 70 in USSR and maybe 23 in North Alerica) will force him to retaliate with nuclear weapons. I'm not sure if any nation in the UDR has ANY NBC (Nuclear Biological Chemical) weapons at all. please, we do not stand a chance. if you were to simply intimidate them with your region's immense numbers, it would be appreciated.
we would appreciate your region's help in liberating North Alerica. I say in liberating, because it is near impossible for North Alerica to resist such an invasion as the USSR's. the USSR has invaded North Alerica once long ago. before Christmas I think. they might do it again over a misunderstanding that went to far and has provoked tensions among us. I have attempted to be the consumate peace-keeper, but I fear that this is beyond diplomatic resolution. please assist in any way possible.
we would appreciate your region's help in liberating North Alerica. I say in liberating, because it is near impossible for North Alerica to resist such an invasion as the USSR's. the USSR has invaded North Alerica once long ago. before Christmas I think. they might do it again over a misunderstanding that went to far and has provoked tensions among us. I have attempted to be the consumate peace-keeper, but I fear that this is beyond diplomatic resolution. please assist in any way possible.
Any thoughts on this?