Bug 'em All, Say Police
The Issue
The Varaag police force have come to you for permission to use phone taps to trace suspected criminals.
The Debate
"This is a great idea," says police officer Clint Summers. "We can never have too much evidence in a case, and this will be of enormous help to us at reducing crime and seeing that those who deserve punishment get justice! If we could just get those silly privacy laws repealed and some funding we could find out stuff the government wants to know too."
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
"This is an unacceptable intrusion into the personal lives of the population," says Billy Barry while checking under your chair for bugs. "Just imagine all of the sensitive personal information that the police will pick up! Would you like someone listening to you calls to your mother or your lover? I think not! Laws should be passed so that the government and police can't stick their big noses where they're not wanted!"
The Government Position
The government has indicated its intention to follow the recommendations of Option 1.
The Issue
The Varaag police force have come to you for permission to use phone taps to trace suspected criminals.
The Debate
"This is a great idea," says police officer Clint Summers. "We can never have too much evidence in a case, and this will be of enormous help to us at reducing crime and seeing that those who deserve punishment get justice! If we could just get those silly privacy laws repealed and some funding we could find out stuff the government wants to know too."
This is the position your government is preparing to adopt.
"This is an unacceptable intrusion into the personal lives of the population," says Billy Barry while checking under your chair for bugs. "Just imagine all of the sensitive personal information that the police will pick up! Would you like someone listening to you calls to your mother or your lover? I think not! Laws should be passed so that the government and police can't stick their big noses where they're not wanted!"
The Government Position
The government has indicated its intention to follow the recommendations of Option 1.