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Western Apolyton Under Fire!!!

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  • OOC: What Security Council?


    • sorry , jsut referiing to the Auldonina Security Council... Not any international thingy !!!
      GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


      • Sorry guys. I will be off line for a couple of days. I'll try to get on if I can
        Attitude reflects Leadership!!!


        • ooc: yeah he too sick to work apaprently !!!!!
          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


          • Originally posted by Rasputin
            sorry , jsut referiing to the Auldonina Security Council... Not any international thingy !!!
            I'd never feel secure around an Auldoninnan!
            Hello, you've reached Majestic-12 Headquarters.
            We are away, or unwilling to answer the phone at the moment, so please hold while we trace your call.
            Thanks for calling!


            • good the security council working then, we only here to make fellow auldoninians feel safe...
              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


              • The Apache, Super Cobra and Kiowa elements of the 5th Aviation Regiment took off from a remote airbase in northern Boondi, as well as 20 Blackhawks carrying the 3 SASR. Soon after they were followed by the remaining Blackhawks and 10 Chinooks. Another 20 Apache from the 3rd Aviation regiment had been assigned as escort to the second flight 230 choppers in all This was almost the entire 5th Aviation Regiment plus escorts.

                They flew in hard and low no more than 50 feet from the ground. This was black ops, flying on total blackout on NVG’s. The 150km flight would take no longer than 30 minutes.

                As the lead Apache choppers came up on there target the fanned out to form a flying V. The remaining attack helicopters flew past in a surrounding arc to form another flying V the other side of the target.

                The Blackhawks carrying the SAS troops landed just outside the camp. The noise from the helicopters had aroused the sleeping camp and guards had started running for their positions. The Apaches opened fire with their 30mm chain guns. With the advanced targeting systems most the guards were quickly neutralised. A few guards however managed to reach one of the towers and fired an RPG at the closest Apache. The pilot was caught unaware and the RPG slammed into the side of the fuselage. The engine and main rotor were blown from the fuselage and the chopper crashed into the ground. The short 30 foot fall was enough to erupt the choppers fuel tanks, which exploded lighting up the camp and the surrounding area. 3 nearby by Apaches as one opened fire on the guard tower and destroy the entire structure within seconds.

                The SAS troops began moving in. They encountered a few remaining guards and disposed of them quickly. Once securing the camp the troops began searching for any personal believed to be Boondi Nationals. They moved through building after building gathering any papers or intelligence thought vital.

                When they reached the building thought to be barrack blocks their worst fears were realised. There were over 300 men imprisoned in the 15 buildings. The SAS troops quickly organised the prisoners and called in the Chinooks to air lift them out. Most of the men were in appalling condition, starving with little medial treatment. This looked like a concentration camp.

                The Boondi nationals were loaded into the Chinooks where immediate first aid and treatment began. The Chinooks along with the remaining choppers took of for home. All except one flight of Apache.

                The 20 Apaches watched the regiment take off and fly south towards home. They took off and flew east. The travelled aprox 100km and began a southeast heading. About 50km after turning southeast they came across a group of buildings.

                The pilots had been briefed on what they were looking for and to all intents and purposes this was exactly what they had been told was here. With the cooling towers, the smoking stacks, large enclosed buildings and a mass of piping running between, there was no mistaking this was a massive chemical plant.
                Attitude reflects Leadership!!!


                • Auldonina loudly condem the Western Apolyton government for secretly building chemical weopons....
                  GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                  • As the Evil Boondi soldiers deicmate our citys the world stands by and does nothing to help. We are forced to act in desperation. The following missions we beg for forgiveness from the world, but we must protect ourselves from the evil in the world.

                    .................................................. ......................................

                    The agents crossed the border to the East and travelled by night to a lonely diner on the highway through the mountians deep into Boondi. They were stopped once by a passing patrol car, the police never knew what hit them as they were cut down as soon as they left their vehicle. The agents met a few desperadoes in the diner and handed over the keys to the truck outside. The agents then slipped out and headed north again. They were stopped by Boondi soldiers on the border and after a bried shoot out were all killed. The soldiers would wonder all night why the heck Western Apolyton Spies were inside Boondi and trying to head home.


                    The Desperadoes headed into the city with the truck and awaited their orders. It would come from the News Broadcast tomorrow.


                    • Broadcast by IBN (International Broadcasting Network)
                      Copy of the live feed sent to all Broadcasters throughout the world
                      Scene opens with a close up of the Reporter
                      This is Henry Jameson reporting live from Western Apolyton. Ten minutes ago the Government called an emergency press conference. The following is the replay of that conference.

                      Scene cuts to a Video taken earlier from within the Government HQ

                      The camera zooms in on the Security Advisor Helen Mando, she is standing behind a dais and behind her is the leaders of the Armed Forces of Western Apolyton.

                      She frowns as she taps the dais for attention

                      "Gentlemen and ladies of the press. This Media Conference has been called to inform you of the latest in the war with Boondi. AS you are all aware, things have not been fring well for us in Catherin. Last night we were forced to surrender the city to Boondi forces. We hoped this would bring a cease fire. But alas no. Boondi this morning invaded further into our territory and part of their raid was on a Factory and workers camp. At the Camp they slaughtered all the workers and the Staff. Included in the Staff killed were Vice President Roger Smith who was visiting at the time. Also killed were the two sons of President Sarah. They were loyal employees of the Factory and were standing guard as part of their usual routine. In response to this outrage and brutal murders , we have been forced to draw our trump card from our deck. We are outumbered by the Boondi armies and can not hope to beat them using conventional means. So earlier tonight the Government authorised the transfer of certain weopons to people within Boondi who are right now placing these weopons in appropiate places as directed by myself.

                      If Boondi do not withdraw from within our borders by noon today. We will give the order to detonate the weopons and we will not be held accountable for the loss of lives.

                      There will be no questions, that is all . Thankyou

                      The camera zoomed out to show the shocked look on the audioence faces. Then the scene jumped back to Henry

                      Well there you go folks, the WA Government has gone completely mad and have smuggled chemical weopons into Boondi. Lets hope the Boondi Government withdraw their troops to prevent loss of innocent lives.


                      • Auldonina activates its Emergency Team is response to this threat of chemical warfare. We will fly the team into Boondi immediatly to help with any clean up that may be needed.
                        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                        • The Northalia senate has voted 68 to 32 to put economic sanctions on Boondi. I, President of Northalia hearby sign this embargo into law and is to remain im effect untill Boondi withdraws from WA. We are also sending hi-tech equipment to WA. Northalia denounces Boondi's actions and demands they stop this imperialistic activity.


                          • to boondi
                            from free buddha

                            the nomadic peoples of free Buddha proposes sending to Boondi 300 guerrila fighters and 2000 high quality arms and 1 million rounds of bullets. the guerrillas would be under the command of boondi.

                            in exchange, we'd like that you dont announce it to anyone and that it stays between the two of us.

                            these guerrillas are specialized in arctic-mountain-forest terrain, and in low intensity, high precision missions.
                            Last edited by Lawrence of Arabia; June 26, 2004, 17:04.
                            "Everything for the State, nothing against the State, nothing outside the State" - Benito Mussolini


                            • Originally posted by Odin
                              The Northalia senate has voted 68 to 32 to put economic sanctions on Boondi. I, President of Northalia hearby sign this embargo into law and is to remain im effect untill Boondi withdraws from WA. We are also sending hi-tech equipment to WA. Northalia denounces Boondi's actions and demands they stop this imperialistic activity.
                              psst! They're both evil.
                              ~ If Tehben spits eggs at you, jump on them and throw them back. ~ Eventis ~ Eventis Dungeons & Dragons 6th Age Campaign: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4: (Unspeakable) Horror on the Hill ~


                              • Originally posted by joncha

                                psst! They're both evil.
                                2 lesser evil evil counties are easier to eliminate than 1 greater one.

