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Tyrant of Apolyton arises

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  • #91
    High Chancellor Alexander opens the Private Correspondence, marked Personal and Confidential. His face softens as he reads the message inside. He seems almost reliefed.

    Not long after the arrival of the correspondence the high chancellor calls upon the counsil of ministers.

    HC " Basus has to make an important decision tonight. Will we continue to stand alone ore will we participate in a League of Armed Neutrality. Since our last cooperation in our former region we have stand alone. We have not forgotten their betrail and the huge losses we suffered."

    *a long and icy silence*

    HC "Are we ready for another commitment. Do we trust the people of Jonchastan enough ?"

    *Slowly all ministers raise their arms*

    HC " i'm glad we seem to agree, Long live Jonchastan, Long live our socialist ally. Only one obstacle remains.

    * The lady Protector of Basus, Elisabeth Grey (Minister/secretary of Defence) rises from her chair*

    LP " It has been my task to protect Basus. Since the great distruction, Me and my predecessors have kept Basus save. We have come a long way but our pacifist nature has weakend our military. Therefor it wil be in the intrest of the people of Basus to cooperate with Jonchastan . I'll personaly vouch for them as will our people !!! I see no objections against this League of Armed Neutrality. I only see a great future for our to nations !!!"

    HC " Then so be it !!! In one week the people of Basus will vote on this important matter. Make the neccesary preperations. I consider this meeting closed good night"
    "There is no life without compassion"


    • #92
      letter to Central Committee of the Jonchastan

      The Auldonina government pledges that we have no aims or ambitions for their land, if we need any more oil apart from our own reserves in our oceans we will pay for them not steal them.

      Our only aim in Frnkychan land is to deal with the terrorists there. Once they are eliminated we will remove our forces.

      We trust you and appreciate your neurtrality.

      signed Field Marshall Outback
      GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


      • #93
        INS Fable
        A small gun boat pulled alongside the mighty Dreadnought, and several cloaked figures were hastily hoisted aboard.
        Guns gleaming in the moonlight, Fable slowly turned to the south and slipped away from the fleet.

        INS Catara
        Now the commanding officer of the Cerooan section of the combined fleet, Captain William Lowe was ordered to follow the lead of Admiral Evans until the Commadore, and INS Fable's return.
        The INC* had ordered them to stay in the general vincinity of Frankychanland, but this wasn't part of the original mission- but then originally the former Azani territories were not occupied.
        Lowe watched the Fable disappear as the darkness enveloped it, "safe journey" he whispered to himself.
        His attention now turned to whatever it was closing on their position, radar had picked up a larger vessel, approaching along the same heading as the gun-boat, pursuers, perhaps? Whoever they were, they weren't in a hurry...

        [*OOC: INC is Ceroo's Naval Command]

        Cerooan DFA/Maritime Agency Joint Press Release
        Effective midnight tonight, The Apolytonian Republic of Ceroo, and the territories of San Antonio Bay, Bircham and True Colony, will begin a trade embargo upon Frankychanland and Auldoninna, due to escalating violence against native Azani peoples. All private companies within Cerooan territories will cease trading with these nations, we understand that very little trade with Frankychanland occured, but several companies have supplied goods to Auldoninna- any company which continues to do so with have their vessels impounded and cargo siezed. While we will not stop any other nation trading with either party, we implore all civilised nations to join us in helping to stop the fascist war machine using this non-violent method.

        From: General Frankychan
        I did notice , it seems Ceroo's foreign minister is refusing to acknowledge your new title. Politics is petty isn't it?
        -Sir T


        • #94
          Taking place somewhere in the central region of Apolyton

          "we'll be broadcasting in 10 seconds Chairman, are you ready?"

          Chairman Lazerus nodded, every nation within the region currently involved in the Frankychanland dispute had been informed of the frequency this message would be broadcast on, it was for all to see, if they chose to ignore it then any later repercussions could not be interpreted as unprovoked initiations by the Hive.
          The main LEDs dimmed and a faint beams shone on the Chairman from several directions, the warning message was about to go out.

          "3,2 and 1"
          The gaunt looking man at his small console which looked more like a patchwork assembly of computers that had recently been setup gave a nod and a thumbs up on his right hand, the signal the message was now being broadcast.

          Screens at embassies around the region burst into life

          "Greetings to you all.
          I am Chairman Lazerus of the Hive, i suspect many of you whom thought I was long dead due to your fathers efforts to drive my movement underground are abit shocked to see me."
          The Chairman stopped and let out the slightest of smirks, he felt no real emotion since he had practised this speach dozens of times during meditation, but he knew such a face would strike terror into the hearts of those who feared him as a madman.
          "Ever since those times myself and my followers have shunned you and your foolish ways, democracy is an infernal abomination, the common man has no idea on how to govern.
          It is now time however to take a step out of our isolationism. The people who formed the country you knew as Pavesia have been re-educated and joined our ranks as we emerge from our caverns beneath the earth where my people are protected from the fallacies you seek to teach. Our first contact was to that of a fellow doctrine believer General FrankyChan who you are currently engaging in aggressive actions against."
          *In a more forceful voice
          "Let it be known, any ships from any country violating the waters of the Hive will be sunk, any ships entering northern Frankychanland waters that are adjacent to Hive territory will be ordered to withdraw or they will be fired upon.
          Remember gentlemen, I do not deal in bluffs... farewell."

          The gaunt man stood and walked over to another console, 5 seconds and we're on again Chairman

          "Field Marshall outback, this transmission is strictly to your office, further communication will take place at intervals on varying encoded frequencies, Hiverian spies have evidence accusing several nations of the joint attack that took place upon your deceased leader and vessel."

          Again the man moved consoles, the size of the machines was small, as to why the man simply did not have them all arranged together was puzzling considering the almost automated efficiency of the people within the Hive.

          "Lastly to General FrankyChan, in 3 , 2 , 1"
          The signal was given for the final time

          "Greetings General, we will soon see what your aggressors have in store now that my position is clear, the first ships with the food and medicinal supplies you requested to cover the short term shortfall experieced due to the trade block are en route. A heavy military presence will be setup along the route to prevent blockades endangering your people. We await your final agreement on our terms for these supplies"

          A few seconds passed and the main LED's came back on, so long in isolation and now the Chairman would have to contend again with minds as yet lacking the rationality of the greater good.
          The Chairman stood up and walked out the room through an arch of twin dragons and into his quaters as several men entered the room behind him and began clearing away the consoles, psyche records had been established on every key personel that he would soon be dealing with, it was time to learn their strengths and weaknesses.
          Last edited by Lazerus; April 22, 2004, 18:42.
          Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.


          • #95
            GNN Headline News

            Guardinian authorities officially announced today that Guardinia is following Ceroo's example and imposing trade sanctions upon Frankychanland and Auldoninna. Like Ceroo, Guardinia is taking these steps unilaterally, meaning that we are doing this on our own and that we will not seek to impose any naval blockades or otherwise forcibly stop other nations from trading. However, like our Cerooan allies, we implore all civilised nations to join us in helping to stop the fascist war machine using this non-violent method.

            Night time, on a quiet beach in south-eastern Frankychanland

            Under cover of darkness, a very quiet submarine approached the shoreline. It moved silently into position off the beach and approached the surface. As it came to periscope depth, it paused for several minutes and did a full scan of the area to make sure everything was quiet. Then, very quietly, the sub came to the surface. Several dark figures emerged momentarily on the deck before slipping quietly into the water. Then the sub moved away from the shore, quietly sunk back beneath the waves and vanished.

            A few minutes later, several dark figures emerged from the water, moved up on the beach and quietly slipped away into the forest...
            "Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
            -- Saddam Hussein


            • #96
              The Acting president of auldonina read the latest reports and smiled. The little trade that guardina and ceroo had undertaken with his nation was smal comapred to the other nations in Apolyton. This was a trivial matter provided they placed no blockades on. He had already ordered full naval escorts for all merchant ships, any merchant ship attacked would esculate the situation. He ordered all merchants to boycott the nations boycotting Auldonina and to sail to other ports.

              The 4th and 5th Battalions were already enroute to Frankychan and were to set up in the area formerly under Azan rule, but undr the new integration schem of Frankchan this area was officialy theirs. Any terrorists found in the area were t obe shot on sight. The loss of 20 soldiers in last weeks investigations of local vilalgers meant no more would Auldonina ask questions first. It was shoot or be shot.
              GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


              • #97
                General Paul Hogan has been given overall command of the Frankychan troops, including all naval and airforce in the region. He has in the past led many a great expedition in the wars of aulsonina against terrorism on the Auldonina islalnds. His orders state he is to cleanse all terorist camps from frankychan and to discover any information linking other nations to the terrorist acts.

                So far early reports are indicating the old Azan people may now be harboured by a mainland nation. General Hogan has issued orders to patrol the waters of Frankychan and to investigate all shipments that may be headed to Azan and any military equipment will be confiscated.

                Any ship bearing the Flag of Frankychan or its allys will not be stopped, but all other ships entering Frankychan waters will be requested to stop for a search. Any ship failing to stop and continue into frankchan waters will be stopped by whatever means necessary.
                GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                • #98
                  First Minister Cooper's thoughts while watching the recorded Chairman Lazerus' Message
                  [OOC: he was too busy to watch it live ]

                  "Ever since those times myself and my followers have shunned you and your foolish ways, democracy is an infernal abomination, the common man has no idea on how to govern.
                  "Ha!" First Minister Cooper couldn't help but laugh out lound, he was running one of the worlds' largest nations, and quite successfully too. The economy was booming, civil rights were still high, and the people were the freest they had ever been under the Republic. He remembered his youth, growing up in a working class area of Caer Ceroo, looking across the waters to the Imperial Palace in Ceroo City- despising the decadance of the Emporer, wishing one day that the people were free. Now they were, and he knew the pursuit of democracy was a worthy one. 'Foolish man this Lazerus, his ignorance will eventually lead to his downfall'. he thought.

                  The people who formed the country you knew as Pavesia have been re-educated and joined our ranks as we emerge from our caverns beneath the earth where my people are protected from the fallacies you seek to teach.
                  'Underground caverns? So that's where these people were hiding.' First Minister Cooper recalled his visit to the football stadium in Pavesia, a long time ago now- 'these people were underneath the whole time?!'

                  Our first contact was to that of a fellow doctrine believer General FrankyChan who you are currently engaging in aggressive actions against."
                  'Why are all the isolationists banding together, that's a bit non isolationist isn't it? What's so aggressive about a trande embargo? Or using our fleet to patrol our neighbouring ally's and international waters?'

                  "Let it be known, any ships from any country violating the waters of the Hive will be sunk, any ships entering northern Frankychanland waters that are adjacent to Hive territory will be ordered to withdraw or they will be fired upon.
                  Remember gentlemen, I do not deal in bluffs... farewell."
                  'ANOTHER crackpot dictator then? Oddly, this one actually has the ability to back up his threats'
                  Cooper called his aide.
                  "Take the intelligence files on The Hive down to Elize, I want her to have a good read".
                  "Of course, sir".
                  "That's all".
                  The aide stood, like he was waiting to ask a question.
                  "Sir, I have to say, I'm a little worried about The Hive message"
                  "Really? Why is that?"
                  "Well before, if FCL had become aggressive, we could have easily take them out- Auldoninna is only a moderate threat, but the Hive, sir, that's another story..."
                  "I wouldn't worry just yet, we are not going to war- we're going to contact The Hive shortly and discuss the situation, if they want to start a war now then let them".
                  "At the moment Ceroo has a naval and air superiority-
                  but the Hive has a huge number of ground troops and far superior production capacity- on balance if they did try something now we would win- I'm confident in our intelligence reports."
                  "But if they build up their forces any more then could we have a cold war on our hands?"
                  A knock on the door interupted Coopers' reply.
                  High Admiral John Morgan, commander of all Ceroo's forces entered.
                  "You sent for me, sir?" asked Morgan.
                  "Yes, sit down", said Cooper turning to his aide, "Get that report downstairs ASAP okay?"
                  The aide nodded and left the room, leaving Cooper and Morgan to their private meeting...
                  -Sir T


                  • #99
                    'Why are all the isolationists banding together, that's a bit non isolationist isn't it?
                    like north korea to china ?
                    Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outward, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendant, and to embrace them is to acheive enlightenment.


                    • auldonina elections are due this weekend and the auldonina military will be present to ensure a free election occurs,

                      The ABC will broadcast a live telecast of the election results, all citizens of auldonina are urged to vote.
                      GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                      • as ceroo has changed the map and rules back to the original this issue is no longer an issue as no nation is aloowed to expand ... so time to go back to just posting about nothing.......
                        GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


                        • Originally posted by Rasputin
                          General Paul Hogan has been given overall command of the Frankychan troops, including all naval and airforce in the region. He has in the past led many a great expedition in the wars of aulsonina against terrorism on the Auldonina islalnds. His orders state he is to cleanse all terorist camps from frankychan and to discover any information linking other nations to the terrorist acts.

                          So far early reports are indicating the old Azan people may now be harboured by a mainland nation. General Hogan has issued orders to patrol the waters of Frankychan and to investigate all shipments that may be headed to Azan and any military equipment will be confiscated.

                          Any ship bearing the Flag of Frankychan or its allys will not be stopped, but all other ships entering Frankychan waters will be requested to stop for a search. Any ship failing to stop and continue into frankchan waters will be stopped by whatever means necessary.
                          News of the efforts of the mighty General Paul Hogan have been brought before my court.

                          We bid the General well in his endeavours.

                          May his wisdom and planning continue serve him well in the time to come.

                          The Emerald King
                          Gurka 17, People of the Valley
                          I am of the Horde.


                          • with the map of area now in the new thread, please role play in new thread reagrds the AZAN situation
                            GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71

