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Tyrant of Apolyton arises

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  • #16
    The High Chancellor of Basus requests the constitution of a court of arbitrage. We hereby submit this proposal to our regional delegate !!!
    "There is no life without compassion"


    • #17
      Ceroo DFA International Press Release
      The Cerooan Department of Foreign Affairs would like to point out to all parties that at no time has Ceroo threatened Frankchanland with military action- any references to military action appear to have originated in the media. The news channel N3 based in Ceroo has been particulary inaccurate saying that the recent mobilisation of the 3rd fleet was directly related to this situation and causing some upset to several ambassadors in Ceroo, Basus' in particular, causing First Minister Cooper to spend much time reassuring them that this was not the case, and we would like to reiterate this point to you.
      The fact we make no secret of our wish to ensure basic civil rights for all peoples, does not mean military force will be used, nor does our statement indicate this in any way- it actually states that we welcome the peaceful situation the nation now finds itself in.
      The address, broadcast live on Cerooan TV, has been welcomed by many as reaffirmation of Ceroo's policy of using its military as a deterant rather than a force to ensure smaller nations comply with Cerooan ideals.
      Minister Phillip Garret de Cynnon, leader of the opposition Democratic Socialist party, commented that the release was just to placate the media, and points out that at no point was military action ruled out- and that First Minister Cooper was bowing once more to Guardinian pressure, calling attention to the fact that the 3rd Fleet had apparently been sent to rendevous with Guardinian naval forces somewhere closer to the Apolyton mainland...

      OOC: As the court issue may be regarded as slightly off-topic, I have created new thread.
      -Sir T


      • #18
        Basus's military advisor Peter van Schilfgaarde has proposed to sumbit the case Frankychanland before the court of arbitrage purely as a test trial and to create some clarity in matters of sovereignty of states. This test ruling will give use a framework for solving future problems within the apolyton region.
        Some senators and advisors even whisper that it would be a good basis for a Apolyton constitution.

        The parliament of Basus has agreed and submitted the case before the court.
        "There is no life without compassion"


        • #19
          ***FCL National News***

          Broadcasted every 30 minutes on every FCL channel...

          "Good evening loyal citizens of Frankychanland. We have undergone a radical change in our history, and we understand that many of you are still trying to adjust to our new policies set forth by the government. And we would like to say that our great leader, President Frankychan, has graced us with an exclusive interview...

          Interviewer: Good evening, President Frankychan. The people thank you for granting us this interview.

          President Frankychan: Well...the people need to know that I am leading this country to greatness here in Apolyton.

          Interviewer: Well, there is NO doubt that you are leading us to greatness, President Franky---

          President Frankychan: *interrupts* Please, call me General.

          Interviewer: Of course, General. Now, getting to the issues at hand. It seems that our neighbors in here in Apolyton have taken notice of your excellent leadership abilities. There are concerns that our people here are not being treated fairly.

          General Frankychan: Well, of course there is going to be some opposition when a government switches from catering from the "Good Ole Boys" to the will of the people. Those that WERE in power will oppose these new policies. My job is to make sure that those that were in power don't become this administration.

          Interviewer: Well said. Unfortunately, FCL News has recently discovered threats made by our neighbors in Ceroo. They have said that they have mobilized their fleet as well as "...made no secret of their wish to ensure basic civil rights for all peoples, does not mean military force will be used, nor does our statement indicate this in any way..." What do you have to say to these accusations of inhumane treatment?

          General Frankychan: *Laughs* "Inhumane treatment"? Well, the good people of Ceroo obviously have not visited our great, environmentally friendly nation. Just because we do not conform to THEIR rules does not mean we should adopt them. Frankychanland is it's own country. Not some "puppet" nation that can be bullied around. Have we invaded other countries? No. Have we treated our countrymen harshly? No. What FCL security is doing is merely making sure that individuals that belonged in the old administration do not undermine the NEW administrations well as causing havoc amongst the populace.

          *inhales deeply, then sighs*

          Quite frankly, the good people of Frankychanland are happy with my rule and just because some other nation in Apolyton does not agree with our policies does not mean we are an 'aggressor nation'.

          Interviewer: Well, thank you General Frankychan for clarifying this great misunderstanding. Hopefully, foreign nations can see that what works for them does not always work for others. The loyal citizens here in Frankychanland thank you for your gracious presence as well as support you 100% in your endeavors.

          General Frankychan: Thank you. It was a pleasure to be here. I'm sure that the people support me on this when we say that Frankychanland is a much better place under the new administration.
          Last edited by Frankychan; April 15, 2004, 02:46.
          Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
          Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
          *****Citizen of the Hive****
          "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


          • #20
            Memoradum sent to nations of the Apolyton region

            The Dictatorship of Frankychan has heard your protestations, as well as affirmations and support, of the change in policy towards this stunning country.

            Our leader, Minister of Security-turned President-turned 5 star General, has deemed it necessary in order to remove the corruption of the elected officials in Parliament. The policies passed within the old parliament were used to line the personal pockets of officials that were MEANT to see that the people got what they wanted.

            However, this was not the case, and huge corruption was rampant throughout the former administration. General Frankychan had all members of the old parliament arrested under act 942, which states:

            In the case of widespread corruption amongst government officials, whereby whose trust is given by the common individual, they will be immediately removed from office and tried for said crimes. Furthermore....
            Any nation which refuses to acknowledge this document should themselves be tried for trying to undermine the stability of a neighboring nation. Any state which decides to use military action against this regime change will be met with equal force.

            Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
            Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
            *****Citizen of the Hive****
            "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


            • #21
              On board Guardinian 2nd Fleet flagship, supercarrier G.N.S. Indiscriminate Justice, currently in international waters west of the Apolyton mainland

              "Guardinian 2nd Fleet, this is Cerooan 3rd Fleet Command. Knock, knock."
              "Cerooan 3rd, this is Guardinian 2nd. It's good to see you. Come on in, the door is open."

              Admiral Jacob Lee Evans watched with satisfaction as the two fleets began their rendezvous. The Cerooan 3rd Fleet and the Guardinian 2nd had exercised together several times in the past, most recently just a few months ago, so everyone pretty much knew what to do and how.

              Within a few hours, the two fleets would virtually merge into one. Then they could be on their way...


              Capitol Building, Guardinia City

              Oh dear, oh dear and indeed oh dear!! UN Ambassador Isabella Fuentes was having one of her not-so-great days. This was starting to look like quite a mess, with rumors and allegations flying all over the place. She went through a mental list as she hurried down the corridor towards the offices of the Department of Foreign Affairs. Guardinia and her allies were being accused of imperialism and of unjustly threatening another nation with military force. Where in the world did that come from??!? And - as if that wasn't enough - a Cerooan opposition leader had gone public accusing his government of "bowing once more to Guardinian pressure" on the issue of possible military action. Geez! What do they think we are? Some kind of warmongering bullies?! And why would we want to push the Cerooans around? She boggled at the concept. What good could it possibly do us to jeopardize relations with our closest allies?! It made no sense whatsoever. -Unless, of course, this was exactly what the Cerooans were thinking, and they thought Guardinia was up to something... After all, the governments of both Ceroo and Guardinia had been known to occasionally swallow a camel or two to appease the other. Not necessarily because they were under pressure to do so, but sort of just to make sure their ally stayed happy. Perhaps this was the kind of thing the Cerooan politician was referring to. She considered that for a moment. If the Cerooan government was under the impression... She shook her head. They know us better than that... don't they?


              GNN Headline News

              In response to the various rumors and allegations surrounding developments in Frankychanland and the positions held by Guardinia and our Cerooan allies in this matter, the Guardinian Department of Foreign Affairs has called a press conference which they
              hope will clear up some unfortunate misunderstandings concerning this issue.
              We shall broadcast this press conference live and will be back with more on this issue in a few minutes...

              [OOC: If anyone wants to play the role of a reporter and ask questions to the Guardinian Minister of Foreign Affairs and/or the UN Ambassador, send your questions to me in a private message. I'll try to post the press conference tomorrow.]


              On board the supercarrier G.N.S. Indiscriminate Justice

              Any state which decides to use military action against this regime change will be met with equal force.
              Admiral Evans re-read the last passage of the FCL memoradum to be sure he'd gotten it right. Then he stood up, looked around at the massive fleet gathered around him and caught himself chuckling softly. He couldn't help it.

              Equal force, eh?
              Perhaps that would be pushing it a little...

              Last edited by Guardian; April 15, 2004, 11:28.
              "Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
              -- Saddam Hussein


              • #22
                Ceroo City, Parliament House- First Minister's Office

                "If Garret thought attacking us on this issue will swing the election his way, then he's been proven wrong, sir" said Minister Thatcher, "The Democratic Socialists have slipped to third in the opinion polls".
                "Excellent," Cooper replied, "How are we doing?"
                "Not much better, sir. We're still in the lead nation-wide, but the Conservative Party has closed the gap right down- and they're actually on top in Ceroo City".
                "What's happened?"
                "The papers are blaming Garret for causing the fuss about the situation- but they are saying our government is showing its weaknesses by not sorting this situation out immediately."
                "Listen to this: 'First Minister Cooper, in his last term of office, seems reluctant to enact any strong policies at home or elsewhere, as he is too busy concentrating on his retirement to San Antonio Bay', that was in the Times, sir", Thatcher continued, "They are commenting on how we let that last UN resolution get through, even though we have UN delegacy now".
                "There's no pleasing some, eh? What time's the Guardinian press conference on?"
                "N3, ITN and GNI are all showing it live, sir. Only an hour or so".
                "I trust they are going to be pointing out that the fleet everybody is so worried about is nowhere near Frankychanland and heading in a different direction?"
                "We've wired them a request to make this point clear- but it is a sensitive issue, if they bring it up they may have to reveal the fleets' position in order to show their sincerity"
                "It won't come to that..."
                -Sir T


                • #23
                  The compassionate, hard-working, and intelligent people of Flinxtopia are happy to take in some of the refugees displaced by the recent events in Frankychanland and extend an invitation to the business elite and intelligentsia wishing to flee the policies of Dictator Frankychan.
                  "Evil reptilian kitten-eater from another planet."
                  Call to Power 2 Source Code Project 2005.06.28 Apolyton Edition


                  • #24
                    Basus also opens her arms for refugees and we are willing to send neutral and impartial observers to Frankychanland if they the Frankychanland gouverment would allow this. We would carry all the expenses of such a organisation. Their rapport could be brought before the U.N delegate but even better before an elected court !
                    "There is no life without compassion"


                    • #25
                      Karakas is opposed to any outside interference in the affairs of Frankychanland or similar countries.
                      Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


                      • #26
                        If the situation in Frankychanland becomes a clear threat to the stability of the region - and this includes actions which could cause large numbers of refugees and the like - then intervention of some kind may be encessary; until then, however, there is no excuse for any intervention not requested by that nation's government.

                        - Ricardo Micola, Minister for International Affairs


                        • #27
                          Security Approved Memo sent out to the nations of Apolyton:

                          General Frankychan thanks the great nation of Karakas for supporting it's sovereignty and resisting outside intervention from foreign countries. The General additionally would like to thank Minister Micola for keeping a neutral stance on this matter.

                          The Frankychanland government requests that any and all refugee's that are intercepted by foreign countries IMMEDIATELY turn them over to Frankychanland custody. Nationals from Frankychanland are to be refused amnesty in bordering countries and returned back to their homeland.

                          The General has voiced his opposition to the government of Flinxtopia for trying to undermine the local governments authority by offering amnesty for dissidents.

                          Furthermore, Frankychanland wishes to state that it's borders are now closed to nationals from Guardinia and Ceroo until diplomatic meetings take place to alleviate the current crisis.

                          Quoted by General Frankychan:

                          My administration is not like the previous one. We will enforce our sovereign rights if they are impeded. FCL intelligence has reported an enormous armada on the high sea's and if the intentions of this allied fleet is to force the reinstatement of the previous government, we will resist it to the best of our abilities.
                          Despot-(1a) : a ruler with absolute power and authority (1b) : a person exercising power tyrannically
                          Beyond Alpha Centauri-Witness the glory of Sheng-ji Yang
                          *****Citizen of the Hive****
                          "...but what sane person would move from Hawaii to Indiana?" -Dis


                          • #28
                            All people within the borders of the Grand Duchy of Basus have the right to ask for asylom. That is something that lays within our own sovereignty and that is something FrankyChanland should accept. Basus recognises the individual rights of every human beeing. If asylom is asked it will be granted.
                            "There is no life without compassion"


                            • #29
                              [OOC: Didn't get any questions from anyone else and I don't have enough time today to write the actual "live" dialogue of the press conference, so I'm posting a GNN summary of key points.]

                              GNN Headline News

                              You're watching GNN Headline News and we've just aired the official press conference from the Capitol Building in Guardinia City. For the benefit of those of you who didn't get all of it, we will summarize the key points:

                              The press conference was hosted by Guardinian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sean Baldwin and UN Ambassador Isabella Fuentes. Also present was Minister of Defense John Paul Atkinson, to answer any questions directly related to Guardinia's military. Their most important message of the day was that Guardinia and Ceroo have not threatened and are not currently planning any form of direct military action against Frankychanland.

                              Rumors that the joint Guardinian 2nd and Cerooan 3rd fleet where being sent closer to Frankychanland waters were denied. While officials refused to reveal the exact position of the joint fleet, the public was assured that the naval forces were conducting "routine exercises" in international waters well south of Frankychanland and that they were not currently heading north or about to do so in the foreseeable future. When asked whether these "routine exercises" were in any way related to the Frankychanland crisis, officials stated that they were not. The fact that the forces seem to have been assembled on very short notice was explained as a routine "snap drill" to test the readiness of our forces, which was said to have been proven "satisfactory". Officials refused to comment on the fact that this "snap drill" appears to have began within hours of the announcement of the Frankychanland regime change, except to repeat that the two events were in no way related to each other.

                              Guardinia acknowledges Frankychanlands right to choose their own form of government, and no attempt will be made to remove General Frankychan from power or otherwise force a regime change in our neighbor nation "under the present circumstances".

                              However, Guardinia can not accept General Frankychan's demands that all refugees from his country be sent back immediately. Standard Guardinian policy in such matters is that people will only be returned to their homeland against their own will if proven guilty of crimes for which they are being justly prosecuted or if it can be proven that they come to Guardinia with criminal intent.

                              The Guardinian Coast Guard is reported to be quite busy assisting refugees arriving by boat. Surveillance of our coastal waters has been intensified, officially in order to help prevent any potentially tragic accidents.

                              When asked about the Guardinian 1st Fleet, officials responded that the ships that are not in port at the moment are currently conducting routine patrol missions in our own coastal waters. Reports of increased naval activity in international waters between Frankychanland and Guardinia were not denied, but the public was assured that any such action would be "purely humanitarian" in nature. Steps are currently being taken to coordinate our humanitarian efforts with other nations who have stated their willingness to take in refugees.

                              The press conference was concluded with the announcement that the Guardinian Embassy in Frankychanland had been closed after FCL Security expelled the entire staff earlier today and gave them 24 hours to leave the country. Guardinian Embassy staff and all other Guardinian citizens will be flown home later this evening. Guardinian Minister of Foreign Affairs Sean Baldwin said that attempts had been made throughout the day to contact General Frankychan's office, but not much had come out of it so far.
                              "Politics is to say you are going to do one thing while you're actually planning to do someting else - and then you do neither."
                              -- Saddam Hussein


                              • #30
                                News reports on the four major Cerooan news channels have all carried warnings to Cerooan citizens not to travel to Frankychanland under any circumstances, and the navy has issued a statement to the maritme news service warning the merchant fleet not to venture too near the Frankychanland area, as there was an anticipated risk of Frankychanland attacking civilian shipping.

                                [OOC: Guardian, I have tried sending a PM but was told that you weren't accepting them]
                                -Sir T

