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"Barbarians" and other "Civs"

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  • "Barbarians" and other "Civs"

    how's is that going to appear in the game?Different Dino species?
    will there be any other animals ("civs") included in the game or will we be able to control only the Dinos as land-species?

  • #2
    First of all, we aren't sure Dino will use any CIV models, probably it's heading to a Real Time game really different.

    Second, I hope Firaxis kill that old concept of barbarians/mindwordms used as a threat that can bring up from nowhere to ruin a nice balanced country: a nuisance, not a challange. I'm for a better use of lot of factions that keep up with peaceful pact, defensive alliance to keep at bay the warmonger, better benefit of trade and less benefit from "forever war" (as population loss when you lost units, morale falling and some other minus). How this should fit into a Dino's game, I can only guess about some relations as pilot fishes and sharks (hope they are the right name translated in english ), where animals interact to gain mutual benefit.

    If really Firaxis want to keep something like barbarians in Dino, I'm sure they will use mammals.

    Adm.Naismith AKA mcostant
    "We are reducing all the complexity of billions of people over 6000 years into a Civ box. Let me say: That's not only a PkZip's a real 'picture to Jpeg heavy loss in translation' kind of thing."
    - Admiral Naismith


    • #3
      I agree. I don't see why Dinos should be in any way likened to civ2 or even smac. It is probably going to be real-time and with at least a new engine. It doesn't have to be civ-with-dinosaurs, as many people seem to think it will be.


      You should never smoke in pyjamas, you could start a fire and burn your face
      I have discovered that China and Spain are really one and the same country, and it's only ignorance that leads people to believe they are two seperate nations. If you don't belive me try writing 'Spain' and you'll end up writing 'China'."
      Gogol, Diary of a Madman


      • #4
        Yeah, it's kind of hard to think of anything else but civilization when you hear the name Sid...

