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Will creationists buy/play this game?

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  • #46
    Typical response from a Victorian. Maybe we should ban the Melbourne Demons while we're at it.

    Come on the Brisbane Lions: premiers of 2000.

    [This message has been edited by Bkeela (edited December 24, 1999).]
    Voluntary Human Extinction Movement


    • #47
      Well I'm a Protestant and I htink the pope is just a man. He says that he believes in evolution. Someone said liberal Protestants d o to. Well my churhc doesn't. We are a very fundamentalist church. So we believe strictly in creationsim. But anyway. This has turned from a simple marketing question to a debate on all of our beliefs and ethics.

      It's just a game. I think it looks cool. Besides we hard-core creationists will just consider the evolution part fiction. And to Bkeela. Though you have very noble values, I think banning all games would make the world a very boring place.



      • #48
        ONE LAST TIME: Take the evolution/ creationism/ big bang/ religion debate over to OFF-TOPIC where it belongs. For all of you that can't figure out what Off-Topic is, it is the last forum on the list where subjects not relating to any particular forum are discussed at length. One of the particular benefits of that forum is to prevent what has happened here - the hijacking of a legitimate, related topic by those that hold strong views on a similar but off-topic issue. You are all forgiven. Now go there if you wish to discuss further.

        Now, back on topic:

        Urban Ranger: I merely stated that a large flood, whether it be a worldwide rise in ocean levels or a local phenomenon, could be a possibility and would make an excellent disaster to go along with volcanoes, asteroid impacts, ice ages and the like. For a game. Since when did I need rigorous scientific proof for a game? Relax.

        But if you want a mechanism, how about rising planetary temperatures melting the ice caps? This is a theory proposed by Greenhouse Effect scientists. I suppose I could brainstorm and come up with some creative ideas that might cause sudden rises in ocean level (perhaps not scientifically proveable or viable but at least worthy of consideration). How about a rise in the level of the ocean floor? An increase in the planet's water supply by a comet? The creation of a large new land mass?

        Also, remember that according to my encyclopedia, much of North America, Europe and southern Asia was underwater during part of the Mezazoic Era - I find it *plausible* (at least for a game event) that this could have happened after the dinoasaurs came about, resulting in a forced adaptation or death. There is also some evidence that in more recent times, the Black Sea enlarged dramatically in a relatively short period of time, forcing humans to pack up and move quickly to higher ground. And do remember that "abruptly" is a much longer time frame when discussing hundreds of millions of years and a game turn is measured in the tens of thousands.

        As for the Ice Ages, yes, according to science they happened AFTER the dinosaurs. But WHAT IF the Ice Ages had happened WHILE the dinosaurs were still around. For a game at least, I find the concept interesting.

        And since I can't resist, it is good to know that you KNOW what the majority of Christians are thinking. You might want to read your own words on vigorous proof before you make comments like that again. The concept that all Catholics believe by default what the pope says is rather amusing as well (if they did, abortion and capital punishment would both be illegal in the US by now).


        • #49

          Sorry I am confused. They have made:

          Gettysburg, a game based on a real life conflict. It is mearly representing a battle that happened in a past age. It can hardly be considered satanistic even if you are opposed to war. If you want to blame someone blame the southern states for ceeding from the USA.

          Antiem (spelling?), as above.

          SMAC, satanistic? In what way? It is meerly a game about a possible future colonization of another planet. YOU MAKE THE DECISIONS. If you want to play peacefully and embrace god and only have a defensive army, DO THAT.

          SMACX - as above.

          If firaxis decide to make a game that use the evolutionary theory, that's fine. Evolution is accepted by the majority of people, why wouldn't they use it. Besides it is fantasy. If Firaxis decide to say aliens created dinosaurs would you winge because it conflicted with your beliefs? I doubt it. You don't have to believe in something to have fun with it. I don't believe that bears are blue and they have friendly smiles, but to the age of seven I loved my teddy bear to death.

          Oh. by the way, I don't see how insulting Victorians helps your argument at all. Maybe you should grow up and concentrate on the issue at hand.

          Eggman: I agree, and disaster so long as it has some plausabilty to it will do (a spontaneous combustion plague is an example of one that isn't acceptable).

          I like the idea about having to get off earth before the extinction asteroid hits is a good way to end the game. (sorry I don't know who suggested this)

          - Biddles

          "Now that our life-support systems are utilising the new Windows 2027 OS, we don't have to worry about anythi......."
          Mars Colonizer Mission
          - Biddles

          "Now that our life-support systems are utilising the new Windows 2027 OS, we don't have to worry about anythi......."
          Mars Colonizer Mission


          • #50
            Satanic rock music like Nine Inch Nails or Marilyn Manson, or computer games such as the popular shoot-em up titles or the occultist Pokemon craze.
            Music is music, i.e instruments are hit, plucked, strummed e.t.c to make music, it ain`t satanic.

            Computer games are just lines of dull boring code, there are no hidden secret chants or satanic messages.

            And Pokemon, SATANIC??? Please explain how pokemon is satanic, i can`t wait to hear that, And what is this rubbish about Hidden Messages imprinting our holy and impressionable children with evil.
            IT`S JUST A BIT OF FUN!


            • #51
              Considering that it takes hundreds of thousands of years, if not millions of years, for mountains to raise to current heights and Ice Ages occurred after dinosaur extinction (or near the very end of their reign), it is hard to see what this increase in sea water level has anything to do with their extinction.

              Ice Ages do not cause mass extinctions.:-)

              I suppose you can trash whatever I say by caling me a weak minded fool, or a close minded idiot, or a rigid fundamentalist dolt.

              Intolerance would weaken my argument.

              But I ask you science people this. Who created the laws of science ?

              The laws of science are not really laws. They are just of statement of what makes the most sense based on current information.

              The holocaust is the most extreme example, but even in Australia these trends found root; most infamously through the white Australia policy, and the general misery our native Aboriginal populace have suffered over the years. I'm not saying the evolution theory created racial hatred, but it certainly justified it.

              Christianity justified the Spanish Inquisition, the Crusades, and the subjugation of Americas. Besides, eugenics are a perversion of true genetics and evolution "theory".

              I encourage all deep thinking Christians to contemplate these implications. Sure, playing this game may be an innocent diversion, but who knows what other more sinister projects our hard earned cash is funding?

              Could someone please tell me this member of my species is joking?

              It's just a game. I think it looks cool. Besides we hard-core creationists will just consider the evolution part fiction. And to Bkeela. Though you have very noble values, I think banning all games would make the world a very boring place.

              Let us just say nobility is in the eye of the beholder.

              And Pokemon, SATANIC??? Please explain how pokemon is satanic, i can`t wait to hear that, And what is this rubbish about Hidden Messages imprinting our holy and impressionable children with evil.

              Wow, I agree with a creationist. IMHO, Pokemon is the most vile and boring fad to ever exist.:-)

              St. Leo
              Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


              • #52
                I never actually said i liked pokemon, i just wanted to know how it was satanic and "occult"


                • #53
                  Hey all. Perhaps you people confused about what evolution, abiogenesis and cosmology are all about should head over to You can find lots and lots of anwers to your questions. Even if you don't agree that evolution occurs, it might be helpful if you'd critique what scientists actually think, rather than your misconceptions of what they think.

                  Example: The objection that survival of the fittest states that only strong animals survive, yet there are many "weak" animals still around, such as the three toed sloth, or the earthworm. Of course, evolutionary theory does NOT state that only the strongest, toughest, most violent animals survive. It says that the animals that reproduce more quickly than other animals wil be disproportionately represented in the future population. That means if being a lowly earthworm allows you to reproduce more than a violent earthworm, lowly earthworms will prevail.

                  I guarantee you that all your questions can be answered, as long as they are scientific questions. And all your metaphysical objections can be addressed as well...

                  Think Galactically -- Act Terrestrially
                  Think Galactically -- Act Terrestrially


                  • #54
                    I really didn't intend to post agian in this thread, but seeing the relies to my last statement, I felt I should.

                    DinoDoc: In your zeal to argue your points I feel that you forgot to read what I actually wrote.


                    "Assumption: An all-powerful, omnipotent deity(s) creates a universe. Said deity(s) desires to make it look as if said universe is 'old' according to the 'natural laws' of that universe, said deity(s) don't want presense obvious.
                    Reasons: Unknown, no refrence frame for all-powerful, omnipotent deity(s)
                    Conclusion: universe looks 'old' and no scientific presense of aforementioned diety(s) discoverable (it's part of that all-powerful, omnipotent thing)

                    Science can NEVER PROVE or DISPROVE the 'reality' of an all-powerful diety(s); if that diety(s) exsists and if that diety(s) does not wish it's presence known. The whole damn arguement is moot! It is a question of faith."

                    I stand by what I typed, The arguement is NOT circular. I never entended or attempted to prove the base assumptions, and made no allusion to how 'believable' the base assumtion was, I merely stated IF they were true then you could not use science to prove or disprove it. This was written mainly in respondce to the post by M@ni@c. You have a problem with the base assumptions, fine, argue your points about them but don't discredit what I stated, unless you feel I have stated something wrong, then show where I was wrong.
                    The only thing in my post I intended to say about the base assumptions were

                    "Think it is EXTREMELY unlikely"

                    btw.. If you change the original assumtions in my argument of coarse the conclusions will change.

                    Urban Ranger:
                    After thinking about your reply.. well I'm not sure exactly what you were getting at, but It appears that you want to attack the base assumption. Go for it, but I don't see how you can.
                    Yes, this argument is commonly used by religion, and as I think you were trying to get at, it doesn't shed any light on whether the base assumtion is true or not. If it is used that way then it is beieng misused.

                    "In science, if you cannot supply enough evidence for something, then that something doesn't exist, as far as science is cocerned."

                    Can't totally agree with this. To tell the truth I can quite put my finger on what disturbs me about this, but something strikes me as being a little off, will have to think on it. Maybe you can spot a 'soft-spot' in this statement and clearify it? The position of a hypothesis in science seems to be close to what keeps me from accepting this at first glance. Will think about it some more, and see if that clears me up.

                    "The burden of proof must lie with the persons who make assertions, not their opponents."

                    True, but 'opponents' can also offer alterantive explinations and point out data that disproves assertions.
                    The problem with religion and this view is that it lies outside the realm of science, extrapolating the assumptions that I stated in my original post.
                    This is my conclusion to the original satement, that science can't prove or disprove a diety(s). You can't yell look at evolution, geologic history, or the laws of physics to change a believer's mind, you have to find something else. But conversely, you can't change an athiest's mind to believe by quoting the Bible, Tora, Greek Mythology. For 'a non-believer' to 'convert' and a thinking 'believer' to maintain thier faith, it would take something outside of science. Ask the believers to explain it, I haven't experienced it.

                    "Power does not corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"

                    "Power doesn't corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"


                    • #55
                      Eggman: With the title of this thread you have to expect these kind of posts.. as long as they stay in this one thread.. no damage done.


                      "The Big Bang was the result out of a vacuum. And created our universe. Or better was the origin of our universe."

                      My reply depends on what you define a vacuum as. If you are saying a vacuum as we typical mean one.. as an area of space with 'nothing' in it. then my original statment on this holds. If you are referring to 'vaccum' as what existed 'before' the Big Bang.. No one knows, the best speculations usually invoke High enegy fields of some kind, but even these are near impossible to define, since space and time no longer have meaning 'before' the Big bang. It is out of the range of human conception. but no scientfic speculation I am aware of just 'poofs' the Big Bang out of absolutly nothing. The most scientific thing science has to say about it is: we really don't know.

                      Definatly read some Hawking, It's some good stuff, and he doesn't make the illusion that science knows exactly what it's talking about

                      On Tiny 'Invisible' Pink Unicorns and 'Invisable' dogs: As long as they don't also fall under the assumptions in my earlier statements (that they are out-side the realm of science) this makes for some fun brian exersises. Invisable pink unicorns on my desk.. (other the the possible contidiction of something being inviable and pink at the same time ) I could detect these by: feeling around for them, being quiet and listening for them to make a noise, spreading flour on my desk and looking for tiny little footprints, smelling for them.. (hmm what does unicorn crap smell like) etc.. ect.. etc...

                      DO I exsist: Ask Decartes, that was more his field "I think; therefore, I am."

                      Pokeman: Occultist,Satanic? don't really see that. but.... I am totally surprissed that the SPCA or someone like that hasn't jumped all over this thing. I raise and train my pokemon, then have it fight with another until one is no longer standing.. Sounds like a dogfight or a cockfight to me, replace pokemon with a real animal and.... hmmm.. maybe it a insidious plot to help promote the legalization on dogfighting.

                      "Power does not corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"

                      "Power doesn't corrupt; it merely attracts the corruptable"


                      • #56
                        The pokemon's aren't hurt if I am correct.

                        - Biddles

                        "Now that our life-support systems are utilising the new Windows 2027 OS, we don't have to worry about anythi......."
                        Mars Colonizer Mission
                        - Biddles

                        "Now that our life-support systems are utilising the new Windows 2027 OS, we don't have to worry about anythi......."
                        Mars Colonizer Mission


                        • #57
                          The pokemon's aren't hurt if I am correct.

                          I don't like Pokemon because I don't like Pokemon, but I might as well think of something.:-) Since the monsters are not hurt after engaging in violent conduct, it teaches infantile intellects who actually enjoy the horrid marketing scam that violence doesn't hurt anyone and is thus okay.

                          Can I get back to persuading the creationist that my truth is truer?:-)

                          St. Leo
                          Blog | Civ2 Scenario League | leo.petr at


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Eggman on 12-24-1999 12:39 PM
                            ONE LAST TIME: Take the evolution/ creationism/ big bang/ religion debate over to OFF-TOPIC where it belongs. For all of you that can't figure out what Off-Topic is, it is the last forum on the list where subjects not relating to any particular forum are discussed at length.
                            Eggman - While you are telling everybody to go OFF-TOPIC, you aren't practicing what you preach. That's hypocrisy. Please don't do it again next time or I will be forced to take off my kid gloves.

                            Regarding the mechanisms you propose: no, none works. For example, I have already pointed out that the Mesozoic Era, esp during the Jurassic and Cretaceous Ages, was much hotter and more humid than now. So you can't get the sea level much more since most of the water was in liquid form.

                            Another example: how big a comet would it take to raise the sea level by a meter? No comet we have seen is THAT big.

                            Please read what I had written before firing off knee-jerk responses.

                            As for what the majority of Christians think, maybe you can do some exercises to see what you find. That could prove enlightening.

                            By the way, please do not take my words out of context. Thanks.
                            [This message has been edited by Urban Ranger (edited December 30, 1999).]
                            (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                            (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                            (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                            • #59
                              Biddles: I saw a Star Trek: Voyager episode awhile back where they met a race of dinosaurs who has escaped Earth before the asteroid hit. I haven't seen this anywhere else.

                              When will people stop blaming fake violence in cartoons for the ills of the world. When my dad was a kid in the 40's they had some very fake violent cartoons (Bugs Bunny, Road Runner etc etc etc) and no one ever blamed them for anything. Get a grip, it's not the cartoons, it's the PARENTS!!


                              • #60
                                Sorry for my late answer. I just can't come here every day.

                                Bblue, why do you say I’m preaching fundamentally? Having reread my post carefully, I haven’t said anything fundamentalist. On purpose, I remained vague on the subject:

                                “I want proof. And nothing, nothing, supports the idea of a sudden creation.
                                Though far from everything about evolution is known, there is some scientific evidence.”

                                Here I’m saying I absolutely don’t believe creationism. BUT I’m not saying I blindly believe in evolutionism. So yes, I do think about the subject, contrary to what you might think, and I do take all that scientific theories I read with a grain of salt (does that expression exist in English?). I did say there is a bigger chance that evolutionism is right and creationism isn’t.
                                The rest of the post is an explanation of what Genesis 2 is really about.

                                So please, point me one fundamentalist word in my post.


                                What?! You're saying evolutionism provokes racism? I propose you read your cherished bible something better. I've heart that, after the flood, Noah sent his three sons to each another continent to resettle humanity.
                                One to Europe, one to Asia and another to Africa.
                                The one sent to Africa had laughed out his father once and therefore he was sent to that continent for punishment. In the future, his offspring would be inferior people.
                                So the bible encourages racism against black people.

                                BTW, that was how slavery of the black was justified in the Renaissance.
                                [This message has been edited by M@ni@c (edited January 01, 2000).]
                                Contraria sunt Complementa. -- Niels Bohr
                                Mods: SMAniaC (SMAC) & Planetfall (Civ4)

