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Dinosaur Learning

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  • Dinosaur Learning

    I received this by email a couple of the weeks ago and I am *finally* posting it. The writer (let us call him the Unknown Poster, for lack of a better name), sent this to me and I thought it was a good idea. It involves the "science" part of a possible dinosaur game. Previously, I had brought up the topic of genetics vs. learned behavior and he replies:

    "A while ago you posted a subject on the Apolyton Dinosaurs forum regarding: Genetics vs Learning. As I'm not registered (yet). I'll post my short note off comment to you in this way.

    "When you discussed the Learning part you suggested that you could 'fit' your creatures with beneficial knowledge. How about giving each type of creature a limited number of slots to accomodate this knowledge. You can then easily represent intelligence. A creature with many slots therefore is more intelligent. Also it seems quite reasonable that a type of creature wich not only had many slots filled in, but also a lot of slots would have to be taught longer by it's parents. As I hope that Sid meiers Dinosaurs becomes a Turn-based game, a creature needing much teaching has some kind of disadvantage. In this way, "learning" can be an excelent "guns vs butter" desicion making subject."

    Personally, I like the "intelligence slots" ideas for learned behavior. Thoughts anyone?

  • #2
    wow, sounds interesting. .
    i'd like to see this idea expanded on. . i think something could be made of it. .
    "We're losing the war on AIDS. And drugs. And poverty. And terror. But we sure took it to those Nazis. Man, those were the days."


    • #3
      Looks like a really good idea.
      But I have to disagree in his comments about the TBS x RTS.
      You could definately have that intelligence feature in an RTS game as effective as it is in TBS. When he says that in a TBS game, a dino that stays more time with the parents has a disantavage, he seems to be saying that that would'nt happen in a RTS game. I think it would, and it definately would. Take for instance any game like Starcraft, Warcraft, Red Alert or Age of Empires. The time that a unit takes to be trained plays a great role in how it is effective.

      "Última flor do Lácio, inculta e bela,
      És a um tempo, esplendor e sepultura."
      Why the heck my posts # doesn't increase in my profile?
      Some great music: Dead Fish; Rivets; Wacky Kids; Holly Tree.


      • #4
        I like this idea, this could also be used for abilites( I fell an idea for a new thread). But, the dinos wouldn't be able to pass on the informaiton to thier children until acquire language.

