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  • #76
    What sort of micromanagment is this? If you decide to go around tweaking specialists every turn then it's your own darn fault . But otherwise the ability to stack armies and manipulate multiple base queues with single operations really saves time.

    Ofcourse I don't consider "micromanagment for optimisation" the same as "menial micromanagment", the former serves a purpose while the latter has to be done because the game desingers didn't bother adding the tools players need to avoid it (stacking etc). Both should be avoided as a matter of principle because victory should be about strategy rather than bean counting.


    • #77
      Originally posted by Blake
      My main gripe? ModSwapper doesn't work in Win2K . (or has that since changed?)
      I have recently installed Windows 2000 Pro and I have no problem with ModSwapper. If you can install the Service Pack 1 may be you can try to run the ModSwapper executable as if it were a Win98 program.

      Right Click on the ModSwapper executable and check the properties (I'am not quite sure of the procedure), you should then be able to ask Windows to run ModSwapper as if it were a Win95, Win98 or NT program.

      If you have not installed the SP1 the Compatibility Tool can be installed from the Win2000 CD-ROM, check the Win2000 Help.
      "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


      • #78
        Is Modswapper really necessary?

        Is Modswapper truly necessary, or just convenient? I've seen some of the mods that list this as a requirement. I thought that it simply made it easier to try out different mod packs, but that I could manually copy the files myself and still be able to use the mods. Is that true, or is there something that Modswapper adds that I have to have?


        • #79
          With moswapper you can have many mods in you PC and play with all without having to change any file. And with a mouse click switch them.
          The modders thought that this was a good feature and made their mods only possible with this feature (before they used to create a new folder in the scen folder).
          So ModSwapper now is essencial to play the mods.
          You could change (with some help) the mods to scenario (inserting a new folder in scen) again. But those two ways of playing mods are the only ways of playing a mod.
          "Kill a man and you are a murder.
          Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
          Kill all and you are a God!"
          -Jean Rostand


          • #80
            It is possible to install any mod by copying & editing the appropriate files, for MedMod it was required to copy all the files someplace, rename about a half dozen of them, copy a few to another folder, and edit a couple. So possible but not exactly quick to do.

            I'm pleased to hear that Modswapper can be made to work in Win2k now, I might have to try some other mods when I next find my CTP2 CD....


            • #81
              You can play without ModSwapper but you would have to do the work ModSwapper does yourself: copy/rename files such as gamefile.txt, newsprite.txt and Great_Library.txt (I think it were only those 3 but I'm not 100% certain of that) everytime you want to play a different mod. Entirely possible, but quite inconvenient.

              Moving files to the scenario sctructure, as Pedrunn suggests, is not a very good idea as we moved out of that structure for a good reason (it was buggy)...
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