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2nd Apolyton CtP2 SP Tournament: 26 June - 26 July 2002

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  • #16
    CoT and anyone else that may need it.


    otherwise it's in the super apolyton pack thread of the Mods section.


    • #17
      Originally posted by child of Thor
      what was the title of the thread you got it from?
      If I remember correctly it was in a thread called: Super Apolyton Pack! The Fan's Unofficial Patch.

      Just follow the instructions there.

      Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


      • #18
        oops, that didn't work like I planned, just follow Martin's link

        By the way, thanks for the fix Martin .


        • #19
          I picked up the gamefile and I should have some time to start it today. I have some competing interests for my time right now, but I am a dedicated Apolyton fan so I am willing to play CtP2 on my vacation! Great idea to have a tournament Locutus!

          Good bye Dale!


          • #20
            I’ve had a chance to start into my tournament game and it has been exciting to say the least. Here’s a shot of the (embarrassing) power graph so far:

            I am flat out in last place, lost in the dust of my competitors’ progress. The Mayans have captured the early lead in my game. For the most part, I have been at war with the Barbarians. For anyone who hasn’t yet begun, my advice is make sure you stock up on troops to defend your cities! So far, I have only lost Brisbane during a raid (they are SO barbaric!), but it is back under my control. I think that I have finally gotten to a point where I can once again expand my empire. My subjects are becoming restless under my tyrannical rule so I plan to soon bestow myself as their King, which should appease them for some several hundred years or so. I have decided that my goal will be simply to survive to the end! This is one tough (and fun!) game.

            I am using Martin’s “APOL_slics.slc” file and I have not experienced any crashes or other aberrations during game play. I did not run into problems with the previous 2 games that I played using the Super Apolyton Pack – it seems to be a solid package.


            • #21
              Good to hear you're having such a good time, ETB And thanks for your game update, I always enjoy reading those...
              Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


              • #22
                YW Locutus. But I don’t expect to be among the top finishers in any category. I made a mistake during my expansion and left my Capitol with a minimal garrison and the Barbarians of course chose that time to attack! You can see when that happened by the dip in my power curve:

                It was pretty exciting planning and retaking Canberra but I lost plenty of time and units in doing so. I’ve met the Mexicans, Romans, Native Americans and the Chinese. I have even managed to keep them all happy enough to not declare war on me so far! The Mayans still hold the lead but the Ethiopians are definitely coming up fast. Well, I gotta get back to my game!


                • #23
                  Cool */jealous*

                  Unfortunately I will get my new PC in two-three weeks... probably just too late to play the tournament myself... oh well, my own score doesn't count anyway...
                  Last edited by Locutus; July 6, 2002, 11:04.
                  Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                  • #24

                    Having fun I see! Can't wait to see some results.


                    • #25
                      Re: 2nd Apolyton CtP2 Tournament: 26 June - 26 July 2002

                      I am on the winning street!

                      In the year 1917 I started a war against China - and after the victory there is only the maya empire left.

                      My problem is the pollution. I had never seen the effects of a global pollution katastrophy - this time I will.

                      Over 10.000 pollution points only by my population per round!

                      So long

                      Jesper Portus
                      Ludo ergo sum!


                      • #26
                        Ah, Dale, back already? Told you it was no use trying to stay away from 'Poly - the curse is inresistable

                        Good to hear *someone* will manage to win the game before 2300
                        Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                        • #27
                          There have been some exciting times in my game! The Romans and Mexicans decided to attack me and I have since eliminated the Romans and the Mexicans are definitely on their heels. It was interesting that both the Romans and Mexicans attacked my diplomats shortly after I established embassies with each of them. I guess they REALLY didn’t like me! I’m in the middle of the 18th Century and I am feeling much more confident that I can win this game after all, but I don’t think that I am doing as well as Jesper. I plan to continue my campaign against the Mexicans until they say “Uncle” or they are gone too. My subjects are feeling a little overcrowded though, so I have this idea of something called “Democracy” that might make them feel happier about their expanding empire. Here’s a screenshot of the power ranking curves:

                          I have only seen one oddity during my game – a herald reported that the Mexicans were building the Apolyton Pack, but the next herald stated that they were building another wonder (The Appian Way I believe). So I assume they decided not to build the Apolyton Pack. Still no game crashes or any other oddities to report from my gameplay.

                          I’ll be travelling, so I may not get much gametime in during the rest of this week, but I will definitely finish before the July 26 deadline. I would hate to go through all of this only to submit my results too late!

                          Dale – it’s good to hear from you again! As you see, I am definitely having a great time with your Super Apolyton Pack.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Locutus
                            Good to hear *someone* will manage to win the game before 2300

                            I hope, I can win. In 1935 there are two empires: the evil mayan and the good australian.

                            But I have one problem: Pollution by people: 28.000!!!

                            The pollution marker is half red!

                            I dont know when the world wide katastrophy beginns ...

                            So long
                            Jesper the conqueror
                            Ludo ergo sum!


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Jesper Portus
                              But I have one problem: Pollution by people: 28.000!!!

                              The pollution marker is half red!

                              I dont know when the world wide katastrophy beginns ...
                              That's very simple... when the whole bar is red. Some land will be flooded and maybe one or two cities will also be destroyed, usually I avoid building pollution increasing buildings like factories in order to reduce the pollution. I got only once a catastrophe, that was in automatic AI testing mode, with me as a Barbarian spectator... stupid AIs.

                              Originally posted by Locutus
                              Good to hear *someone* will manage to win the game before 2300
                              Yes that's really necessary that you will win this game far before 2300, as Dale still uses the MedPack2 const.txt with earlier end year, so you have to manage it until the 2200 like in MedPack2. That's another thing I don't like of APOLPack, therefore I changed it back in GoodMod for ApolytonPack v.1.02.

                              Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by Martin Gühmann That's very simple... when the whole bar is red.

                                Puh! Meanwhile the pollution is only 19.000 points, because I´ve built "Personennahverkehr" (in english "Subways"?, "city railway"?, I dont know).

                                Yes that's really necessary that you will win this game far before 2300, as Dale still uses the MedPack2 const.txt with earlier end year, so you have to manage it until the 2200 like in MedPack2. That's another thing I don't like of APOLPack, therefore I changed it back in GoodMod for ApolytonPack v.1.02.

                                The game ends in 2200? Currently I am in 1975 an the war against the "evil" mayan empire beginns. First capturing theit capital I´m waiting for my reinforcements.

                                So long
                                Jesper, ruler of Australia and (soon) the world!
                                Ludo ergo sum!

