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Call To Power 2 Cradle 3+ mod in progress:
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Succession Game VI: The Balam Warriors of the Wind
Yannick II has been anointed King of maya by the goods. He decided to expend his empire. Nothing else matters. Absolutely nothing else...
3940 production set to nomad for all cities
Road built from Jaina to chichen (via mountains)
3920 embassy established in hexogonian with the Apolyton civilisation.
3840 2 babarians + 1 mayan units are besigning uxmal .Our glorious army crushed the barbarian...
3820 the treacherous mongols are declaring war to us!!!
Yannick immediatly sent his army to crush the intruders.
3800 ceremonial burial has been discovered --> research set to monotheism
3780 another mayan warrior crushed near uxmal
South army created (7 units): Yannick is sending his diplomat to the Huari
town for a "little survey"
3760 constantine completed the pyramids
3740 (10 turn) nomads produced in chichen: production set to shrine
3700 nomad produced in Copan ==> production set to shrine
3660 babroan slaver killed near copan
HUARI has been conquered: a glorious victory for our armies over the inca (purple)!! The empire is extended
2 slinger has survived and a javelin cavalery reinforcement will reinforced
the defense. However a 5 units barbarian units is approching.
The inca seems most dipleased...
3640 the two nomads (in the north and in the south had arrived to their destination:
However, Yannick II died of an infartus when he read a report of the strenght of the Inca...
His successor will have to confirm whether the nomad has to settle
(good strategic location but not many mining ressource)
Summary: His reign has seen the first military victory over a foriegn country.
three nomad has been prduced: two are about to settle.
No trouble has been spotted for the first nomad (in the north)
The second nomad in the south is potentially threathen by a 5 babarian army
The third one is still in
uxmal waiting for 1)the road to be built 2) a cease fire treaty is signed to allow
the settlement of a new city between uxmal and the mongolian city karakorum.
production --when nomad finished- set to shrine in cities.
Three nation out of the 4 discovered are at war against us. However, our civilisation might grow from 5 cities to 8-9 cities.
History records after the death of Yannick II, there was a violent coup that occurred in the city of Chichen. Rising to power was a minor noble who claimed to be a direct descendent of the family of Hextapul. Killing all who had any sort of claim to the throne, the self styled ruler, named Hextan, established his line which ruled Maya for over 400 years. Herein is a record of the First Hextan Dynasty, considered by scholars as one of the great moments in Mayan history.
Hextan I ascends the throne. Immediately, he proceeds to sire over 300 sons, and places them in the hands of loyalists who would ensure that the bloodline of Hextan would remain available for any future need to regain the throne. Seeing the need for increased defense, Hextan I orders that the people need walls rather than temples. 'Temples are a waste of time since the Mayan people have the divine presence of Hextan himself. The creation of walls will make the people feel safer, and thus happier.' So the stones used for the construction of temples in Uxmal and Chichen are bathed with the blood of the former priests of Yannick II, blessed by Hextan, and placed in large piles surrounding the city.
The barbarians outside of the cities merely laugh...
At the same time, construction of a network of roads continues throughout the empire, and becomes a hallmark of the Hextan dynasty.
Copan switches over to production of a Javelin Corps. Speed and vision are everything in this world...
The First Javelin Corps north of Huari is pinned by a large stack of Barbarian raiders. There is little to do but attempt to hide. This proves to be hard, as the plains offer nothing but flat terrain, so the Corps stick their heads in the ground.
The city of Hextapulis is founded, named in honor of the greatest king of the Mayan Empire, and as a means to further strengthen the claims of Hextan I to the line of Hextapul. The city was originally named something else, but history has not recorded this earlier name, as loyalists of Hextan erased all previous records of that earlier name.
A barbarian Slavemaster is sighted west of Chichen. Forces move to intercept...
At the Second Battle of Huari, the foolish First Javelin Corps is slaughtered by the raiders. Hextan I does not vow revenge, because of their stupidity. The barbarian raiders disappear into the wilderness.
A message from the gods, as the earth shakes uncontrollably in Chichen. Hextan I is killed when six of his wives fall on top of him in the royal bed during the tremors. Hextan II takes the throne.
The barbarian Slavemaster is brutally hunted down and killed.
The city of Hextantin is built in remembrance of Hextan I.
The city of Tikal is built, effectively cutting off any peaceful Apolyton expansion plans into Mayan territory. Hextan II is thankful for the longstanding peace treaty between the Apolyton and Mayan people, established by earlier rulers of Maya.
Truly the wisdom of the world resides in the Mayan people...
3520BC to 3500BC
Hextan II dies in his sleep. Hextan III ascends the throne. Several barbarian Slavemasters are picked off, keeping the citizens supplied with blood to paint their houses.
During this time, the cities of Toltec and Tonina are believed to have been established. Toltec has strategic importance because it cuts off the route of peaceful expansionism into Mayan lands by the mongols and the celts.
Tikal breaks out in riots. Somewhat reluctantly, Hextan III orders the establishment of 10,000 singers that serenade the people with the exploits of Hextan III. The people of Tikal react with great joy.
Hextan III sees the need to prevent the formation of large barbarian armies within Mayan land, so he continues the policy of chasing down any single units that are spotted. A barbarian Javelin Cavalry is sighted and mercilessly slaughtered. At the same time Hextan III recalls the recorded event of the Second Battle of Huari and the missing barbarian hordes and begins to quietly prepare for their eventual reappearance.
In a vision right before his death, Hextan III sees the emergence of a great warrior called Hammurabi, and begins preparation to welcome this warrior into the city of Chichen. Hextan IV takes the throne.
A lone mongol warrior is spotted outside of Hextantin. Sensing some easy prey, the First Hextantin Army crushes the warrior, but the true nature of the mong(r)ol plan becomes all to apparent as the First Hextantin Army is immediately led into the arms of a large barbarian horde. It is correctly assumed that this was a cunning plan devised by both the mong(r)ols and the barbarians. In a series of quick battles, the massacre of the First Hextantin Army becomes a black mark in Mayan history. (see pic).
The missing barbarian raiders from the Second Battle of Huari reappear between Chichen and Uxmal. However, due to the foresight of Hextan III, forces are able to be quickly assembled to meet this threat.
3340BC to 3240BC
The records have little to say about this time period, except that the walls of Uxmal are completed, and all cities, except Tonina, are connected with a network of roads. It is recorded that the last king of the First Hextan dynasty, Hextan V, is poisoned by one of his wives, who has ties to the Taylorian family.
Thus ends the record of the First Hextan Dynasty...
Attached Files
Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner
The Taylorian Dynasty suffered an unfortunate interruption, and the Her'mann Dynasty (the Taker Clan) took their piece of the action. I'm sending the game to Locutus now, and I'll post the account tomorrow, but for now here are a couple of pictures as teasers:
Hurray! for the Her'mann Dynasty! And well taken (wipes sweat from brow - at least it wasn't my fault then..... ).
'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.
Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.
The “Taker Dynasty” – A Dark Period in Mayan History?
The following text was found on stones that had once been a wall, toppled face-down and buried under a midden heap of bones, offal, and household garbage. Before the wall was toppled, the inscriptions appear to have been defaced by graffiti and spattered with a residue of fruit and fecal material. It appears that someone wanted to excise this material entirely.
The Saga of Her’mann II, the First Taker King
The Mighty Clan of the Great Ruler, once known as “The Takers of the Blame” (“Her’mann” in the Old Tongue), has become, over time, simply “The Takers.” They are the Masters of the Other Enterprises of the Balaam Warriors: Loan-Sharking, Protection, **** Fighting, and the Oldest Profession. In the chaos that follows the fall of the Hextan Dynasty, the foolish Taylorians fail to meet their financial obligations (blackmail payments), and are revealed red-hearted as the murderers of Hextan V. Two representatives of the Taker Clan (Xguido and Xnunzio) confront the Taylorian elders and make them an offer they can’t refuse. The surviving Taylorians flee into exile.
The eldest Taker assumes the name Her’mann II, and orders the construction of a new temple in honor of the beloved (and safely dead) Hextans. The bodies of the murderers lie under the foundation stones, their blood mixed with the mortar, and thus the temple is Taylor-made.
3240 BC: The city Hextantin lies under the threat of the barbarians who slaughtered their namesake Army. The foe camps on the mountains above the city, taunting the small garrison to come out to their doom. The new Ruler takes up the profligate ways of his Ancestors and rushes the completion of slingers to bolster the garrison. Looking further around his Empire, now called a Syndicate, he sees hardly any (surviving) javelin cavalry, and orders the training of warriors changed to the training of riders.
The eldest priest of Chichen emerges from a drug-induced haze and proclaims that the Vision of Hextan III is in jeopardy! That great Ruler foresaw the coming of a warrior to be called “Ham’murabi,” but the auguries now show that the orgy of growth in Chichen will cause the Warriors of Balam to wait another 500 years (and the city won’t grow for 640). Her’mann II puts a stop to the orgy, and now Ham’murabi is expected in only 320 years.
3220: Under the guidance of Her’mann, the wise men of Balam discover the secret of Pottery. The Taker King orders that only the Royal Clan may control the making and selling of this wondrous product. He proclaims, “Since the stuff breaks so easily, more will always be needed. This is called “job security.” Continuing this commercial theme, Her’mann orders the wise men to pursue the secret of Trade. Caravans sound like another excellent opportunity for the Taker Clan [and also for City State, our current tech goal, as well as Copper, Bronze, and Archery].
Uxmal grows to 50,000 hearts, but nearby a barbarian horde slips to the south to avoid the forces gathered by the late Hextan V. Her’mann orders the standards changed from “Second Hextantin Army” to “Jaguar Enforcers.” New cavalry patrols the Great Southwestern Road between Jaina, Tikal, and Huari. The swift riders can move to any of these cities in less than 20 years! Amazing speed!
3200: Rumors and disquiet trouble the People of Balam. Some cities profess to chafe under the so-called “Chichen Yoke,” and malcontents mutter something about “Crossing the Road.” These malcontents, called “comics,” are swiftly sacrificed, but Her’mann realizes that the Syndicate cannot comfortably control more cities until more effective enforcement mechanisms are in place. He orders migrants back to Chichen (where they become malingerers). Learning that another group of migrants is gathering in Palenque, he orders them to study Religion and Salesmanship so that they can be trained to extort money from other empires via “prophecy.”
The Barbarians withdrawing from the Uxmal area will eventually menace the cities of the Southwest, so the Jaguar Enforcers begin a cunning plan to trap and destroy them.
3180: The jaws of the trap begin to close on the Southwest Horde…but suddenly the horde menacing Hextantin moves east toward Uxmal. The cavalry called “The Eye of Her’mann” (also known as “The Plagerizers”) shadow these barbarians and deny them the use of the Great Western Road. More cavalry is hurried to completion in Uxmal (there goes that gold again). Copan grows to 70,000 hearts, Huari to 40,000, and Hextan to 30,000.
3160: The southwest horde is pinned against the coast; soon they must turn at bay. Hextapul grows to 40,000 hearts, and Toltec to 30,000.
3140: The Eye of Her’mann is put out by a sharp stick in the hands of the West Horde. [Didn’t think they could move AND attack.] The Southwest Horde is cornered on a peninsula, but will we destroy them at the cost of Uxmal? Jaina grows to 70,000.
3120: The cornered barbarians paint their faces half blue and chant their war cry: “Comeandgetussucker!” The mighty Jaguar Enforcers strike, and the barbarians are overwhelmed; the gods are well-sated tonight! Tikal grows to 30,000, and Her’mann orders an end to the orgy of growth (outside the Palace, that is). The People of Balam now number almost 600,000 hearts. The unsavory Mongols reject our cease-fire offer, despite a bribe of 100 gold bars 20 years before.
3100: The cavalry of the Jaguar Enforcers (called the Claws of the Jaguar) is detached to meet the menace of the West Barbs, now moving east from Uxmal toward the, um, heartland.
3080: The empire attains the secret of Trade, and the Taker Clan moves to try to control this racket, too. Meanwhile, the wise men are ordered to plan a more suitable form of government for the empire. [I’d prefer to go for Copper/Bronze or for Chariots, but we’re already over the city limit for Dynasty, with one nomad malingering at home.]
The Prophet of Profit is ready in Palenque and moves to Hextapulis to join our Diplomat. These two become the first voyagers in the First Coracle of the Warriors of Balam (a big name for a small boat).
The West Barbarians climb the peaks east of Uxmal, and the miners flee in terror. The Claws of the Jaguar reinforce the garrison of the city. A barbarian spearband tries to surprise the Eagle Enforcers (the Army of the Southwest), but soon their hearts pulse on the altars of the Southwest. Another spearband lies just beyond.
3060: These barbarians have all the nerve! A troop of javelin cavalry is ambushed by barbarian hoplites at the very gates of Chichen! Our cavalry sells itself dearly, but are overcome by the advanced bronze weaponry of the foe.
3040: The wounded warriors relieve the garrison of Uxmal, whose soldiers—along with the Claws of the Jaguar--join the Jaguar Enforcers as the jaws of a cunning trap. The West Barbarians leave the safety of the mountains for the temptations of the Great Western Road. The Taker Clan’s crack team of the Oldest Profession lure the barbarians to their doom. The Third Battle of Uxmal is brief and one-sided as ten Mayan units exterminate the six barbarian units. No hoplite bronze can withstand Kukulkan and His Wrath.
3020: The Jaguar Enforcers begin to refit in Uxmal as the Claws (now reinforced to five troops of javelin cavalry) move to Chichen to act as a swift central reserve. An Incan bireme suddenly appears off Toltec, alarming the inhabitants who have never seen so advanced a craft.
3000: The filthy Incans have pillaged the Toltec Beach, dumping oil and a substance called “medical waste” and then looting the lifeguard stands. Will these fiends stop at nothing??
The Long-Winded Coracle comes in sight of the Celtic coast, and many strange and wondrous sights meet the eyes of the crew. All along the coast the waters are filled with bobbing bladders (a disgusting thought) with meshes of string impeding the local fish. What purpose could these string things have? More wondrous still, a gigantic white sphere lies on the shallow seabed. Celtic fishermen (before their hearts are removed) call the former “nets” and the latter a “pearl.”
2985: The Balam People of the Wind have created a Wonder for the Ages, a Wonder of the World! The Code of Ham’murabi brings new order to the empire. The foremost architect of these new laws is promoted to war leader and placed in command of the Claws of the Jaguar. The Long-Winded Coracle makes landfall near a city named Cork (no wonder those bladders were bobbing), and the Prophet of Profit goes ashore. Since the Celts already hate us, the Diplomat stays onboard.
2970: The Prophet sells indulgences in Cork, then takes the road west past a Celtic hoplite and finds a strong Celtic force of slingers led by strange wheeled contrivances drawn by horses and bearing warriors with javelins. The Coracle moves on to discover a town called Rhymney. A strange clanging echoes across the town, but no one can quite agree what the sound is like. In the south, a road is laid out through the Tonina Pass.
Her’mann II thinks that this upstart Ham’murabi is a danger to the Syndicate, and orders a hit on the rival leader. Unfortunately Xguido and Xnunzio are now in the pay of Ham’murabi, and Her’mann soon sees his own heart beating on the Altar of Chichen. The Takers have always been a heartless bunch, but this is too much…
I enjoy your stories as much as you !!
(And i have no problem with changing the tech goal)
'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.
Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.
Originally posted by child of Thor I enjoy your stories as much as you !!
(And i have no problem with changing the tech goal)
I'm glad you do; it's the real fun of a succession game. BTW, I have superb timing, having sent *both* succession games to Locutus just before he left on vacation (one day apart). In the likely event that he didn't get to them, I guess I should send the savegame to you. If you don't hear otherwise from our fearless leader, go ahead and play.
Yes i've got it ok, sorry for the delay- i'll play tonight and pass the file on to yservel asap, life loves to get in the way
'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.
Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.
The winds kept howling into CoT's cave, and with it fine flakes of snow cart-wheeled a spiral dance into all but the farthest recesses of his ancient home.
He sat at the back, where the snow didn't quite reach his feet, stareing with his unfocused gaze at the bright opening that roared at him.......he had long since given up asking why he had chosen this place in the vast mountains to the south of Copan.
Something suitable about a demigod living in vast mountains or some such.
Still he was begining to feel as cold as his enviroment, when a shadow apparition appeared before him, a stange pale figure with one eye covered by some contraption and a bald smooth head.The figure spoke,
"CoT I am the spirit of Locutus, also an eternal ruler of our people.I have a problem called reloslic which means i can't rule my people at this time - you will have to travel to Dagoba, er i mean you will have to rule them instead", and with that the spirit vanished.
Time to get out and look around, it had been a good few hundred years since his last wander.He headed out into the storm neither feeling cold nor rasping wind.
Two hours later he was enjoying fine wine and and feeling much better.
2955bc Set Goal to Dictatorship.200 gold given to Apolyton's(to get faster servers!), Spearmen and slingers sent from Uxmal to Hextantin in our lonely(and vunerable) NW outpost. Road between Uxmal+Toltec in the north started.
Where the Chipi have our city defense units got to?! Apart from our Jaguar army and Uxmal's super garrison we have 2/3rds of our cities with 2 defenders or less!! Are we suffering from desertion? All the more reason for a harsh Dictatorship CoT decides.
Walls are added to most build queues in our exposed cities, and some units to defend our nation. To fund this neccesary work trade caravans are assembled in most cities - we need to get some gold flowing!
2940bc Our Profit in the north discovers a city called Kells and swindles it out of a few gold for a puff of smoke and the tinkle of some bells.
Warriors built in Jaina. I give our maps to Apolyton, hopeing that this will help them feel less trapped by our own cities.
2925bc Crazy Celts dig up our road to Hextantin right outside the gates of Uxmal!Are they mad?
Profit converts Kells to the worship of our Gods and moves on to discover Cardiff(lucky guy! ).
Spearmen created in Toltec, slinger in Copan+Tikal,Javalin cavelry completed in Hextapulis.
Jaguar enforcers moved to Uxmal to sort out the unruly Celts.
2910bc Profit converts Cardiff with a clever trick involveing an oval shaped inflated sheeps bladder.
Jaguar enforcers setout to slap-down the unruly pebble pinching Celts.
Mongols spotted near Hextapulis!A large army of six thousand make our three thousand begin to sweat.
2 javalin cavelry dispatched from Tonia towards the northwest.
2895bc Jaguars attack the Celts. All their showing off in those cart things drawn by horses helped them not one whisker, all four thousand celtic scalps are taken with just a few black eyes for our warriors!
Slaver malingering in Uxmal is sent out to haras the Mongols to the west.
Slaver unit created in Huari, Spearmen in Jaina.
2880bc CoT feels generous to our Apolyton brothers and sends then a gift of 300 gold.
After our conversion of Cardiff to the true faith, the Celts get wise to our Profits future attempts and both Kells and Cardiff revert back to their old religion, Profit decides to attempt no more conversions and feels more at home with his card and parlour tricks anyway.
2865bc CoT decides to enact the recently researched City State, contuary to advice from his advisors, he discovers that it can support more cities than we currently have. Apon further study of the records it appears the previous rulers of the Her'mann dynasty tried to sabotage our empire for future rulers!(maybe to make their rule look more glorious?). CoT sacrifices the guilty advisors for their part in the plot.
Scientist study Copper smelting.
Profit discovers Caernarfon and in a classic 'balls-up' of a simple magic trick he accidently converts the cities population!
2850bc Jaguar enforcers patrol the front keeping and eye out for troublesome Celts and pesky Mongols.
After Caernafon's accidental conversion the city goes into revolt, and our Profit beats a hasty retreat.
2835bc Jaguars move to Hextantin to repulse a Mongol incursion of six thousand soilders.
2805bc Mongol army dissappears into the woods at the site of our magnificent Jaguar cavalry, and the people of Hextantin greet them as true heroes.
Back in Copan CoT summons his new advisors together and lays down a few laws to be followed throughout the Mayan empire.
Commerce and Trade should be undertaken where ever viable.
A minimum garison of four thousand defenders should be built in each city.
Diplomacy should be pursued with any receptive civilisation.
A long term strategy of looking towards taking over the Mongol and Celtic empires should be adhered too. We will then have a large Island empire with only one land border with the Aploytons our good neighbours.So expansion through settlers may not be the best way to 'grow'.
To that end science should be directed to military matters so we can start this process of conquest and a glorious golden age for our people.
The advisors nod nervously, that mad glint in CoT's eyes as he looks at the map, the avaricious gleem of his grin; they know now is no time to argue!
2790bc Spearmen formed in Tikal. 200 gold given to Aployton's.
2760bc Profit moves around Celtic empire with his card trick and rabbit-out-of-habbit show.
2730bc Jaguars defeat a surprise Celtic attack near Hextantin and our first slaves are taken- Ham'murabi parades them through the cities streets!
Trade is conducted with the Apolyton's - DanQ pays us 47gold for our tabacco(after we get him to sign a non-causality agreement).
2715bc Barbarians appear near Jaina, take one look at our magnificent city and run away!Hah - they have not shown their ugly faces for many a century, and now they look a poor match for our superior soilders!
2700bc A warrior unit is sent to chase the barbarian slingers.
Chichen revolts! Our biggest city and our production hub falls into unrest. CoT suspects underground activity by the Incans, they have been too quiet recently.A minstrel called Jason Donovan is sent in to entertain the disgruntled people( )
2685bc Copper smelting is working! research now taken into water-lifts as it is quick to finish!
Bireme built in Jaina and set to patrol the sea just outside the city.A Prophet is put into training - time to convert those misguided Incans to the true Gods(or bleed them dry!).
2670bc Byzantine civilisation discovered by our boat bound diplomat to the north of the Celtic empire. He makes good his shore leave and instead of contracting a local disease, makes a contract of embassy. Also a no-trespasing agreement is made by our side. 100 gold given in friendship to this new neighbour.They appear to hold no grudge against our nation - maybe good allies for the future?
2655bc poor barbarian slingers near Jaina are caught and their flayed bodies adorn the cities gates - we don't want a re-emergence of the barbarian raiders of the old kingdom.
In a turn-around the Celts request a cease-fire, CoT knowing the nature of the Celts agrees to the cease-fire. It will give us time to concentrate on the weaker Mongols and the Celts will soon enough break their treaty - hopefully when we have finished with the Mongols.
2640bc Maps offered to Byzantine empire. Water-lifts design now works well and Archery is undertaken by our wise men.
2625bc Profits from Celtic lands continue to trickle into our coffers.
2610bc In a calculated decision the malingering settlers of Chichen found a city to CoT's honour.He sites the city between Uxmal in the north and Huari in the south, to better link our kingdom and provide him with a better permanent home than his cave in the mountains! roads are built north and south to conect this hitherto murky region.
2595bc Cotz, as the new city is called, is taken residence of and before he hands over the sacred knife of sacrifice to the future ruler of the Maya, CoT in a final show of magnamity gifts 200 gold to the Byzantine empire.
Comfortable in his new surroundings, CoT takes up learning to play a wide vareity of musical instruments; and coupled with his ability to hurl lightning bolts about, makes a brave and mostly successful party for his new city.
'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.
Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.
To allow the succession game to go on, I post a short transcript of my reign plus 3 pictures:
Back in 3640 Hextan I savagely slaughtered The priests of Yannick II. However, a few survived and wowed revenge: : "This outrage shall not remain unpunished!". They created a secret organisation: "The heart of Yannick"
Hower, they faced more than a millenium of persecutions and blasphemies.
But in 2580, Yannick III, a priest of direct descent of Yannick II knew the time had come to avenge past desacrations.
Most displeased with the unreligious tone of CoT's musics, he decided to ovethraw the actual leader CoT. CoT begged for his life:"please, I shall produce whatever musics you like to animate your religious ceremonies".
In His generosity, Yannick III granted his request: "You will be indeed most useful to bring joy to ceremonies in my names".
Consequently, CoT's skin was used as drums for "His Holy Percussionist", his intestines were used to invent a new instrument: "The Celtic Harp" and his heart was used as a metronomist to rythm religious musics.
Yannick III never wastes useful talents...
The populace shows their happiness by enterprising the buiding of a huge temple: "The Salomon Temple" in Chichen.
He decides the total annihilation of Hextan bloodline. Yannick III decide to start a collection of the eyes of the people from Hextan's bloodlined. 6734 Eyes were collected from the sacrifice of 6735 mens: An innocent has probably been killed in addition to those Hextan's loyalists. For the only time of His life, Yannick III swore:"Holly S..". The two CoT eyes were mixedamong the collection of the Hextan's eyes!!
Hextan's hearts were exposed to public's eyes as a warning to prevent basphemies. The Gods are happy,
His reign may begin:
2550 slave raid in Rhondda
Cardiif converted
2520 Kells converted
Slave master capture near Cork
2505 slavemaster captured in Bokhora
Barbarian killed near Uxmal
2490 Rebellion in Palenque.
+1 entertainer
2475 The incan attack Talec with a 5 fleet army. They are soundly destroyed.
Carmathen converted
prophet built in Jaina
2460 Caernaphon converted
11 unit leaves Uxmal to conquer Rhondda
Rebellion in Uxmal: +1 entertainer.
2430 Archery discovered!
Research set to sail.
2415 Kabna labhna founded
2400 Pucara converted
Priest land in Inca's island.
Army attack Rondda: DAMM THEM, RETREAT RETREAT!!
A warror bravely sacrifice itself to cover the retreat
2375 Sails discovered--> Research set to Drama
Kush's civilisation build the valley of the kings in Mersoe
Cupsinic converted
2340 Priests captured both on celtic and inca's terrotory...: "I find their lack of faith most disturbing..."
2310 Salomon temple built! A huge ceremony is organis. Celebrations lasted days and days. At the end of the celebrations, Yannick III decided to go to his private room contemplate his collection of eyes. Yannick III seemed satisfyed when... Suddently a religious guard heared agonising shouts from His leader: "THE EYES ARE MOOOVVVVVVVVVVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNN NNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG GGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
summary: Salomon temple wonder built many 4 cetic and 2 inca cities converted. All our priests and slavers
captured. Kabah labna founded