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Succession Game VI: The Balam Warriors of the Wind

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  • Succession Game VI: The Balam Warriors of the Wind

    The 6th succession game has begun! I don't have time right now but I'll post the first summary shortly.

    Edit: the website for this game can be found here.
    Last edited by Locutus; April 20, 2002, 18:47.
    Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery

  • #2
    BUMP or something????????
    'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

    Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


    • #3
      Sorry it took so long guys, I had problems with my Internet connection all weekend so I couldn't post this earlier I hope it was worth the wait...

      I haven't had time to make a website yet, I'll do that later this week. To give you a chance to see a picture of the game anyway, I attached one.


      A long time ago (actually it was 9002 years ago, in 7000 BC), in a country far away (actually, it was in Mexico), a band of wandering Nomads, who called themselves Mayas, was traveling through a great desert. They came from far north and had been on a journey for many moons; they were looking for a suitable place to settle and start a new existance. They had traversed vast lands, crossed steep mountains, fought famine and defeated savage barbarians in the search from a sign from their god, Kukulcan - god of wind and thunder - to indicate that they had reached their new home.
      One night, Kukulcan appeared in the dream of one of the priests of these Nomads, Locutus, and told him to head east, into the hills and to abandon the river near which they were camping. The next day Locutus told the whole tribe about his dream and a long discussion between the men of the tribe followed: was it really wise to leave the rich banks of the river and head further into the destert? Was Locutus really visited by their god or had the hot desert sun been too much for him?
      Eventually it was decided to head into the hills after all, and so they went. As they entered the hills a storm broke out and they needed to cover. The only place suitable for this was an odd formation of rocks (a ruin) in the distance, so they fled there. However, some fierce savages already occupied these ruins and in the middle of a storm, the Mayas found themselves fighting these savages. The Maya warriors, dressed in Jaguar (= Balam in Maya) pelts, were experienced warriors and soon drove the most aggressive savages away. The others, in the form of a regiment of sepa were so impressed by the determination and skill of the Mayas and requested if they could serve these mighty warriors, so much were they in awe by these mighty warriors who worshipped the god of the wind and had this god as an ally in combat. They Mayas granted their request and the savages, a regiment of Spearmen, gave their new rulers the honourable nickname 'Warriors of the Wind'.

      The new Maya Spearman regiment immediately left for a reconnaissance mission, to find signs of Kukulcan, and in 6980 BC entered another ruin, where they found their old comrades who had fled in the brief battle with the Maya Nomads and convinced them to join the Mayas as well. While the Nomads moved back towards the fertile banks of the river, the Spearmen headed west and south for further reconnaissance.

      In 6840 BC, the Nomads were camping on the banks of the river, near the coast of a great water and near large fields of wheat, when Locutus had another dream. He was an eagle land on a cactus and eating a snake. At first, he didn't think much of it but the next morning, as he was preparing the sacrifice of a captured barbarian to Kukulcan, he saw an eagle land on a cactus and eating a snake. Surely, this was the sign they had been looking for! The Mayas were over the moon and immediately founded their first permanent settlement, they called it Copan. They built an altar for human sacrifice and, in honor of Kukulcan, many captured barbarians were sacrificed - and there was much rejoicing.

      They also and immediately began gathering men to form a third regiment of Spearman to further explore the lands around their new home. And Locutus, chosen as the leader of the Mayas, ordered his priests to start researching a way to make the transportation of commodities to and within the city easier, using a concept the priests called a 'wheel'.

      In 6920 BC, one of the Spearman regiments entered yet more ruins, this time to find nothing.

      6840 BC: A rumour reached Locutus: some far-away tribe, the Incas, had apparently started to construct a large structure called 'Stonehenge'.

      6820 BC: Another rumour reached the Maya city: the Byzantines had also started to build Stonehenge.

      In 6800 BC the first regiment of Spearman is completed and sent out on a reconnaissance mission. Meanwhile, the people of Copan start to gather to form another band of Nomads which would have to found a second city.

      6620 BC: Reports of yet another ruin, not far from Copan, reach Locutus. This excites the (now very old) man so much that he dies of a hart attack.

      [Author's note: the true history buffs will have noticed that I mixed in elements of both Mayan *and* Aztec history/mythology in this story. This is deliberate, call it poetic license]
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      Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


      • #4
        After the death of their honoured first leader Locutus,the people of Copán turned to the sea and their Creator Grandparents, Xpiyacoc and Xmucane, they were wise and respected amongst all the Gods.
        “Help us honoured Creators of all life”, they beseeched,
        “Send us a guide in these troubled times, so we may continue to prosper and grow.”
        The Old Ones heard the pleas of their people, and disturbed from their slumber they arose from the bottom of the sea to consult with the Sky God Juraqan, the Heart of the Sky. He didn’t share their concerns for the people of Copan,
        “My children Ch’ipi and Raxa are too busy to waste time watching over these humans, besides they do not send me offerings – look they don’t even have a temple! What do they expect of me when they scorn me with their indifference!”.
        The Wise Grandparents shook their heads sadly,
        “Heart of the Sky, you do not surprise us with your anger, still if you would only take a look at our people you would see that they have much potential, and like a small child will remember any kindness you show them.”
        Before Juraqan could answer, his Son Ch’ipi interrupted with a clash of Thunder.
        “Father, Creator Grandparents are wise and we should do as they suggest, let me travel down to Copan and I will give child to one of the women. Her son will be chosen as their leader and will ensure you shall never be forsaken again.”
        Heart of the Sky liked what his Son had said and agreed to send him. The Creator Grandparents praised Heart of the Sky for his wisdom and returned to the sea, happy that they had resolved their people’s problem.
        Ch’ipi travelled as a bolt of lightening to the outskirts of Copan and visited the first woman he saw. Instantly she was with child and he told her what she must do.
        The women ran to tell the people of Copan what had befallen her, and upon finishing her tale her child came into the world with a rumble of thunder.
        “He shall be named after this storm and his Father,” she proclaimed,
        “I name him child of Thor(Thor being their word for thunderstorm), and he will lead us and we shall gain the blessings of the Gods of the Sky.”
        The People of Copan cheered and held a crowning feast to celebrate this special day, and gave thanks to The Sky for this gift.
        Heart of the Sky and his children looked down on the people of Copan and their new leader child of Thor, and it was good.

        6620 BC child of Thor(or CoT as he became known to his people), looked around the kingdom of the Mayan’s he had inherited and decided his people needed to work harder, so he increased their food share to help fuel this extra effort. He also cancelled all public works and put the extra hands this freed up in helping to equip the settlers that were being created in Copan. He advised the wise men to work towards a Dynasty to ensure their future and increase their efficiency, but left them working on an object called ‘Wheel’. CoT sends message to his spearmen that they are to explore and map as much territory as they can.

        6600 BC Spearmen just to the north of Copan enter some ruins near the coast, it appears to be a deserted town and they find 411 gold coins which they take, even if some of them feel it might bring bad luck.
        Another troop of spearmen following the coast on the north east border of the kingdom, come upon a harsh desert but decide to cross it and follow their orders to map out and explore the Mayan peoples surroundings.
        Spearmen in the south east of the kingdom spend months hacking through prime jungle just to find more jungle waiting for them. They swear the leaches are getting bigger and offer a silent prayer to the Sky God to strike down the mosquitoes that are plaguing them.

        6580 BC The jungle finally gives way and in the distance is the tantalising site of fallen pillars of man-made structures. Rubbing their sore limbs they head towards this mosquito free place.

        6560 BC The ruins are empty, strange carvings adorn the black rocks but give no clue as to who or where these people are or what may have befell them. The spearmen leave this sad place and head south west, feeling a strange wonder at how frail their individual lives are compared to those ageless rock carvings.

        6540 BC Back home in Copan a population boom adds a further 10,000 people to the village. People mutter that CoT is holding too many late night parties and that he should know better, being half a God himself. He defends himself saying that his Father is a Sky God after all and everyone knows what they are like, besides they didn’t have the pressures of trying to prepare a colony of settlers, and who were they to question him? Did they want him to call the Sky down onto their heads? The village council wisely decide to concede the point and Friday is appointed late night party night from that point forward.

        6520 BC Still somewhat slightly demoralised after their non-encounter at the black ruins, the spearmen now to the south of Copan, come upon the shores of a new sea. After a few complaints that he over rules, the captain of the troop names this new sea the Dead Sea, after those lost people from the ruins. As he leads his men west along the coast he wistfully thinks of home and his beautiful fiancé waiting for him to return.

        6480 BC Travelling minstrels bring news that Apolyton I has started construction of a wondrous thing called ‘StonedHenge’. After watching and listening to the minstrel’s ballad, CoT still feels non the wiser.

        6460 BC More of CoT’s friends grow old and die, such is the lot of mortal man. The next forty years is spent trying to find out what the ‘StonedHenge’ is, that the civilisation of Apolyton is building. Despite their best efforts, our wise men can offer no explanation. My godlike powers seem to be limited to longevity and the ability to summon storms. The Gods don’t answer my calls and the fact that something is going on somewhere, but not knowing exactly what is very annoying(There is a rumble of Thunder and dark clouds gather over Copan). For centuries now reinforcements travel across our lands to replenish our scouts and keep the effort going.

        6400 BC Spearmen in SW see ruins and decide to explore. Spearmen in NE discover a new resource on the coast and call it ‘Dye’ after the soldier who fell into it.

        6380 BC Spearmen in the SW explore the ruins all day and decide to spend the night. Their leader suffers from a strange dream and wakes the next day with the knowledge of Agriculture, a messenger is sent to report to the Capital.

        6360 BC Spearmen in the SE enter ruins and find 498 gold in treasure.

        6340 BC A wandering madman tells of a Ghengis Khan building the mysterious ‘Stonedhenge’. Spearmen in the NE find a band of mercenaries lost in a forest, they ask to join the Empire. They are sent back to Copan to bolster the town’s defence.

        6320 BC Copan sends out Settlers to found a new village. CoT orders the building of a Ziggurat, secretly he hopes it might please the Gods.

        6280 BC Spearmen in the East walk into an ambush set by barbarians wielding a strange a cowardly ranged weapon. The barbarians flee before our mighty warriors. The village of Chichen is founded near the lake of Fish, and a warrior unit is put into training.

        6220 BC Heading back to Copan, the mercenary army sees a band of barbarians and attacks. They win the battle but receive heavy losses, and decide to head back to the city as quickly as they can.
        Back in Copan CoT faces the council of Elders again, this time they ask for proof of his Godly patronage. They say they fear he might be a demon from the underworld and unless he can prove direct contact to the honoured Grandparents he will have to leave Copan. CoT flies into a rage and burns one of the elders to a crisp with a bolt of Lightning. He tries in vain to get his Father to come to his aid, all to no avail. He leaves Copan in shame, vowing to return and retake his position when they are more worthy. Huge storms lash the Kingdom for three nights and days, the people wonder if they made the right choice after all and shudder at the prophecy CoT uttered on his departure.
        'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

        Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


        • #5
          Ch’ipi travelled as a bolt of lightening to the outskirts of Copan and visited the first woman he saw. Instantly she was with child and he told her what she must do. The women ran to tell the people of Copan what had befallen her, and upon finishing her tale her child came into the world with a rumble of thunder.
          “He shall be named after this storm and his Father,” she proclaimed,
          “I name him child of Thor(Thor being their word for thunderstorm), and he will lead us and we shall gain the blessings of the Gods of the Sky.”
          My guess is that his mother was Thor after that lightning pregnancy.

          Curse? What curse?
          "...your Caravel has killed a Spanish Man-o-War."


          • #6
            Hi sorry for the delay, I will improved the story later but here is what happenns

            6200 I decided to change the production of my towns. I changed the production from ziggourat to nomads on both town:

            The time has come for expansion not for litterature for f***sake!!!!

            around 6100 Copan produces nomad: I rushed it a liitle bit. I spent the 1200 gold

            6080-6000 Alarm!!!!!!!!!!! Barbarians!!! tons of barbarians!!!!!! an army of 4 slingers has been detected + various group of barbarian dtected by
            exploration units...WHO said it was quite???? prduction set to spearman on Copan.

            6020 Hit and run tatics, I lead a group of spearman to take some barbarians heads. I decided to put head on huge pikes at the entrances of the two
            cities... BLOOD WILL BE SHED!!

            6000 chichen produces nomad, the estern army has been cowardly ambushed by barbarians... The other northen/eastern exploration unit is coming back
            to defend the city but they seems to be wary of attacking my cities...for some reasons...

            5880 terrible plague! copan reduced by 1--->Why??

            5860 A GLORIOUS VICTORY for the south army....More heads taken...

            5840 Discovery of writing... It reminded me that I should have opened my notepad to describe the events of my reigns...
            However, altough though our people already found a god: (ME!!), they feel the need to find a proper way to worship me (now Him)
            and therefore seeked His advice on that matter... He replied: "taking babarians heads is good but not enough, you also need to
            take their heart to feed the Sun and Himself and then, you will be worthy enough to worship Him: It will take around 16 generations of 20 years. He shall call it "Religion"...

            5820 He needs more bloods for f***sacke...He is most dipleased: as a result a terrible plague reduced copan by 1...

            5800 He made one with the Sun. As an ultime command, He ordered His people to explore the western land and to behead and beheart more barbarians and then to expend expend expend...

            Here is it enjoy and...good luck...

            Kind regards Yannick

            I am going to send some pictures as well
            Last edited by yservel; April 12, 2002, 16:32.


            • #7
              I will improve the story later...


              • #8
                Where are we and who currently has the game?


                • #9
                  Agusta should have the game now, but I haven't heard from him in a while. I've been very busy lately so until now I didn't have time to keep this (or the other) game rolling but I'll start working on it tonight. Yservel, if you read this, could you email the game to hexagonian? If Agusta doesn't give some sort of response really, really soon he'll have to skip his first turn.
                  Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                  • #10
                    I still owe y'all this: a pic of CoT's game...
                    Attached Files
                    Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                    • #11
                      ...and one of yservel's.
                      Attached Files
                      Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                      • #12
                        Thanks Locutus!
                        Hmm.... for future ref if i want to add the pic at the time of posting is it with the 'IMG' button(as i look at it from this reply panal) and if it is what text would i use in the pop-up box, say if my pic was called 'civ.jpg1' for example? The 'http' it offers perplex's me Do i need to put it on a web-site first?And if so which is the best way of doing that(is there a place poly provides?).Save you the hassel next time(things are getting too busy around here ). Thanks again.

                        EDIT: read the FAQ on this, so is there a poly site i can use for the hyperlink? or shall we just send them to you?
                        Last edited by child of Thor; April 17, 2002, 07:57.
                        'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

                        Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


                        • #13
                          The IMG thingie is only useful if you have the file on a webiste. To post 'from your harddisk', use the 'attach file' option at the bottom of the reply screen (just above the 'Submit reply' button). Press the 'Browse...' button to find the file on your HDD.

                          Edit: once the website is up, all pics should probably go there anyway...
                          Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                          • #14
                            In the year 2000, archeologists located a large stone in the city of Copan. Dating placed the stone at about the late 6th millenium BC. The stone was plain, except for a singular mark in the center which had the appearance of an all-seeing eye.

                            Over the last two years, the archeologists were able to translate the meaning of the unusual marking, Below is the translation.

                            ''Legends told of the creators of this world - of Wombat-tapul, the god of heroes, Trigg-tapul, the god of progress, Martin-tapul, the god of commerce, Blue-tapul, the god of war, Locu-tapul, the god of thought, Dale-tapul, the god of discourse, Wes-tapul, the god of tradition, and many others. Over all was the all-seeing Eye, Hextapul - He who laid the rules of nature and the foundation of this world. It was rumored that the Eye would appear from time to time to guide His people, and would carry the mark of a red eye with a six-sided pupil. With the passing of Yannick I, such a man appeared at the courts of Copan, and was immediately placed upon the throne. Here is the record of His reign.''

                            A cryptic message appeared in the skies warning that the world would be flooded. The Eye said it was a trick to fool the weak-minded.
                            The army of the East, renamed the Right Eye of Hex, blunders into a large stack of slingers. They manage to bluff their way into the wilderness, as they continue to head southward.

                            The army of the West, renamed the Left Eye of Hex, is pursued by a stack of three spearman northward.

                            With the completion of a warrior in Chichen, the Eye sees the potential to create a vast army from that city, so the sole purpose of Chichen becomes a training ground for the bloody art of war.

                            The city of Jaina is built - The Eye searches in vain for a way to change the name of the city to Hextapul, but even He who sees all seems to have a limit as to what He can do. A farmer is put to work, as the land is mountainous. A spearman is built to save the maintenance costs that would accrue over time. The Eye is cheap...

                            A hapless Warrior army from Copan stumbles into a stack of 5 Barbarian slingers as it was marching toward Chichen. Attempting the same trick as the Right Eye of Hextapul, the Warrior army is destroyed. It seems that the Barbarians are not as stupid as they were before. The Eye couldn't see the danger, as He was occupied with some of the women in the palace.

                            The Right Eye of Hex is stymied attempting to move westward by a stack of two Barbarian Spearmen. A long game of cat-and-mouse ensues for the next 240 years.

                            Uxmal completes a Spearman - in an effort to move it to the West, it comes into contact with a celt Slaver army fortified outside the city. It is assumed that the Slaver was biding its time until the people of Uxmal grew numerous enough so that the Slaver could leech off the population like a blood-sucking tick. The Eye asks the celts to withdraw the Slaver. He was met with the return of the emmissary's head. Having no other choice, the Slaver's army still-beating hearts were ripped from their chests. War is declared by the celts. The Eye saw that declaration coming...

                            A means to more effectively worship the Eye was discovered by the installation of loyal men who would set up a set of rules for sacrifice and traditional ceremonies to define the meaning of worship. There is some grumbling, but the grumblers become the first sacrifices. The grumbling ceases. To further cement His hold on the people, The Eye decides to use His powers to procreate more offspring, in the hope that someday, He could pass the throne to someone of divine blood.

                            More cryptic messages - more laughter from the palace.

                            5560BC - 5440BC
                            All quiet, except for the constant jangle of Barbarian armies as they move like ghosts around the Mayan cities. Uxmal has seen up to 7 Barbarian units stacked up. There is little to do but gamble and pray (now that we have Religion).

                            Contact with a strange people called in-cans, who have sailed next to the Unnamed Army of the South, led by the Eye himself. The Eye feels generous and gives the in-cans 100 marks of gold. The in-cans do not seemed pleases by His generosity. Nevertheless, it is hoped that in the next 20 years, a fair exchange of world knowledge can be arranged.
                            The army then enters into the ruins of a strange ancient race of people. Temporary blinded by the darkness, The Eye stumbles into a pit and is crushed by 256 marks of gold.

                            It is later discovered that the redness seen in the eye of The Eye was caused by chronic drunkeness.

                            ''Here ends the recorded history of Hextapul I, also called The Eye.''

                            Pic will be added later...
                            Last edited by hexagonian; April 19, 2002, 07:11.
                            Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                            • #15
                              ...and here is is.
                              Attached Files
                              Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner

