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Succession Game VI: The Balam Warriors of the Wind

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  • #16
    Nicely done, Hex.

    "...your Caravel has killed a Spanish Man-o-War."


    • #17
      Originally posted by hexagonian
      ''Legends told of the creators of this world - of Wombat-tapul, the god of heroes, Trigg-tapul, the god of progress, Martin-tapul, the god of commerce, Blue-tapul, the god of war, Locu-tapul, the god of thought, Dale-tapul, the god of discourse, Wes-tapul, the god of tradition, and many others.

      The city of Jaina is built - The Eye searches in vain for a way to change the name of the city to Hextapul, but even He who sees all seems to have a limit as to what He can do.
      right-click (on city) -> rename city
      Last edited by Immortal Wombat; April 19, 2002, 14:13.
      Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
      "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


      • #18
        Finally it's there, the website is online! It's here.
        Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


        • #19
          Succession Game - Taylorian Dynasty I

          5380 BC (1)

          It is good to be King. It would be better without so many barbarians
          camped outside our cities. Three Spearmen were ordered to join the ranks
          of the defenders of Uxmal, but the city fell to the barbarian horde before
          they could mount the ramparts. Troops are dispatched to remove the
          barbarians outside the capital, as they are making the ladies of the court
          nervous. They scurry away even as a new barbarian horde of 5 units
          appears outside of Chichen. Exploration of the western and southern
          peninsulas continues with little to report.

          5360 BC (2)

          The Army is recalled from Copan to deal with the threat to Chichen. Uxmal
          will be avenged, but not today. The Western scouts report they got some
          beaver. Perhaps they have been in the field too long?

          5340 BC (3)

          The Barbarian stack outside of Chichen disappears to the south after
          splitting off a two stack to intercept our returning eastern scout, who
          evades to the north. It is a clever ruse, but a scout dispatched outside
          the city (and quickly hurrying back in) reports two more barbs joined the
          stack to the south. A lone barbarian appears outside of Copan and is
          quickly dispatched. There are reports of war between the Mongols and
          Celts, wherever they might be.

          5320 (4)

          Damnation! Our evading scout was ambushed by a previously unseen two
          stack. The neighborhood just is not safe anymore!

          5300 (5)

          The garrison of Chichen sortied to dispatch a loan barbarian. One warrior
          displayed exceptional valor and was decorated. Our northwestern scout was
          spotted by a barbarian two stack. We anticipate his loss.

          5280 (6)

          The scout evaded to the west. We hope he is not pinned by a second force.

          5260 (7)

          A barbarian 2 stack appeared to the east of Chichen. Our force returning
          from Copan engaged and destroyed them, but one of our brave warriors fell
          to the deadly combination of spearman and slinger. We must learn this

          Public works spending increased to 30%. This will slow recruiting, but a
          road network will allow better deployment of our forces.

          5240 (8)

          The Southern scout has met the Apolyton people. We hope to make some tech
          trades. The Taylorian dynasty, the first amongst our people, is
          established. Work begins on capturing and training those fast four legged
          things running around and eating the crops.

          5220 (9)

          A barbarian six stack appears near Chichen then fades away as our scout
          retires. The army in Chichen is now 9 strong.

          We have encountered the Mongolians.

          A Diplomat has been ordered to better handle our relations with foreign

          5200 (10)

          The garrison of Chichen Sortied to eliminate a Barbarian scout. It was a
          trick, there are 7 more of them behind the ridge. We will stand firm and
          withdraw after the anticipated battle.

          5180 (11)

          The barbarians had no stomach for an even fight. The citizens of Jaina
          have been too long without contact and have begun to riot. We have
          ordered some entertainment to calm them down.

          5160 (12)

          A time of resting. The road between Chichen and Copan is much appreciated
          by the colonists from Copan who first move to Chichen looking for an

          5140 (13)

          The Barbarians return to Chichen. We are loath to engage them absent
          slingers of our own.

          5120 (14)

          We watch and wait.

          5100 (15)

          It's quiet, too quiet ?

          5080 (16)

          The Barbarians are on the road. We will engage before they can destroy
          our hard work. Losses will be heavy we fear.

          Praise be to our glorious army. Eight went forth against the barbarians,
          five survived the battle in which all the barbarians were destroyed. A
          triumph is ordered for their return.

          5060 (17)

          Barbarians breed like flies. A loan slinger appears from the east and is
          dispatched, delaying the return of some of our brave lads.

          5040 (18)

          Another barbarian slinger is across the road. A spearman from Copan
          eliminates him with ease. A new civilization, the Celts perhaps, is
          sighted to our northwest.

          5020 (19)

          A foreign warrior appears outside of Chichen. Our wise men think they
          understand how the slingers work and begin testing their theories.

          5000 (20)

          A scout is dispatched to the unsurveyed lands near Chichen. The warrior
          disappears without a word.


          • #20
            Website has been updated with Matthew's story (no pic). Hermann has already played his turn and was waiting for Matthew before writing his story, he should be posting soon. I will start playing my turn in about 3 seconds
            Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


            • #21
              The Tay’lorian Dynasty weathered the storm of barbarians, but now the Balam People marvel and tremble as a great lightning storm is answered by a storm of fire from the sacred peaks across the Lake of Fishes west of Chichen. The people cry out with questions: “Is it the return of Child of Thor? Is it Kukulcan? Is it Ch’ipi?” The priests gather to reveal the meaning of this fearsome spectacle.

              The priests proclaim that the lightning has cracked open a portal into the underworld, just as it did to allow the world to emerge. They proclaim that this new world requires a new leader, and the sacrifice of the remaining Tay-lors. They who have overstayed their time object to this interpretation, but their hearts are taken from them and all objections cease. A new leader is sought among the nobles, but the nobles observe that the life expectancy of the Kings is less than ideal…and thus the slowest among them is chosen and named Taker of the Blame, or Herm’ann in village dialect.

              Thus begins the Second Dynasty of the People of the Wind.


              Herm’ann calls on the nobles of the land to report the progress of Balam. They emerge from hiding and show Herm’ann many things. A group of Nomads has been carousing in Chichen for almost 200 years, ostensibly waiting for military escort into the barbarian wilderlands.

              Yet another group of Nomads is almost ready to march in distant Jaina, and Herm’ann is appalled to learn that the city has but one regiment of militia spearmen to defend it. The city awaits easy capture, just as Uxmal had done. First the King calls for conversion to produce Warriors instead of Nomads, but the nobles cry out that 200 years of effort would be lost. But what if the city is lost? And what hope would unescorted nomads have in these barbarous lands? Jaina could have produced four regiments in the time it took to create these nomads, but only one regiment of warriors could be produced from among these soft nomads. With heavy heart, Herm’ann orders gold sent to produce the nomads more swiftly. “They shall not leave Jaina until both the city and the nomads can be properly defended!”

              The nobles tell Herm’ann that a new resource called a “Diplomat” will soon be ready in Chichen. “How many atlatl can this “Diplomat” wield?” asks Herm’ann. “None,” they reply, “for Diplomats are men of peace.” Herm’ann cries “Then let them find peace on the sacrificial altars!” The nobles calm Herm’ann (and point out where Kings usually go, themselves), saying that Diplomats can be used to find new sources of hearts for the altars.


              The new Diplomat immediately shows unexpected value, detecting an Apolytoner warrior east of Chichen, and two barbarian warriors west of the Lake of Fishes. The nomads in Jaina are ordered to hide for a few hundred years. A road to the eastern frontier is begun, in the hopes that the nomads hiding in Chichen can soon—and swiftly—march east to found a new city.


              A unit of spearmen returns from the Sacred Peaks, bearing tales of being surrounded by hordes of barbarians, and frightening them away with fearsome displays. Herm’ann greets them: “It is good that you are so fearsome to barbarians, for you shall escort the nomads to the east as soon as the road is complete. Frighten the barbarians away from the nomads.” The diplomat scouts upriver, spotting barbarian slingers in the hills above the headwaters.


              The Apolytoner warrior now enter the road outside the gates of Copan, just as the barbarian warriors approach the road from the west. Perhaps they will kill each other? Just in case, Herm’ann sends cups and plates of gold to the Apolytoners, but they reject the offer of an exchange of maps.

              The road is ready, the diplomat scouts ahead, and the nomads march east, escorted by the Fearsome Spearmen and the least-injured regiment of warriors (as the army of Chichen is still recovering from the great fight under the dynasty of the Tay-lors).


              There is great celebration, and many barbarians are sacrificed in the name of Kukulcan, Ch’ipi, and Child of Thor: a new city is founded, Palenque, close enough for mutual support with Chichen and Copan. The nomads form a regiment of militia, and the city begins raising a regiment of sepa. An Apolytoner envoy offers to exchange maps, and though the altars are getting a bit dry, the envoy is allowed to leave with maps and heart intact. The new maps reveal four great cities and an empire covering most of a large peninsula to the southwest. It also shows barbarian slingers shadowing Apolyton armies, just as they have shadowed the Warriors of Balam. Meanwhile, along the north road, the barbarians and the Apolyton warriors seem to have frightened each other away, though the new Copan Regiment of Warriors claims the credit for clearing the road.


              The Unnamed Army of the South comes in sight of the walls of the great city the Apolytoners call by the mysterious name, MarkG. The Spearmen called The Remaining Eye of Hextapul are accosted in the north by barbarians twice their number, and the brave spearmen head for the hills.


              Barbarian slingers are on the east road at the very gates of Chichen! The diplomat does careful reconnaissance, and claimes that there is no force lying in wait beyond the slingers. Herm’ann takes personal command of the mighty Army of Chichen as they prepare to dry-gulch the lone slinger, but an incautious Ritual of Enterkey gives the slingers time to escape.


              The evil slingers have pillaged the east road, isolating Palenque! If only the People of Balam knew the secret of those deadly slings!


              And lo! The Secret of Sling is revealed to our Wise Men, and the barbarians hurry away into the wilderness. All production in all cities is immediately devoted to training fearsome Slingers of Balam. Herm’ann has a dream in which he sees Warriors in Jaguar Pelts sitting atop the swift four-legged cropstealers, and Grandfather Xpiyacoc appears and utters the strange words: “Combined Arms!” Herm’ann cannot imagine what good can come from having both arms in one sleeve, but he still orders the Wise Men to reveal the meaning of this dream.

              Travellers tell the People of Balam that some place called “Armagh” suffered an earthquake. Herm’ann proclaims “Better them than us” and sacrifices the travellers. (So much for the tourist industry.) Cryptic runes appear on the Msgs Stone at the Great Temple of Kukulkan. The runes begin with mention of the earthquake in Armagh, but continue with the following dread words: “A force 28 earthquake struck near the city of Jaima.” The people look to the south in fear. Is Jaima gone? No refugees appear from the mountains, and swift runners soon return with news that the city still stands. A religious crisis breaks out: did the Msgs Stone lie?


              The first regiment of the Slingers of Balam emerges from training. The barbarians are nowhere to be seen, the cowards!


              Soon, barbarian slingers enter the river valley northeast of Chichen. Spearmen backed by the Slingers of Balam are on them like a fierce wind! The barbarians soon wash the altars with their blood! The Second Slingers—thanks to large quantities of gold—are now ready in Jaima, doubling the (pitiful) garrison. Gold is sent to Mongolia as the Left Eye of Hextapul hasten west across their land (just ahead of the barbarians).


              The Mongolians ask to exchange maps, and their maps reveal that the Left Eye of Hextapul is almost surrounded by Mongolian cities with unpronouncible names like “Ka-ra-ko-ram” and “Sam-ar-kand.” None are as mighty as the legendary MarkG, but none are as large as Great Chichen, either.

              Herm’ann hails the new Slingers on their victorious return to Chichen. He calls on the People of Balam to celebrate in the Most Holy Manner: “Farm by day and procreate by night! Make our cities grow!”


              Herm’ann’s plan bears immediate, um, “fruit,” as both Copan and Distant Jaina grow, and the Third Slingers are ready in Copan. Repairs begin on the eastern road. A pasture is laid out on the tiny scrap of arable land outside Jaina between the mountains and the sea. Oh, for a road to Jaina! There is a relatively short route through the mountains, but we have no way to defend the road. Perhaps once we master the swift crop-stealers…

              The Left Eye of Hextapul march out of Mongolia and into the waiting arms of a barbarian ambush! It seems that vision is still clouded.


              Backed against the cliffs, the Spearmen of the Left Eye face certain death. At the last moment, they rush to the pack animals and reach beneath the packs. The barbarians hesitate; what weapons do these Balamese have? Horrors! Fearsome biological weapons! They have the meat given them by the Mongolians, carefully aged on the backs of the pack animals! The barbarians flee in terror!


              Outnumbered two to one, the spearmen pursue the barbarians, brandishing the Dreaded Steak Tartare!


              The People of Balam remain fruitful, and both Chichen and Palenque expand.


              Rumors reach Chichen that Lost Uxmal has grown as well. Our vengeance abides…


              The orgy of growth continues as Copan surpasses 60,000 hearts. Gold hastens the training of more warriors in Chichen, but on verge of being ready, they are ordered to retrain with slings. Barbarians approach Copan from the east.


              Barbarian spearmen pollute the road to Copan with their presence, and the warriors and slingers of Copan spring forth to slay or capture the intruders. Those not fortunate enough to die on the road momentarily see their still-beating hearts on the altar of Copan…and yet another spearband is right behind these.


              The Copan Warriors and Slingers fall upon these new victims, and again the altars run red with barbarian blood. Unfortunately the river valley runs red with Mayan blood, as only a handful of the warriors survive the battle. For their valor, the survivors are given the jade badges of veteran status. Herm’ann orders gold to speed the training of the slingers in Chichen.


              The treasurer approaches Herm’ann with his heart in his mouth, bearing bad news: “Sir, our treasury is quickly running out of funds. We must generate more gold quickly or we will be forced to sell city improvements to pay our expenses.” The treasurer loses heart, but soon Herm’ann follows the wretched treasurer to the altar, as angry nobles proclaim that Herm’ann has lost the favor of the gods (when in fact he has lost the gold of the nobles). In this year Chichen grows to 80,000 hearts, and Palenque grows to 40,000, surpassing the older Jaina.

              (Sorry about the delay; trouble getting an Internet connection from my hotel on this business trip.) -- HtL
              "...your Caravel has killed a Spanish Man-o-War."


              • #22
                Originally posted by Locutus
                I will start playing my turn in about 3 seconds
                Unfortunately someone managed to interrupt me in those three seconds between posting that post and starting the game and I haven't gotten around to playing since (in part due to 'community service', as you all know if you read these forums ). I don't know exactly when Hermann mailed me the file but regardless of whether or not it was more than 72h ago, I won't have time to play until tomorrow (or rather, later today). Apologies for the delay
                Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                • #23
                  After Her'mann almost bankrupted the Mayan state, the successful merchant Locutus is chosen to lead the Mayan people in 4580 BC. Locutus realizes that Uxmal, due to it's strategic location, is of pivotal importance for the commercial welfare of the nation and declares he shall do everything in his power to drive out the nefarious Barbarian infidels who currently rule the town. Production queus in all cities are changed to offensive units and the armies are reorganised to prepare for the assault. In the mean time, a Diplomat and Nomad are sent to the south to expand the empire there and spy on Apolyton.

                  4560 BC: Rumors reach the court in Copán: the Celtic city of Kells suffers from an earthquake. Satisfied, Locutus sacrifices 12 civil servants to thank Kukulcán. A band of Warrior is built in Copán, production on Slingers is begun.

                  In 4540 BC the worst financial problems have been resolved and Locutus can even afford to meet with envoys of the In-cans and offer them 100 Gold.

                  4480 BC: A messenger reports that he overheard a conversation of a group of Barbarian reconnaissance units speak of something called a 'Pyrimad', which a far-away people called the 'Buzontines' are apparently building. Not know what the hell this man is talking about, Locutus sacrifices the messenger at the altar of Copán.

                  4440 BC: Jaina completes a Warrior and immediately joins together with some Slingers already in the city and departs for Uxmal. Realizing that the city is surrounded by mountains and therefore extra vulnerable for Barbarian attacks, Locutus orders the city leaders to start working on a Spearman to strenghten the city's defensive garrison. A sizable army of Barbarians (size 4) threathens the south-bound Nomad. The Mayan Nomads grow restless since they realize that their light escort cannot stop such a large force of Barbarians.

                  4420 BC: A Mayan envoy reaches the court of the In-cans and an exchange of maps is agreed, as a token of the connectiveness and friendship between both our nations. It is discovered that some Incan Nomads occupy the lands around the site that was to be the new home of our own Nomad.

                  In 44400 BC, a regiment of Slingers is standing ready in Copán, more Slingers are being readied. These Slingers are immediately put to work and together with other forces in the Mayan capital defeat a small band of Barbarians Slingers wandering just outside the city walls.

                  In the mean time, the In-cans found a city right next to the spot where Locutus wanted to place his own city. Since he sees lucrative trading opportunities with the Incans for the future, he decides to respect the Incan city and borders and selects a new location for his Nomads to head for.

                  4380 BC: A far-away Kingdom, called Kush, goes to war with Apolyton, Maya's southern neighbours. This pleases Locutus as he is convinced this will keep the Polytubbies busy for a while and give him the opportunity to campaign free of worry in the north. He sends armies from Palenque and Copán on their way to join with the army from Jaina.

                  In 4360 BC one of the bravest and most experienced regiments of our army, the Empirial Guard of Copán, in spite of it's weakened state due to recent skirmishes, attacks and defeats a regiment of Barbarian Slingers outside the capital. As troops leave Chichen en route to Uxmal, Locutus's strategic masterplan for the liberation of Uxmal is now gaining momentum.

                  4340 BC: Chichen builds Warriors and starts working on Slingers. The various armies of all Mayan cities meet in the mountains east of Chichen and, in a sacred ceremony where many hearts are ripped from chests in honor of Kukulcán, they merge together to form a the largest army the world has ever seen: the 'Wrath of Kukulcán'. After the ceremony, the new army marches towards Uxmal, with the intent of attacking the city from the mountains.

                  4320 BC: to ensure the success of the mission of the Wrath of Kukulcán, Locutus makes the ultimate sacrifice: at the main altar of Copán, he rips out his own heart and sacrifices himself to Kukulcán.

                  (Below: strategic masterplan of Locutus II, drawn only days before his death - source: Mexico Institute of Archeology)
                  Attached Files
                  Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                  • #24
                    Is the pic a suggestion?Or an absolute? I will be able to play my turn either 2morrow morning or thursday evening, will have posted on to yservel Friday latest - is this o.k? If i can't do 2morrow i can post it on same day. Work stuff.
                    'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

                    Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


                    • #25
                      It's my strategic masterplan, which is completely unrelated to your strategic masterplan (assuming you have one)... If ours plans happen to overlap, that's pure coincidence...

                      That's fine with me. Thanks for letting us know in advance...
                      Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Locutus
                        It's my strategic masterplan, which is completely unrelated to your strategic masterplan (assuming you have one)... If ours plans happen to overlap, that's pure coincidence...
                        'assuming you have one' , what's that about then?Just because i wanted to build a Ziggurt when we had a couple barbs running around in the early game The reason we lost Uxmal was that the God's were angry with our lack of devotion
                        Your Stategic masterplan looks ok to me, i'd be vexed into getting Uxmal back too(and i will - blood shall run)

                        EDIT: oh yeah i'll build a Ziggurt/temple too - just you see (if i have enough cash?).

                        The Title Picture on the site is very cool - where's it from?
                        Last edited by child of Thor; April 29, 2002, 16:45.
                        'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

                        Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


                        • #27

                          The Title Picture on the site is very cool - where's it from?
                          Thanks I searched for ages and ages and ages, but I couldn't find anything suitable as 'title picture' for the Maya (too big, too small, too blurred, etc). Then finally I more or less accidentilly bumped into that one and a whole bunch of other good looking Mayan pictures here, apparently designed for some documentary (it was a draw between this one and the one of Copan, I choose this one because it looked better after resizing). This guy apparently also designed graphics for computer games such as James Bond: Agent Under Fire and Final Fantasy, a great artist...
                          Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                          • #28
                            Around Copan villagers gather the wheat from the rivers bank, enjoying the warm summer sun on their backs and caring little for the odd swarm of mosquito that ventures from the shade. Children play, laughing as they splash in the cool water.
                            It is a good day, and even the sadness over their recent leader’s sacrifice seems to partially lift from the people’s shoulders. Tomorrow can take care of it’s self, today is a good day.
                            No heed is paid to a shambling figure in rags, just another wanderer, as it walks down the cool shaded streets to the town centre. Just an unfamiliar face taking in the sites of the Capitol.
                            The head Council meet to discuss the problem that their Dynasty has no heir to continue the line(well not legitimate anyways). Bastards aplenty exist but if that avenue is taken then the Mayan empire might implode with civil war.
                            Their ponderings are shattered as the stout wooden doors crash open, dust and bright sunlight spear into the room. The captain of the guard gasp’s in surprise as he levels his spear at the intruder, but his spoken cry of alarm goes unsounded – the strangers gaze freezing him to the spot.
                            ‘I HAVE RETURNED!’, thunders the stranger, ‘Go prepare my chambers and tell all that I, child of Thor am back to serve my people.’

                            4320BC – After a hurried ceremony CoT gets to work. Our Cities are not well defended yet so orders for lots more units are added to build queues around the empire(and a ziggurt is placed on order for Copan). Chichen is too big and crowding out Copans land, so a new pasture is created to help the city grow. To the south a barbarian horde threatens to destroy our new settler and the one unit of spearmen on escort duty feels the icy hand of death about it. The accompanying Diplomat heads South, away from the potential slaughter, to establish an Embassy with the Incan peoples.

                            4300BC – Wisemen discover Horse riding, after a very bruising time falling off the strange four legged beasts that used to eat all their crops. Feeling that something a lot less personally painful should be undertaken next, they decide that if they had got someone else to break the Horses in (preferably without objection), then they would have been able to keep the ‘missus’ much happier. Putting their wise collective heads together they come up with a concept called ‘Slavery’.

                            4280BC – Spearmen in the south retreat to hills to prepare their defence. ‘Dig you worthless dogs! Dig!’ is the shout from their commander, before he loses his composure and starts to dig his own hole(not to hide in, really.).
                            Poor Spearmen in the Celtic wilderness decide that on their own they can do little against this superior nation – just flies to a lion. So they start the long journey home.

                            4260BC – Embassy established with the Incans, and an exchange of scalps cements the ceremony. A slinger is built and joins the city defence of Copan.

                            4240BC – The unit of Spearmen camped on the hills to the south never live to see dawn. At night the barbarians attack and volley after volley from the savages picks off our brave men. Still they give the settlers time to make a getaway.
                            BLOOD SHALL RUN: Wrath of Kukulcan.
                            Months of toil through the mountains, brings the army to the foothills of Uxmal, once a proud city of the empire – now a rats den of barbarity. Using night as a shroud the jaguar pelts move stealthily over the walls and silently slaughter the 11 units of defenders before they have time to mount a counter attack! Victory! and Uxmal is once more ours! Three units of our brave warriors will feast in the halls of our ancestors tonight – the commander of the Army sacrifices 10,000 barbarians in homage to their souls and the streets run red.
                            Slingers built in palenque. Spearmen built in Jaina.
                            200 gold given to the Incan empire to build our bonds.

                            4220BC – Nomads in the south head deeper into the forests to hide themselves from the barbarians. 7 units from wrath of kukulcan are sent south to avenge our spearmen and rid the south of this Barbarian scourge.
                            A new road from Chichen to Uxmal is commissioned. Units of javilin horse will be able to better patrol our empire when it is complete.
                            Maps are given to the Incans. CoT begins to think that they are not very responsive to our generosity.

                            4180BC – Cowardly barbarian slingers murder our settlers! Vengence sweeps down from the north. An extra unit of spears joins the defence of Copan.
                            The Great West Road is complete! Now we can patrol our empire more effectively, and to this end Javalin cavalry are commissioned in various cities. A spearman is added to city defence in Copan.

                            4140BC – spearmen join militia in Chichen.

                            4160BC – Barbarian slingers dispatched outside the gate of Uxmal, they were trying to pillage our lands and now their heads adorn pikes as a warning to their kind – they shall find no mercy from our people. The alters of Uxmal run hot and red with their hearts.

                            4100BC – Finally we understand Slavery after using barbarian captives to repair damage they did to some roads near Copan. With this in mind our Wisemen decide that Brickmaking would compliment the use of Slaves.
                            Shock news – our Diplomat gets spiked with BoomBom Juice while visiting the Incans in Huari, the delusional man throws a lavish reception that empties our royal coffers!!
                            The people panic and a population boom increases the cities of Copan, Chichen, Palenque and Jaina.

                            4080BC – maybe word of our depleted coffers reaches the Empire of Apolyton, for two units of apolyton spearmen foolishly attacks our hardend army Wrath of Kukulcan. Perplexed by this turn of events CoT sends our disgraced diplomat to grovel for a cease-fire, which the Apolytons agree too very readily, maybe they realised it was a mistake to attack us?

                            4040BC – Spearmen return to our kingdom from their long northern journey! A celebration is held in Uxmal, although no alcohol is drunk as they are put on city defence a few hours later. Warriors are sent from Chichen to use the Great West Road and strengthen the defence of Uxmal, frequent barbarian raids near that city seem suspicious.

                            4000BC – Wrath of Kukulcan gets vengence for our slaughtered Settlers. Four score hearts are ripped from the defeated enemy and eaten.
                            A Peace Treaty is struck with the Apolytons – our disgraced diplomat redeems his earlier digression and if he can successfully establish an embassy then maybe his heart will stay in his chest.

                            3980BC – At last! Ziggurt built in Copan. A mighty storm heralds the rain to keep our crops and fields fertile. The Gods are pleased and CoT summons Ch’ipi and Raxa from the top of the Ziggurt, the sky is split by Lighting.
                            The Wisemen accept that CoT is of the Legend as carved in the temples, and this new structure adds to their ability of understanding the world around them.

                            3960BC – Wrath of Kukulcan has served its purpose well. After a special ceremony the units are divided and sent to all corners of our kingdom to shore up our new impressive city defences. CoT has an idea that a few Rapid Response units should be built to attack the barbarian incursions into our territory.

                            3940BC – Brickmaking is discovered, plans to build huge monuments and city walls fill the minds of our architects. Our wisemen look to City State as a good form of government and Ceremonial burial is chosen to lead to that goal.
                            Child of Thor is happy that his people are in a defensible state and peace has been struck with the Apolytons, their science is better than ours and maybe we could trade with them.

                            So early one morning CoT gathers his few possessions and quietly leaves his chamber. He heads south to the mountains, maybe he shall travel the kingdom killing barbarians whenever he finds them? Whatever, he feels the weight lift of his shoulders as he sets off down the dusty track to the south. The sun shines, and bird-song accompanies him on his journey, he hums a local tune. The farmers glance up at the sound of the song, but pay him little heed, this ragged traveller.
                            'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

                            Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


                            • #29
                              Locutus, the image i wanted to attach was too big so i've zipped it instead.Can't get to photoshop so maybe you could make it fit on for the Balam website?
                              Attached Files
                              'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

                              Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


                              • #30
                                oups... I guess I am a bit late... I will play and post the result of my glorious reign this saturday...

                                I totally forgot to play my turn...

