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Help - Anyone That Can Help Please Post

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  • Help - Anyone That Can Help Please Post

    My two friends and i are in the middle of a great CTP2 (modern age, got nukes and all) game but we're having a lot of problems.

    The major problem is that it keeps bringing up an illigal op. on my friends comp when i end my go. This usually happens if

    1) I unload cargo from transports during my turn
    2) I forget to change what im researching (this is 50/50 solution to the problem)

    The other thing is that on my friends comp, all the cities look asian-style (he's in the modern age) and his sciences are really stuffed (it says he hasnt got tankwarefare when i in fact gave it to him 3 turns ago)

    The first problem is obviously a major concern because we cant play if it keeps exiting on my friends computer.

    We are using the IPX protocol to connect and all get green pings in the lobby (rage from 20 - 200)
    We also have the activision 1.1 patch installed.

    If anyone can help us we would be most gratefull and hopefully we will be able to restore our now lost faith in CTP2 as the greatest civ game ever.

    Thank you again, your help would be most appreciated

  • #2
    The only thing i can think is that you guys have differents versions of the game.
    Are you sure you guys have the same patches and mods?
    "Kill a man and you are a murder.
    Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
    Kill all and you are a God!"
    -Jean Rostand


    • #3
      yes 100% sure, we have the 1.11 patch installed. We even re-installed the entire game and repatched to eliminate that option
      We are using laptops, would that be a problem?


      • #4
        When you unload cargo from transports are you trying to unload on an enemy unit or city? I believe only marines and paratroopers can do this.
        signature not visible until patch comes out.


        • #5
          No, i am unloading cruise missiles out of aircraft carriers and nuclear subs


          • #6
            Ok try this,

            Right click on the aircraft carrier or sub and select view cargo. In the unit display box select one cruise missle. You will know it is selected when the box around the unit icon is bordered in red. Make sure that only one missle is selected. You should now be able to unload and move missle to it's target.

            Hope this helps.
            signature not visible until patch comes out.


            • #7
              sorrry, i think u have misunderstood. I can unload stuff, but on the next turn after, CTP2 exits to windows on my friends' computers. It usually resynchronuises after i unload the missiles


              • #8
                Just curious,

                After you unload the missles do you immediately hit a target with them? Or do you wait until the next turn and then try to have them fly into a target. I do know that missles that are not used on the turn they are launch will crash and burn. You lose the missle if it doesn't land in a base or strike a target. The error that may be causing the resynchs could be a bug for when missles are left "flying" in the air.
                signature not visible until patch comes out.


                • #9
                  yea, i thought about that, but what i do is unload them and load them inot another sub or airbase. I think it may be toomuch data for the network to handle or something and it just crashes.

                  Another interesting thing is that i dont get the problem when i load the game by myself, its really f*#^ed if u ask me.

