My two friends and i are in the middle of a great CTP2 (modern age, got nukes and all) game but we're having a lot of problems.
The major problem is that it keeps bringing up an illigal op. on my friends comp when i end my go. This usually happens if
1) I unload cargo from transports during my turn

2) I forget to change what im researching (this is 50/50 solution to the problem)
The other thing is that on my friends comp, all the cities look asian-style (he's in the modern age) and his sciences are really stuffed (it says he hasnt got tankwarefare when i in fact gave it to him 3 turns ago)
The first problem is obviously a major concern because we cant play if it keeps exiting on my friends computer.
We are using the IPX protocol to connect and all get green pings in the lobby (rage from 20 - 200)
We also have the activision 1.1 patch installed.
If anyone can help us we would be most gratefull and hopefully we will be able to restore our now lost faith in CTP2 as the greatest civ game ever.
Thank you again, your help would be most appreciated