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Succession #2: The Mighty Irish!

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  • #31
    It seems that your game and you are introverted just as other suggestion game 2 team

    No one does even comment my idea about pic of map. It was nice to read about frst suggestion game but when the game goes on and on you just can not follow the game anymore without the maps. But maybe you do not like audience You just lost one of your reader.




    • #32
      Hi Janilxx,

      I think the suggestion is a good one.
      See my reply to same message in TEAM 2's thread.
      My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


      • #33
        hey, Janilxx

        I liked your idea. But if I would put a map in the post, that would be one hell of a long post. And I don't have time to set up a web page and post pictures there. If you organize one, I'll be glad to provide you with all the images you want.


        • #34
          I have a fledgling website that could host the succession game screenshots, but I'm not sure I could upload it in any particular real-time, and it may only get updated once a day. Is this any good, or does the webmaster need to be a 24-hour connection type person ?

          Ben ( from )
          Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
          "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


          • #35

            Hi there. I'm posting under "Trix" because I registered from work, I dunno my password (Tr|x), and I'm at home right now on my crappy 56k connex.

            I got the savegame from Mokael - I'm really sorry but it doesn't look like I'll have time to do this. I didn't anticipate a) how slow this board is on a dialup connex and b) how time consuming it would be to alt-tab out of ctp2 and write down what happened every turn.

            I'm afraid I'm going to have to pull-out

            Everyone have fun though! ...

            ... btw buy and play Hostile Waters: Antaeus Rising because it is excellent.



            • #36
              oh bollocks to this
              [This message has been edited by David Murray (edited May 15, 2001).]


              • #37
                so. just a 5 of us? i'm ok with that - closier relations.. can get almost personal.. heh.

                posting maps? what are our limitations here on apolyton? could we post whole savegames? i bet this might become a real nightmare, though.
                i'm planning to sit down on Perl::Mail module.. might come up with some cute idea then...

                my q on this irish game: what's the barbarian setting? (i found it pretty entertaining playing with maximum, too bad AI begins loosing it's cities and... barbarians rule half the world in one of my games)



                • #38
                  If you want to forward the maps to me then I'll post them on the web. Had a bit of a think tonight and I should get a site up by tomorrow afternoon all going well.

                  Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses


                  • #39
                    ok, Redstar, I'm gonna send you the game file in a few.

                    [This message has been edited by Mokael (edited May 16, 2001).]


                    • #40
                      Thanks for the file Mok. I'll play when I get home from work.

                      I've also knocked a small, basic site up to hold all this info. Currently it has all the updates so far plus I intend to host the most up to date map for each game. No point in holding them all.

                      Like I said, its basic. I did it during quiet periods at work today so hopefully I can make some improvements when I get the time.

                      It isn't uploaded yet but it will be available at

                      when I upload it somewhere, or host on my machine at home and point the DNS servers at it. So it should be available from tonight.

                      Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses


                      • #41
                        Well I would have it up if my DSL line hadn't packed up. I'll try and get the saved game off my email and get it played anyway.

                        Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses


                        • #42

                          and as I test it again its back!

                          site is up at

                          has to be updated a bit after todays reports.......

                          Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses


                          • #43
                            redstar is your site only for this succesion game or ours(team two's) and the origional team also. also how do you easily take a pic of the map? and if you are doing all of them, do i send my pics to you?


                            • #44
                              If you take a look there is a link for all three games. As far as I can tell the best way to grab the map is to take a screen dump, then either email that to me or fiddle about and cut out the map yourself then email that to me. I'm only going to put up the most recent for each game so if you want to submit your map thats up to you.

                              I'll take a grab of the map when I play my turns, which will be when I get home unless I can find a windows98 cd in work

                              Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses


                              • #45
                                In 3500BC, Redstar1 ascended to the leadership of the Irish people after a bloody battle between the warring factions. He vowed to unite the Irish people under one banner and lead them forth to greatness!

                                Rumours of a race called the Mayans are abound. Stories of huge tombs being constructed are rife. The Irish people look to their leader to follow such inspiration. A warrior unit scouting the Northern desert discovers a deserted village and finds strange stringed weapons. These are returned to Dublin for analysis and all warriors currently undergoing training are versed in the use of these new weapons.

                                Continued exploration. Rumours of ruined villages in the west.

                                The first Unit trained as Archers is commissioned in Dublin. Warriors in the north are sending back reports of a huge desert.

                                The ocean is spotted beyond the northern desert. It is a welcome sight for the weary warrior scouts. Archers complete their training in Blarney. The people of Blarney are now ordered to prepare to send some of its citizens on a quest to settle new lands. Warrior unit in the west enters an abandoned village only to be ambushed by Barbarians! Attempts to escape are foiled by armies to the south and west proclaiming these lands in the name of Helen of Greece. The great Greek leader refuses to exchange maps.

                                Warrior unit in the west is overrun by Barbarian forces. Continued exploration.

                                Waterford founded on the banks of a river north of Dublin. Citizens begin training Archers for defence. Warriors enter a village in the south and return with 417 gold.

                                A new unit of archers completes training in Dublin.

                                Herds of elephants are discovered roaming the lands to the south of Blarney.

                                Continued exploration.

                                New Archers unit trained in Dublin. Citizens begin to prepare a new band of settlers to populate the empty lands around Dublin. Warrior unit in south repels a surprise barbarian attack.

                                The art of writing is perfected by Irish scientists. Efforts now turned to making best use of slave labour. Archer unit complete in Waterford and sent on mission to map the coastline. Greek military units spotted using horses as transport.

                                Continued exploration. Evidence of Greek city to the west.

                                Ruins of a village discovered in Elephant country. A very flat village. The archers wonder what could have happened here. Instructions for building sea-going vessels discovered.

                                Exploration of wasteland in south continues. Greek capital of Athens discovered. Call is put out to all available units to gather together for mutual protection. Greek envoy asks us to remove our unit from Greece. Ask for map in return but request is turned down. Redstar1 decides that the Greek empire needs to be removed to allow the Irish people to grow and prosper.

                                Rumours are heard of a Barbarian conquest of Canada. Units make for rendezvous point east of Athens. Waterford trains Archers for town protection and begins work on a coracle.

                                Mercenaries discovered in artic wasteland to south. They join with our warrior unit and begin the trek towards Greece.

                                Sea borders now outlined to north, east and south of Ireland. Redstar1 wonders what could lie beyond....

                                Armies begin to group east of Athens

                                Desert to North almost completely scouted.

                                Army of 4 units begins moving towards Athens.

                                Before the dream of conquering Athens can be realised, the great Irish leader Redstar1 dies mysteriously in his sleep. In the ensuing chaos one man rises above all others to claim his place at the head of the Irish people..........

                                Right, sorry for the lenght, was feeling creative today most of the land is scouted and only Athens stands in the way of the rest of the continent. There is an army of 1 warrior and 3 archers moving on Athens and it should be enough to capture the Greek capital. Another 2 warrior units are reasonably nearby if needed. We've begun to catch up overall. Way ahead in military but behind in science and economy. We need more cities and settlers are in production in all cities (i think!). Greece needs to die though I was researching slave labour but i think we seriously need some better military units.

                                I'll post the map on the website when possible.

                                Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses

