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Succession #2: The Mighty Irish!

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  • #16
    ok, I still have not heard anything from Ted ...


    • #17

      If you'd like, I will administer Irish/team2 from now on. Will that help you out? Just let me know what the responsibilities are and I'll take the load off your back. I have plenty of time since I just graduated and joined the ranks of the underemployed. It figures, after 10 unprecedented years of economic expansion, I would graduate with a recession on the horizon.

      I use to be indecisive, but now I'm not so sure


      • #18
        Could it be possible that every players would take a pic of the map(borders visible) in his last round? IT would be nice to see how you are expanding.

        You would need some site where to add maps and of course add linkt to the map to your texts


        • #19

          Yes!, that would be a great help.
          Here's what you'll need to do:

          Keep a list of everyone's e-mail addresses.
          Currently, for TEAM 2, that is:

          7) Jackazzstudent -
          8) me_irate -
          9) Darkknight -
          10) bj -
          11) rooboy -
          12) Levelisk -

          Then, try and keep up with the posts, so if someone invokes the 72-hour rule you can help enforce it by serving a reminder to the person who may be holding things up.

          Usually, it's good to hold on to the most current game file, in case of problems. However, it's not necessary for everyone to send the file to you after each of their turns.

          Finally, keep a running list of any new players wishing to join.

          I think that covers it. I'll let you know if there's anything else I was doing.
          Thanks for the help!
          And I hope you find a job soon, too. (At least one that pays!)

          - Skeeve

          My reach exceeds my grasp!
          My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


          • #20
            Mokael - hang on for a little while longer, and I'll send the file to you today if Ted is still unable to get it to work.
            Sorry for the Delay TEAM 1, I know TEAM 2 has a bit of a head start now, but you'll get going soon enough.
            My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


            • #21
              Any idea what error message Ted is getting? Maybe we can help out.....
              Don't want anyone to miss a turn if possible.

              Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses


              • #22
                yeah. Does he knows what folder to put it in?
                And how come he never posts?

                anyhow. Skeeve -- if nobody else is willin', I can take over organizing/overseeing this group for the time being.


                • #23
                  Mokael, thanks, that would be great.
                  I'll hand it over to you as soon as we get the file problem resolved.
                  That way I won't be handing the problem over to you.

                  By the way; here's the message Ted sent:

                  file you e-mailed to me shows up in it's own folder when I am viewing through desktop. file does not show up in graphics based game directory but my folder is there and is able to be opened.

                  He mentioned that he has the patch.

                  By the way guys, I'm at work right now, but I'll be off in about 4 hours, so you can expect some movement of that file either by Ted or myself in about that much time.

                  - Skeeve
                  My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


                  • #24
                    Just wondering....

                    Since we are having problems, and since most of us know where the other empires are (from reading about team 2s exploits), should we not start again and give ourselves a clean start, new map and all that?

                    Just a thought....

                    Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses


                    • #25
                      personally -- I have no preference. But latetly -- I've been enjoying one of the custom made scenarios. It's the SPQR by Hannibal Ad Portas (Hannibal, if u're reading this -- u da bomb!) But that's just me ...


                      • #26
                        Okay, it seems we'll have to skip Ted's turn for now.
                        I sent the 4000BC file to Mokael. If he can't get the thing to work, then
                        I recommend that Ted start a new game as suggested. Of course it will make the Team 1/Team 2 distinction meaningless, but oh what the hay?

                        Have fun with it!
                        My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


                        • #27
                          yup, I got it. And it works fine. now, let's see if we can catch up to that wanna-be Irish Team!


                          • #28
                            I dont wanna be Irish, Im aussie and proud of it :P


                            • #29
                              Ok, I've played my 20. Those are the fastest ones, eh? Anyhow, here it is:

                              The Chronicles of the first ruler of Irish People -- Mokael The Founder

                              "Spread and Populate!"

                              4000 BC - Consul of Elders met this year and decided, that all clans and families of the Irish tribe should come and live together in a large community they called "village". Thus was established the Dublin. Same Consul choose a well known chieftan Mokael to oversee this village. However, that lead to a split of Irish people, as group of clans, opposing Elders' choice of a leader, left to establish their own settlement.
                              First standards of the empire are set. Wages and Food are set at normal, while production is set to max. Public Works tax doesn't exist. Wise men of the tribe come forth with an idea to develop a system of markings to express opinions and improve communications. They call it writing. Funds are allcoated for the studies and research
                              And so, it begins ...

                              3975 BC - Second clan reports that they've sited ruins of some sort. They're planning on investigating them as soon as possible

                              3950 BC - The Second Tribe explored ruins and found them completely abandoned (bloody nothin'!)

                              3925 - 3900 BC - One of the close Mokael's friends discovers a strangely testing liquid, that loosens up tounges and makes opposite sex to look very attractive. After several years of debates, the green (!) potion is named "Beer" (yeah, just moved settlers down the river)

                              3875 BC - Second tribe has found a vast body of water, disappearing beyonf the horizon . They called it a "sea"! While back in Dublin -- Mokael personally commisoned a first ever warrior regement. Thus, the new class in Irish society was establsihed. Since that day, Mokael relied on his Warriors not only to ptorect him, but to carry out his will.

                              3850 BC - Consul of Elders is all but disbanded, since members of warrior clans find their way into government (yup, nothing happened)

                              3825 BC - Unable to walk away from the might and beauty of the sea, 2nd tribe establishes their own settlement next to the delta of the River. They called it Blarney.

                              3800 BC - Merchant from Dublin succesfully markets Green Beer in Barley (nada)

                              3775 BC - One of the Warrior patrol regiments sites ruins of an old settlement

                              3750 BC - As the first regiment is send to explore ruins, another newly commisoned regiment continues to explore borders around Dublin. It was then that the Key of the Great Irish River was founded! An altar was bujild at that place, to praise the Goddess of River - provider of Irish People (afer all - we're a river-vaely civilization, are we not?)

                              3725 BC - Ruins are explored to found dust, skulls, and rats. (Bloody nothin, again!)

                              3700 BC - Regiment of warriors discovers a small river to the north. Not being too bright, the Chief of the Regiment names it .. The Norther River.

                              3675 BC - First ever Green Beer festival is held in Dublin (yup, nada)

                              3650 BC - Reports from the not-too-bright-warrior-chief come in. Apparently, the northern frontier of the Land of Irish is bordered by sands.

                              3625 BC - More ruins has been sited to the South-East of Dublin.

                              3600 BC - Yet more ruins were sited. This time - West of Dublin.

                              3575 BC - In the SE set of ruins a warrior regiment has discovered a marvelous buildings made of ... stone! After careful study, the smartest of the regiment men declared that they know how to build structures of the stone. Elders laugh at them - everybody knows that it's impossible to build anything out of stone, but a knife! Stone Workers Guild is established to prove them wrong ...

                              3550 - In the western ruins Irish Warriors run into a long lost Irish tribe! (a settler unit). Meanwhile up north -- ruins has been sited in the Great Northern Dessert.

                              3525 - It was the sad year, as the first leader of Irish People, called by many Mokael The Founder, passed away, whispering with his last breath the last bits of wisdom - "Spread, and Populate". Before even the burial mound with all the King's weapons, wifes and horses finished burning, the most prominent chiefs of Warrior Class prepared to battle for the throne. But who will emerge to lead the glorious tribe? Only time will tell ...

                              We've got 2 cities. Both are size two and have 1 Warrior unit for garrison. Both cities are building Warrior units. Cities are conected by a river. We have 1 Settler unit which I started to move North, to the second small river (river tiles yield more prod and food). We also have 4 Warriors spread out on exploring missions. 12 turns till discovering Writing. hmm, I think that's it. Spread and Populate!
                              btw, I saved the game at the end of my 20th turn -- year of 3525.



                              • #30
                                hmm, I've got two suggestion for Ted's problems:

                                1) make sure that the file with the folder is where it's suppose to be -- in the saved games folder

                                2) copy file into one of already existing folders in saved game folder (if there is none -- start game, and save it. that will create one)

                                hope that helps

                                Skeeve -- thanx! and I'm at work myself, so it can wait.
                                thanx again!

