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CTP2, "The Best Civilization game yet"

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  • CTP2, "The Best Civilization game yet"

    Er.. Not my opinion actually, but that of The Wargammer

    Me? I am still waiting until the price is reduced in the UK. (Surely it cant stay full price for much longer?)


    (the article also gives Apolyton some publicity)

  • #2
    I'm sorry, but I am Laughin' at Mark McLaughlin!! (The writer of that article in the Wargammer)

    Take a look at this quote from his review:

    "Mr. Meier will have to pull some real magic out of his hat to surpass Activision's excellent redesign of his initial concept. Call to Power II is clean, crisp, intuitive and addictive - and free from many of the annoying little ticks and tricks that detracted from and led to frustration in previous Civilization and Civilization-style games"

    What is he kidding????!!!
    Excellent redesign?
    Addictive - I'll give him that one,
    but free from many of the annoying little ticks and tricks...???
    What about the bugs, the incomplete code, the crashes, the unplayable MP, the bugs, the fix-it-yourself code, did I mention the bugs?!


    He even rates the AI a 4 out of 5!!!
    Anyone who plays CTP2 for 2 minutes can figure out that the AI is on life support!! If I had to rate the AI ability on a scale of 1 to 5 I'd rate it a negative two!!

    Sure, this guy's a good writer, but I think he submitted an article about the wrong game.

    McLaughlin, try playing the game first, before trying to write a review based on the game manual!

    My reach exceeds my grasp!
    My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


    • #3
      Sorry, I'm calmer now.
      My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


      • #4

        Originally posted by Skeeve on 04-24-2001 03:55 PM
        Addictive - I'll give him that one,

        I won't. Number of games I've got deeply into, you could count on the thumbs on one foot
        Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
        "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


        • #5
          I know I said I wouldn't come back to write about CTP2 but after seeing the comments that this reviewer said I couldn't resist.
          I don't know what CTP2 he supposedly played but it sure isn't the one that I deleted off of my hard drive 3 months ago. This guy obviously only played this game for a couple of hours. I thought some of the same things he did the first few hours I had it but quickly came to my senses. Civ III in its present condition (as we know it) is probably twice the game CTP2 is.
          When I saw the 5/5 I laughed. This guy should be writing for Saturday Night Live! If this guy is trying to make a name for himself by sticking out from the crowd he's really picked a crappy game to do it with.
          If CTP2 is the best Civ yet how it's deleted off of my hard drive sitting on the floor beside my cat's litter box and I've just last week I finished playing yet another game of CIV2?
          CTP2 is a sham! Activision is a sham and so seems it be that this reviewer is also a sham.
          "To live again, to be.........again" Captain Kirk in some Star Trek Episode. (The one with the bad guy named Henok)
          "One day you may have to think for yourself and heaven help us all when that time comes" Some condescending jerk.


          • #6
            I think it is funny. I went back and read through some of the old posts. Right off the bat there was critism. Yet these paid-off eggheads continued to spread there foul odor .


            • #7
              I agree with that review, most of it anyway other then the AI.


              • #8
                Hi Skeeve.

                Truth is probably, that he had beaten the AI, but only after having been closed to be wiped out

                And he knows HE has a natural talent for all civ-games - ergo the AI must be very-very cleaver
                First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. Then you win.



                • #9
                  Sounds like he has a vested interest in Activision. ... I'm thinking its
                  time to go back to Civ2-TOT. I get very frustrated with the AI desktop
                  crashes. Since I've got my desktop set up for blue trim ... I call it -
                  HERE comes the big dumb blue bomb. #&%$!@?%

                  Cave til ya puke,



                  • #10

                    Originally posted by TheBirdMan on 04-25-2001 04:32 AM
                    Truth is probably, that he had beaten the AI, but only after having been closed to be wiped out
                    And he knows HE has a natural talent for all civ-games - ergo the AI must be very-very cleaver

                    LOL Birdman! I guess he figured that since he couldn't possibly be a bad Civ player, then the AI must be really smart!

                    I think that review article is hilarious. Maybe I'll bookmark that web page so I can always go back for a good laugh.

                    My reach exceeds my grasp!
                    My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


                    • #11
                      AI is easy, and the game his big potention. But without PBEM and AI, it's pretty much lost, of course.

                      Solver the "Running Beer" -
                      Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                      Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                      I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                      • #12
                        We too got the game because of a decent review and a full 2 page ad in a magazine, and also disappointed a bit. Keep in mind that reviewers do easily more than one game a week and they (reviewers) usually only get a couple of hours to play each game. I've come to realise that now and wont trust any gaming reviews as much any more, although I still find magazines such as Pc User (uk) a good starting point.

                        To get the right impression out of ctp2 I reckon a reviewer would need to play it almost a week and they just dont have the time. Im involved with a quake3 mod that has had a few reviews that are simply incorrect because the reviewers would have played them, oh, say 2-3 hours.

                        It is a long detailed review though, give him that, but my final 'bang for the buck' rating would've been quite below the 5/5 given.


                        • #13
                          I'm not sure its fair to say that reviewers only spend a couple of hours on each game. Looking through the pages of the most recent UK gaming magazines I have, I can see that each reviewer only has 1 main game reviewed, some of them have reviewed some budget titles but there are 12 reviewers and 13 main reviews. I also have a freind from Univsersity who studied journalism and is now a reviewer for a magazine. He tells me that when the deadline passes for submission of games to be reviewed, they get passed out and al they are pretty much expected to do for the next 10-14 days is play the game inside out.

                          Nevertheless It does make you wonder how some games get rave reviews in magazines and so forth but in reality they are nothing but utter bollocks. I'll be honest and say I quite like CTP2. I honestly don't beleive the lack of good AI affects many of my games as i tend to follow an isolationist path, preferring to build up and secure the island/continent I start on. Perhaps it is the lack of satisfying diplomacy and AI players that leads me to do this.....

                          As with everyone else here i can't wait to see what Civ3 has in store.
                          Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses


                          • #14
                            Point taken, i didnt really have a gaming mag on hand to check, but as far as I was aware, even if they did only one game review they still contributed to the rest of the magazine (in different sections...) but that doesnt matter

                            My god, what a job! I'll take that anyday

                            I agree, before even visiting this site I thought some features of ctp2 were much improved (battle, for example) while others werent. Playing sole multiplayer games, even though would take forever even on a local network, would work very well. After a couple of games with computer controlled opponents though, you do see that the AI is poor, along with some other stuff. But we all know that...

                            Back on the article, Similarly I've seen poor reviews of games that I thought were good. Its a matter of tastes. If reviews from different magazines give similar results, I'd trust it, but one sole review would not entice me to buy/not buy the product any more.

                            These reviewers though, they spend so much time playing and so many different games and genres, perhaps only they truely know what is a quality game, more than anyone else? ? ?


                            • #15
                              Of course it comes down to personal tastes....

                              Take Tetris for example, held high as one of the most addictive and fun games of all time, and on mass opinion it has to be regarded as such. Personally I've never 'got it'. I can do about 20 lines before it just starts to get a bit boring. The same goes for games like Elite and its sequels. Don't get me wrong, I regard Elite as one of the greatest games of all time. A fantastic idea and brilliantly implemented for its time but after you get past that certain stage where you become so much better than the computer (this applies much more to Frontier/FFE than to Elite) it becomes pretty much tedious. How much fun can there be in repeating the same action over and over again 6000 times just to get an Elite rating?

                              Anyhoo, i rant on I've noticed this in the civ games too. I'll not suggest for a minute that I'm an expert civ player, I'm crap at waging war, which is probably why I follow isolationist policies. Also I cannot stand when there has been peace for hundreds of years and I want to talk to a Civ, only for them to immediately change government and declare war. Its a pain in the arse frankly. Any of the civ games would be given a massive increase in longevity with an overhauled diplomacy and economic model. Lets home for Civ3 to give the community what it needs....

                              All IMHO of course

                              Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses

