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Fixes for the 60 & 70 city size limit

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  • Fixes for the 60 & 70 city size limit

    A long time ago I started this fix and I've been on vacation for awhile.
    After much testing, the city size limit was probably set by Activision
    to cover up a bunch of other problems. The below settings will get one to
    97 city size but actually is set for the 102 city size. That last
    crash problem has me stumped so far. This crash actually occurs when the
    AI has control of play.

    The 70 city size limit problem occurs when a city has red growth and
    2500+ green growth when passing the 69-70 city size. It will crash to
    desktop if any city has that combination of growth. The 'citysize_six'
    recommendation below prevents that from happening. Actually the setup
    below prevents any red growth after 'body exchange' is built. And one
    should build this city improvement as soon as you can get there.

    Note: When crossing the 69-70 city size boundry, make sure the growth is
    not changing... no tile improvements or city improvements that affect
    city growth during transition

    Here is the recommendation:

    Under BUILDINGS.txt

    Aqueduct POP 14
    OVERC 8

    Drug Store OVERC 9

    Hospital POP 15 *** ADDED line - required
    OVERC 9

    Arcolgies POP 21
    OVERC 7

    Incubation OVERC 14
    PrerequisiteBuild ARCOLOGIES *** ADDED line - not required

    Aqua Filter POP 34 *** 103 city size limit
    OVERC 12

    Body Exchange OVERC 45

    Note: Actually the growth could theoritically go up to about 120 before
    you run out of growth fuel.

    UNDER CITYSIZ0.txt (impossible level) note - 5 other levels

    pop 105
    68 *** max workable squares
    85 *** max growth w/o 70 crash

    Now, here's one of many odd things that start happening after city size
    70. Not only does the growth go down as the city grows pass 70(am't of
    food makes no difference), the amount of science goes down at the same

    I also ran into that year 2196 crash problem that was posted months ago.
    It also occurs when the AI is controlling play. Anybody have any ideas
    about the AI crashes. In fact, the AI crashing was a constant irritation.
    I was saving every 10 years.

    Here's for Bigger Empires,


  • #2
    Thanks for that information Dennis!

    I've noticed the decreasing science problem, too.
    Who knows how we're gonna fix that?

    Man, this game is becomming a chore to play. I'm starting to get the urge to go back to playing my favorite; Heroes of Might and Magic III.

    Just a side note if anyone is interested:
    Players of HOMM3, will find a great web site to supplement the game:

    Well, I haven't given up totally on CTP2 yet. At least the succession game is moving along.

    - Skeeve

    My reach exceeds my grasp!
    My Reach always exceeds my Grasp...


    • #3
      Hey Troll,

      After city size 70 the extra pop doesn't do anything except eat. If you
      use each new citizen as a specialist you can make big science or production
      cities. Using them as farmers doesn't do anything.

      Cavin forever,



      • #4
        So few people play it anyway, is it worth trying? Sorry, just spamming here.

        Solver the "Running Beer" -
        Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
        Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
        I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man

