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Poll: Whats your System Spec?

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  • #16
    P3-800, 384M Ram, Nvidia TNT2 Pro w/32M

    Athlon-650, 256M Ram, Nvidia TNT2 M64 w/32M
    CtPMaps (Hosted by Apolyton)


    • #17

      Originally posted by Hypocrite on 11-03-2000 12:39 PM
      Slot-A classic Athlon 850mhz with 256MB RAM and 64MB GeForce II Gts Ultra.

      Eventhough I am not a developer or in any ways connected to Activision I can ensure you that the game will be as fast as it should be!



      • #18
        Damn! I think I lose so far.

        P2-233, 64Mb RAM, 2Mb Video card (no 3d)
        I only bought it two years ago!

        Luckily I'll be moving in with my brother next year though, and he's got a much better machine.

        - MKL
        "And of course Henry The Horse dances the waltz!"
        Shameless Plug: .............All welcome.
        - mkl


        • #19
          Pentium Celeron 600Mhz
          192 MB RAM
          Video Card with flexible memory (takes whatever is needed from RAM)


          • #20
            Wow, judging by some of your systems, i might be out of luck here. I've only got

            300 Celeron
            48mb ram
            4mb Rage video card
            When the stars threw down their spears,
            and water'd heaven with their tears,
            Did he smile his work to see?
            Did he who made the lamb make thee?


            • #21
              At home:
              - P3 450, 128MB RAM, TNT2 32MB

              At work:
              - P2 450, 128MB RAM, TNT1 16MB
              - P2 266, 64MB RAM, I'm too embarrassed to name my crummy video card. :-)


              • #22
                DSI PIII 600 Intel, 128 Megs of Ram, & Matrox Millennium G 400 w/32 Megs.



                • #23
                  Slot-A classic Athlon 850mhz with 256MB RAM and 64MB GeForce II Gts Ultra.
                  this damn game had BETTER be optimized (unlike CTP the original) because I won't expect to have any sluggish 2-D visuals.

                  not being a ***** here, but I just hope it runs on my machine as well as I would expect a program to run on it. I paid a good amount of money for my system so that I can enjoy my hobby/pastime/obsession without much incident. All in all I'm eagerly anticipating the release.


                  • #24

                    Originally posted by neblig on 11-04-2000 12:11 AM
                    - P2 266, 64MB RAM, I'm too embarrassed to name my crummy video card. :-)
                    hehe, so how good does the game run on this machine????


                    • #25
                      Pentium II 300
                      128MB RAM
                      3D Card:8 MB Canopus (?)

                      For the next 11 months.


                      • #26
                        P200 MMX (yes, Pentium I, anyone remember those?)
                        64 MB
                        12 MB VoodooII
                        and not a chance on getting a better system within two years

                        I'll be hard to stay below that, so where do I pick up my consolation prize?
                        Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                        • #27

                          Originally posted by Locutus on 11-04-2000 06:22 AM
                          P200 MMX (yes, Pentium I, anyone remember those?)
                          64 MB
                          12 MB VoodooII
                          and not a chance on getting a better system within two years

                          I'll be hard to stay below that, so where do I pick up my consolation prize?

                          Man, for the next two years?? That's a long time in computer years.

                          I have a p2 233Mhz with 128RAM and Voodoo3 2000. So far my comp has handled every 2D game that I've bought so I'm relatively happy with it.
                          Monkey I am proud to be!
                          Trim the sails and roam the sea!
                          Trim the sails and roam the sea!


                          • #28

                            Originally posted by Locutus on 11-04-2000 06:22 AM
                            P200 MMX (yes, Pentium I, anyone remember those?)
                            64 MB
                            12 MB VoodooII
                            and not a chance on getting a better system within two years

                            I'll be hard to stay below that, so where do I pick up my consolation prize?

                            Don't feel so bad, at least you can fun the game. Activision's reply in the other thread basically states that i'm **** out of luck. Unless that 64mb requirement is an arbitrary number and variable to processor power i'm screwed untill my unemployed ass can get the parents to get more ram.
                            When the stars threw down their spears,
                            and water'd heaven with their tears,
                            Did he smile his work to see?
                            Did he who made the lamb make thee?


                            • #29
                              Tis I

                              In San Francisco at DSI (Digital System Innovation) 64 megs for $77.00. If there is a dealer near were you live give them a call.



                              • #30
                                Ah, the system specs post.. no board would be complete without one

                                I myself am currently running:

                                AMD Thunderbird @1.1ghz on an ASUS A7V
                                Geforce II GTS (32mb version.. too cheap for the 64 :P)
                                128mb pc133sdram

                                But sitting on the table next to me I still have a 486dx33 with 15mb ram. The first computer I ever purchased... so many fond memories..

                                Chaing Kai-Shek
                                You're a star-belly sneech, you suck it like a leech! You want everyone to act like you. Kiss ass while you ***** so you can get rich while your boss gets richer off you! Well you'll work harder with a gun in your back, for a bowl of rice a day. Slave to soldiers til you starve, then your heads impaled on a stake!

                                The framework of the world is - black and white! The infrastructure builders - flex their might! Turning true emotion into digital expression, one by one we all fall down. The grey race shrivels, trapped inside. The world it creates is black and white.

