I agree with most of what Dave is saying. I also have the same feelings as 3rdTrail. We, my family and friends and I play the CTP I game almost exclusively in the Hot Seat mode. Without that mode, I would have uninstalled the game and junked it like all the rest of the out dated games.
DrDanger is nothing but a danger to himself. Waht a JOKE! And the same goes for that guy that seems to side with him (brother, I think).
Yes, CTP I and II are only games. We, the consumers have taken the time to purchase and play CTPI and give our feedback to Activision and it's group of programers, yet they solve only part of the problems and eliminate options that their customers want, even when they were available in the first game. Why do we get so upset? Because we enjoyed the original product or saw its potential. We waited extremly long for the sequel only to find the sequel, though it may fix some problems, creates others by eliminating functions or options important to us. And to have these things eliminated just to meet a 'bean counters' dead line.
Internet is slow and unreliable (opponets drop off and you don't know who you are competing with), single player passes time. but AI's are too predictable. They either are too easy or too dificult (because they are encoded with cheats). People verse people is the only option.
In defense of Activision. They are not the only software company to produce sub par (at least to the consumers feelings or desires) sequel software with bug. Mr Gates and Microsoft do it all the time! Microsoft, though, seldom removes options that they had that consumers liked.
I would suggest that Activision continue to improve CTPI with some new patches, rather than abandon the game entirely. Yes, the game had some flaws that might not be completely fixable, but they could be improved. I'm sure many feel that CTPII will also be abandoned within a year or so after it's release. Another $40-50 down the toilet. It was amazing how much CTPI improved with the 1.2 Patch (addition of Hot Seat). Why stop there. Other games, like the SIMS sell add on software (ie Sims "Livin' Large") to upgrade their game, you could do the same. The PBEM and Hot Seat modes should be addressed seperately. From what I've read on other bulleton messages, PBEM has some dificyult to fix bugs. I haven't read of the specific bus with Hot Seat, nor did I ever run across any in the hundred plus games we played on my computer. I'm not trying to glaze out the PBEM deal, as it is important to many. But, maybe if the two were seperated, each could eventually get fixed instead of being bagged together as 'trash' and discarded. The greater than 8 civs I read about would probably created an increase memory requirement. Maybe some code in the program could check the host computer for amont of free memory. If it has enough, 'x' number of civs above 8 could be added. If not, the 8 civ limitation would be in effect. There are thousands of computer hardware and cpu combinations out there. I'm sure there are several differnt combinations being used by those commenting on this site. It would be impossible to make a game of r any software that could accomodate 100% of all machines, but things could be done to ensure that most are accomodated. If the canals are not water ways then I am clueless of what they are, but they are obviously important to a lot of customers. As water ways, I can clearly see their importance in a strategic simulation game as without them, inland cities have no access to shipping (as in CTPI). Where I live we have cities supported by shipping via canals (or deep water rivers)
Oh, by the way, my title Mike the Nuke has nothing to do with Nuclear Weapons (although I know how they work and how they are made,etc) or options I use in the game. It was the only name I could come up with, not already in use. I supervised and operated Nuclear Power Plants aboard a Nuclear Aircraft Carrier for 10 years in the service and worked as a Weapons Safety Supervisor later before I retired. I am very familiar with aircraft (their abilities advantages, disadvantages), ships (carriers, submarines, etc), weapons (tomahawks, varios bombs, etc). And for those who have catch my spelling errors, all I can say is my typing sucks and I often forget to use the spell checker option. So, sorry for the mispelling at times.
DrDanger is nothing but a danger to himself. Waht a JOKE! And the same goes for that guy that seems to side with him (brother, I think).
Yes, CTP I and II are only games. We, the consumers have taken the time to purchase and play CTPI and give our feedback to Activision and it's group of programers, yet they solve only part of the problems and eliminate options that their customers want, even when they were available in the first game. Why do we get so upset? Because we enjoyed the original product or saw its potential. We waited extremly long for the sequel only to find the sequel, though it may fix some problems, creates others by eliminating functions or options important to us. And to have these things eliminated just to meet a 'bean counters' dead line.
Internet is slow and unreliable (opponets drop off and you don't know who you are competing with), single player passes time. but AI's are too predictable. They either are too easy or too dificult (because they are encoded with cheats). People verse people is the only option.
In defense of Activision. They are not the only software company to produce sub par (at least to the consumers feelings or desires) sequel software with bug. Mr Gates and Microsoft do it all the time! Microsoft, though, seldom removes options that they had that consumers liked.
I would suggest that Activision continue to improve CTPI with some new patches, rather than abandon the game entirely. Yes, the game had some flaws that might not be completely fixable, but they could be improved. I'm sure many feel that CTPII will also be abandoned within a year or so after it's release. Another $40-50 down the toilet. It was amazing how much CTPI improved with the 1.2 Patch (addition of Hot Seat). Why stop there. Other games, like the SIMS sell add on software (ie Sims "Livin' Large") to upgrade their game, you could do the same. The PBEM and Hot Seat modes should be addressed seperately. From what I've read on other bulleton messages, PBEM has some dificyult to fix bugs. I haven't read of the specific bus with Hot Seat, nor did I ever run across any in the hundred plus games we played on my computer. I'm not trying to glaze out the PBEM deal, as it is important to many. But, maybe if the two were seperated, each could eventually get fixed instead of being bagged together as 'trash' and discarded. The greater than 8 civs I read about would probably created an increase memory requirement. Maybe some code in the program could check the host computer for amont of free memory. If it has enough, 'x' number of civs above 8 could be added. If not, the 8 civ limitation would be in effect. There are thousands of computer hardware and cpu combinations out there. I'm sure there are several differnt combinations being used by those commenting on this site. It would be impossible to make a game of r any software that could accomodate 100% of all machines, but things could be done to ensure that most are accomodated. If the canals are not water ways then I am clueless of what they are, but they are obviously important to a lot of customers. As water ways, I can clearly see their importance in a strategic simulation game as without them, inland cities have no access to shipping (as in CTPI). Where I live we have cities supported by shipping via canals (or deep water rivers)
Oh, by the way, my title Mike the Nuke has nothing to do with Nuclear Weapons (although I know how they work and how they are made,etc) or options I use in the game. It was the only name I could come up with, not already in use. I supervised and operated Nuclear Power Plants aboard a Nuclear Aircraft Carrier for 10 years in the service and worked as a Weapons Safety Supervisor later before I retired. I am very familiar with aircraft (their abilities advantages, disadvantages), ships (carriers, submarines, etc), weapons (tomahawks, varios bombs, etc). And for those who have catch my spelling errors, all I can say is my typing sucks and I often forget to use the spell checker option. So, sorry for the mispelling at times.