Originally posted by Devil of Truth
Good guess. Regtig = werkelijk.
Good guess. Regtig = werkelijk.
90% of Afrikaans can be understood by Dutch people without too much effort (in this case 'regtig' comes from the German/Medieval Dutch word 'richtig' which means the same thing).
You said I sound Flemish, why? How is the spelling or grammar different? (Excuse my ignorance)
Flemish is a bit more poetic, I suppose (which probably explains why there are far more native-speaking Flemish poets/song-writers/singers/etc than Dutch ones ), while Dutch is more to the point. A Dutch person would have simply said 'Dan zal ik een taal spreken die jullie ook niet kennen.'
But that's probably a lot more than you wanted to know
Bah! I wanna go to Brazil too!