Looks like Master Hex beat me to responding re: the way workers work tiles. At first, I didn't like that aspect of the game, but the more I thought about it, the more sense it made to my brain....and it *really* changed the way I looked at everything!
The deeper I delve into this game and the mods that have been made for it, the more impressed I am! Absolutely fantastic game, absolutely fantastic mod!
Cats do indeed rock! In my game, I'm up to about 500 ad, and am some 20(!!) techs behind the leaders. I'm still using primarily man-at-arms and my new crossbow unit, backed up by cats and now, by catapults (five built, more in production). Meanwhile, the big dawgs of the world have cannons and arquebus....::gulp::
Economically, I'm running third and climbing rapidly...it's been a tough game every step of the way, first with the barbarians, and then with the other civs. I must say that between the (harsh) penalties for going above city caps, and the TOUGH AI in Cradle, it makes for a game where there are no guarantees! I'm having a blast! (and, as Nancy can attest to, the streams of cursing the computer and my various reversals of fortune are a clear indicator that I'm enjoying myself!)
Glad you guys are finding my observations useful....I'm still, in a very real sense, learning the ropes myself, but as I find things that work for me, I make sure to write 'em down here! Group enough of them together, and we've got....the beginnings of a strat guide?
(AAR for this one will prolly come sometime after Hex makes the updates he's got planned....as to the other AAR...dang it, that would mean I'd have to stop playing!
The deeper I delve into this game and the mods that have been made for it, the more impressed I am! Absolutely fantastic game, absolutely fantastic mod!
Cats do indeed rock! In my game, I'm up to about 500 ad, and am some 20(!!) techs behind the leaders. I'm still using primarily man-at-arms and my new crossbow unit, backed up by cats and now, by catapults (five built, more in production). Meanwhile, the big dawgs of the world have cannons and arquebus....::gulp::
Economically, I'm running third and climbing rapidly...it's been a tough game every step of the way, first with the barbarians, and then with the other civs. I must say that between the (harsh) penalties for going above city caps, and the TOUGH AI in Cradle, it makes for a game where there are no guarantees! I'm having a blast! (and, as Nancy can attest to, the streams of cursing the computer and my various reversals of fortune are a clear indicator that I'm enjoying myself!)
Glad you guys are finding my observations useful....I'm still, in a very real sense, learning the ropes myself, but as I find things that work for me, I make sure to write 'em down here! Group enough of them together, and we've got....the beginnings of a strat guide?

(AAR for this one will prolly come sometime after Hex makes the updates he's got planned....as to the other AAR...dang it, that would mean I'd have to stop playing!
