Just float your pointer over the tile, and the far lower right corner of the screen has a little status bar that says something like:
No announcement yet.
about that green bar.........
Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.
i think maybe it's just a simple formulae, but one that ties in the citizen count with it. i think the green bar starts at a base figure, depending on food sllider settings, citysize and other variables, and the bread amount is worked into it (probably just added). the rest we know - at the end of each turn the greenbar figure is added to the population until it hits a 10K increment, then up it goes a population point.
i know i'm just sort of stating the obvious, but maybe that's all it is - obvious. rather than civ-style "for every 60 (or whatever) bread units collected=1 population point", it just works so the final figures are citizen headcounts, rather than bread, per se.
do you know what i mean?? or ?
David -
do a file-search of folders on your drive for "const.txt" file... there will be several of these depending on the number of scenarios and mods you have.
For a non-scenario or non-mod game, it'll be in this folder:
\call to power 2\ctp2_data\default\gamedata\
Open or edit the text file with your text editor of choice (notepad will work).
Look for a line of text called:
Change the number to whatever you want. (there may be a lot of blank spaces between "year" and "2300"... i'm not sure how this affects anything)
I've gone thru many of the threads and don't see any direct tutorial-type directions on how exactly to change variables in the game... just scattered hints and tips... These guys really do know what they are doing, however, so I'm am certain one of them can help. If you know where there is a step by step tutorial on what needs to be done to change various aspects of the game, please let me know.
Hope this helps... Later
Originally posted by David In Asia
i think the green bar starts at a base figure, depending on food sllider settings, citysize and other variables, and the bread amount is worked into it
In my view, the green bar doesn't have the Bread amount worked into it AFTER THE FACT, but rather the Bread amount determines the Base value of the growth-greenbar FIRST - - - THEN other factors are figured in (population demand/crime/granary/etc).
Insofar as there is a base value at all, we agree. As to what determines this base value, there is still great confusion.
When you say the base figure is dependant on food slider settings, I am not so sure... The bar is OVERALL affected by the food slider, but I don't think the BASE figure is determined by it.
But then again, since I have no idea what is going on, I'd rather not get into any kind of debate here since I am clueless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I tend to think the base figure is based on:
- the total FOOD OUTPUT of all the tiles within the city's dotted-line area
- modified by the number of workers. "Workers" in this case are are those people "assigned" to each tile to work it's resources. Only one worker per tile. The number of your city population equals the number of workers (aka tile-workers); see your own graphical diagram to explain this - population 6 cities work 6 tiles around the city; a size-12 city has 12 tile-workers (this is all assuming you have NO specialists and NO slaves... this is in accordance to CTP1's method)
- this base score is additionally affected by the TILE LOCATION of each worker (only if you have fewer workers than tiles available in the dotted-line area)... again, this is something you cannot determine manually in CTP2 but is evident in CTP1 (i know of no way to see which worker is harvesting which tile in CPT2). So if you have 2 workers working on 6 tiles, they will preferentially work on "foody" tiles or "production oriented" tiles based on your sliders.. (oh wait... here is where your point of view comes into play again.. darn, maybe I'm completely wrong..)
this is getting ridiculous... I say we do a check on the programmer credits in the game and search the web for their email addresses!!!!
Oh but i just thought why u would HAVE to use the right click method (yes im goin on lol) to find out the food/production/commerce value for the tile UNDER the city. Well thats if you didnt know the tile values off by heart, which isnt hard either.
I think the modders know exactly what the answer is they just dont wanna get involvedCall to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.
Yeah Conan rocks and i missed Dragonslayer, but i did have a book of the film(the hero in it uses dragon scales as a shield if its the same one right?) which i enjoyed!
Conan the destroyer - its the Episode I of the sword/sorcery film world .
And oops i've just forfilled my second signature
Er...as to bread production in CTP2, erm......maybe ask the baker? (pitifull attempt to get on topic - makes me feel better though )'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for you.info here. prove me wrong.
Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.
I see no one has responded yet with an answer to the question of the relationship between "bread" and "growth"
Again, this same question can be applied to "flask>science" and "gear>production" and "coin>income"
Maybe this thread could be renamed to something more conducive... "about that green bar" at first had me avoiding this thread too...
Anyway, to any lurkers reading this thread, we are trying to figure out how the GROWTH graph number is derived from the BREAD number... *not* how the Bread number itself is derived in the first place.
Having said that, please participate in the "tournament" games! And register in the multiplayer registry!
Take it easy
Ah, the food/growth questions of Vel reminded me of this thread, so I did some research (no, I don't have time for this but I couldn't resist ) and I figured out how the growth and food numbers are related. All the calcuations below were done in the original game, with the human player (AI might get some bonuses or penalties, I didn't check that).
Note of caution: CtP2's system of rounding up/down seems to make little sense. Sometimes they are rounded up, sometimes they are rounded down, seemingly at random. So if you re-calculate the numbers I calculated, you'll probably find a lot of off-by-one errors and some other minor deviations. I've done enough calculations to be fairly certain that it weren't actually mistakes or oversights on my behalf, I'm afraid that's just how the game works...
Case 1
The first thing that matters is the amount of food ('breads') in a city. This is determined first and foremost by the terrain: in a size 1 city surrounded by Grassland, Plains and a river (see pic of Berlin), there is 25 food in the city tile itself (grassland = 15 + 10 = bonus), plus 135 in the first (and only) ring around the city. So the total amount of food collected from the terrain is 25 + 135 * 1/6 = 48. Over this you have to apply the government food coefficient though, which in this case - in 4000 BC in Tyranny - is 0.85. So you get 48 * 0.85 = 41 food. This is also the number displayed in the City Manager.
To get the population growth from this, you need to first take into account the Crime. By default this is 25%, so we substract that from our food supply and get 0.75 * 41 = 31 food. With only 1 city in our empire, this is also the sum of the Consumed + Stored category in the Empire Manager. Our Rations are by default set at 12, so 1 pop * 12 rations = 12 rations are consumed, as can be read from the Empire manager screen. The other 19 are stored and go to city growth. The default growth multiplier (as set in citysize?.txt) is 75 and the city size is 1, so to get the total amount of growth, we say 19 * 75 / 1 = 1425, which is also what is listed as the growth in the City Manager. The overcrowding factor should now be applied to this number to get the net growth, but since in such a small city overcrowding is 0, no growth is lost to overcrowding.
Case 2
Let's do this again to make sure this wasn't a fluke: we take Paris, which lies next to hills and mountains. This time we changed the difficulty level to see if this makes a difference (there's a value in DiffDB.txt that should deduce growth on higher difficulty levels). Paris itself produces 25 food (plains = 10 + river = 5 + 10 = bonus) and the terrain around it 100. So the amount of food available in our city in Tyranny is (25 + 100 * 1/6) * 0.85 = 41 * 0.85 = 34, as shown in the City Manager. Once again, Crime is at the default value of 25, so the the net food available is 34 * 0.75 = 26, as can be seen from the Empire Manager. 12 of this is consumed and 14 stored. 14 * 75 / 1 = 1050 growth, which corresponds with the City Manager again (still no overcrowding). So our formula works like a charm, although the DiffDB value doesn't: it doesn't do anything, or at least not with food (it might still affect overcrowding but that seems unlikely).
Case 3
Now we'll have a look at a larger city, to see confirm that the population factor works out as I described above (in fact, in my original model it didn't I had to correct it after this city but I didn't want to confuse you guys so I made sure my above models use the proper formula). Also, this city has a Granary, an Aquaduct and a bunch of tile improvements in it's radius and the government used is Republic, to make things more interesting. The city is Paros, a city from the Peleponnesian War scenario. I gave all other cities that I controlled away, so I could use the Empire Manager to double check my values. This reset the Crime rate from 27% to 25%, but with 27% things work out as well, I made sure of that.
The city tile itself is a Hill, which produces 5 Food, plus the 10 Bonus = 15. The surrounding tiles, with their Nets and Port produce 150 food, so the total food collection is 15 + 150 * 5/6 = 140. The growth coefficient of Republic is 1.15, so the food amount is 161, which is in turn multiplied by 10% because of the Granary, bringing the total food to 178, as can be verified in the City Manager. From this, we must substract 25% Crime, so the net food in this city is 178 * 0.75 = 132. With pop 5 and rations at 12, the consumption is 5 * 12 = 60, leaving 72 food for storage. This can again be verified with the Empire Manager. So 72 * 75 / 5 = 1080 gold, as the City Manager confirms. Normally though, cities from size 4 onwards (as specified in citysize?.txt) experience overcrowding, which should therefore apply to our city as well. However, our Aquaduct raises the overcrowding limit with 6, so overcrowding only starts at pop 10.
Case 4
Finally, let's have a look at overcrowding. I haven't figured this out yet so help would be appreciated. I took a size 9 city without buildings from the same Peleponessian War scenario (Larissa). The food on the city tile is 20, the first ring offers 175 food and the second one 195. So the food collected is 20 + 175 * 6/6 + 195 * 3/12 = 281. Multiply this with the 1.15 multiplier of Republic and you have a total food collection of 281, as the City Manager confirms. With 25% Crime, the net food available is 210, of which 9 * 12 = 108 is consumed and the remaining 102 stored. 102 * 75 / 9 = 850. But we don't have an Aquaduct, so there is overcrowding and the City Manager shows a +734 Growth. By putting an Aquaduct in the city through the Cheat mode, I eliminated Overcrowding and confirmed that the total growth of the city is 841, almost the 850 we calculated (a rounding error somewhere, I'm sure). So 107 (quite possibly 108, rounding errors are frequent and although possible I don't think it's likely that the overcrowding is a prime number). How this number is calculated beats me. I compared it with several other cities but it doesn't make sense. A city starts producing overcrowding at size 4, which could mean there is 108/6 = 18 overcrowding per citizen, but this figure doesn't correspond with figures from other cities (I saw a size 10 city with an Aquaduct which produced 53 overcrowding, for 1 citizen).
R0 = amount of food in Ring 0, the city tile itself
R1 = amount of food in Ring 1, R2 = amount of food in Ring 2, etc
W1 = number of workers in R1, W2 = number of workers in R2, etc
GC = Growth Coefficient for the current Government
BC = Building Coefficient, bonus food added by Buildings
WC = Wonder Coefficient, bonus food added by Wonders
C = Crime percentage
TF = Total Food collected in the city, excluding Crime
NF = Net Food available to the city, including Crime
CO = amount of food consumed by the citizens of the city
ST = amount of food stored for growth
P = Size of the city (Population)
R = Rations for the empire
TG = Total Growth of the city
NG = Net Growth of the city, corrected for Overcrowding
OC = Overcrowding, unknown
TF = (R0 + W1 / 6 * R1 + W2 / 12 * R2 + W3 / 18 * W3 + ...) * GC * BC * WC = ['Food' in City Manager]
NF = TF * C = ST + CO = ['Consumed' + 'Stored' in Empire Manager]
CO = P * R = ['Consumed' in Empire Manager]
ST = NF - CO = ['Stored' in Empire Manager]
TG = ST * 75 / P
NG = TG - OC = ['Growth' in City Manager]
- If the city grows through Slaves and the city reaches or exceeds it maximum size, the Growth will change to 'Starving', even if there is a surplus, and the city will not grow further until an appropriate building is built.
- The maximum Net Growth rate is +2500.
- If a city doesn't produce enough food, it will start to starve: the population of the city will decrease rather than increase.
- If the population of a city passes over a multiple of 10,000 the city's size will change accordingly (regardless of the direction of the change). So a size 7 city which goes from 7,900 citizens to 8,100 will grow to size 8, and vice versa.
- Certain buildings, such as a Granary, can postpone the shrinking of a city for a fixed number of turns, to give the player the opportunity to do something about the problem.
What's next?
We still need to investigate the effects of Specialists (Farmers), Wonders, having several Food buildings in one city and we should continue the research on Overcrowding. Also, it would be useful to figure out how units which require food for support fit into all this. An extra check on Crime wouldn't hurt either (where the difference in Crime is larger than 2%), but I'm fairly certain that won't give nasty surprises. Once we have all this figured out, it would be a good idea to confirm that Production, Gold and Science are calculated in the same way, and to see if there are any notable differences. But that's for another time though, as I should be doing other things right now...
Originally posted by Locutus
So our formula works like a charm, although the DiffDB value doesn't: it doesn't do anything, or at least not with food (it might still affect overcrowding but that seems unlikely).
Originally posted by Locutus
- The maximum Net Growth rate is +2500
Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
Just a guess.
Isnt the specialist work like that:
Farmers as default gives 30 bonus (pop.txt). So i guess you add this bonus goes to the food income but the to total food gets multiplied by the efficiency wich is
E = efficiency
P = total pop
S = total number of specialist
SF = food from farmers.
E = P - S / P
Of course, this is just an untested yet logical thought"Kill a man and you are a murder.
Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
Kill all and you are a God!"
-Jean Rostand
Bravo guys, Bravo!!! That was the correlation I was looking for, and I suspect that the same basic formula applies to all the game's factors of production (food, production, commerce). Outstanding!
Armed with that information, we can no estimate with a fair amount of accuracy such things as the opportunity cost of taking on a farmer specialist and such....OUTSTANDING!