I don't mean to start a war, but I just don't understand why there are so many people out there who believe that every little "error" that you believe you have found should be fixed by activision. I agree that certain things, which directly affect the game (ex. the save game bug, or the patch not working on all computers) are something they should be held responsible to fix, asap. But as for the AI being too easy, or there not being enough sprites, or scenarios, or not being able to have more than 8 civs is something that is left to the players. If you don't like what is happening in the game at any given point, say you don't like that a phalanx can beat a tank (doesn't happen now, but just for arguements sake) then I think you should try to fix it to your liking. That's what the creation forum is for, come visit it. You'll see so many things that we didn't agree with, and are making changes so it suits us and a few others better. There's info how to do it yourself, accumulated by DarkKnight, mods by WesW and others, scenarios by Harlan and others, maps by me and others, utilites by Harlan, acitivision, Skorpion and many others. If you don't like something, the advantage to how Activision made this game is that you can change it to meet your own personal tastes. If you don't like how easy the game is on the hardest level then change that level to something more difficult (increase the AI science starts, the AI tactics, the AI diplomacy, the AI whatever). This game was designed to play have fun and improve... it's not stagnant. So if you haven't gotten the drift of this little letter, it's this "if you don't like it, fix it..." the people in creation are generally happy to help you, and maybe you've learned something that they've missed and can help their problems.... the game does need work, no question... but Civ III isn't out for a while yet, so let's make this game ours and when CTP3 is delivered to us, and after activision has checked out the forums and changes we've made... (you know they must... it's free work) then maybe we'll not have to change so much next time... do you want your two cents in the game, or do you just want to %&#*@ and complain??? I know where I stand....
Rich - the developer, the modifier... the improver
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by OmniGod (edited January 06, 2001).]</font>
Rich - the developer, the modifier... the improver
<font size=1 face=Arial color=444444>[This message has been edited by OmniGod (edited January 06, 2001).]</font>