quote:![]() Originally posted by Monkey on 10-28-2000 08:58 PM How does it compare to say....hmmmm... CTP1? I know that during the later stages of the game in CTP1 accessing the city menu would be downright slow. Plus the autosave option wasn't really an option since it took approximately 2 seconds to save after each turn an if you add that in to the time it takes for AIs to make a move in the late stages the whole game turned really really clunky. Now that space layer is gone, will CTP2 run as fast as say....mmm.... civ2? If you can get close to that then I'm definitely buying it!! ![]() |
That's really hard to judge, and it's sort of an unfair comparison. Civ2 didn't have nearly as many graphics as Call To Power 2. And graphics takes horsepower. Turns can take a long time if the enemy has a lot of units to move. I don't think I can give you any more of a satisfactory answer than that. I will say in my experience I haven't noticed autosave taking a significant amount of time, but I have never honestly clocked it or anything. Another thing I will say is that things are cached, the first time you access any screen it takes longer than all subsequent calls to it. So the first time pulling up the city menu in a save I have from 2500ad (only relevent to point out that I have a lot of things in the city) took a few seconds, but the next time I pulled it up it was about a second.
quote:![]() Originally posted by Monkey on 10-28-2000 08:58 PM Will Activision be putting out new graphics packs afor CTP2 after release ala the Sims or SimCity3000? From what I have seen of the screenshots, a medieval castle style is still lacking in the ancient age and I think there have been many people requesting new city styles. ![]() |
I haven't been here at Activision long enough to be sure of how they do it, but my experience from other companies is that add on packs are almost always decided upon based on public response of the release. So I don't think anyone can answer that question right now. If this game sells 50 gazillion units, I'm sure an add-on pack will follow. If it sells 4 units, and 3 of them were wholesale, well... Personally, I'm hoping on 50 gazillion, but I don't get to make that decision, only the fans can make that one.