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Turn Chat #18: 1360 BC - 1260 BC (Turn 132 - 137)

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  • #16
    Just for the record the orders for the next three turns are in the ministery of Defense for this chat here
    "Kill a man and you are a murder.
    Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
    Kill all and you are a God!"
    -Jean Rostand


    • #17
      Savegame 1320 BC
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      • #18
        Overview of map
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        • #19
          BAIT - South (going straigh to Austria Territory)
          GOODSIGHT - North (explore a unknown territory)
          OSIBUSTER - North (explore a unknown territory)
          SAMURAI - NE (To Linz)
          TAKERS - South (To Wien)
          BACKUP - NE, NE (meet HEBBEATERS)
          HEBBEATERS - E, E, SW (check fog and meet BACKUP). Group all units in the tile.
          WIENNERS - Stand Still (Blocking and blocked by Scott stack)
          ADDFORCE - NW (to Wiens)
          SIZE-3 STACK FROM PRESS - S and Fortify (Now part of H Defense)
          "Kill a man and you are a murder.
          Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
          Kill all and you are a God!"
          -Jean Rostand


          • #20
            German situation
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            • #21
              The chat ended. I don't have time for a chat log (will follow tomorrow, as well as some screenshots) but here's a log of the most important events of the chat (I hope I didn't forget anything).

              rush-bought city wall in Colonia Locuta
              built a road from Pedrunnia to mapfipolis
              built a road from Wombatoon to the Graz-Pedrunnia road
              built a road from Linz to Wombatoon
              set PW to 20%
              research set to Horse Riding
              Takers and AddForce move towards Wien
              moved some units from Wels and Pressburg towards H Town
              moved some units from Wombatoon towards Pedrunnia


              built Archers in Pedrunnia, Pressburg, Wombatoon and Wels
              built City Wall in Colonia Locuta
              explorers continued exploration
              Takers, AddForce, Wienners march on Wien
              moved units from H Town and Wombatoon towards a point from where Pedrunnia, Graz and Wombatoon can all be reached in 1 turn once the road network is complete
              rush-bought Theater in Graz


              Ballista Towers built in mapfipolis and Theater in Graz
              army 'Tripoli' formed in the centre of the triangle Pedrunnia-Graz-Wombatoon
              Takers and AddForce march on Wien (Wienners blocked by Scots)
              explorers continued exploration, Oesibuster revealed Ruin


              Hoplites built in Pedrunnia and Linz
              set PW at 80%,
              rush-bought in all cities except Pedrunnia, Wombatoon, Linz and Wels
              Warrior sent out from Linz to explore Pilsen area - threatened by Barb, so army of 4 sent out to escort Warrior
              Goody hut near Oesibuster taken: it contained 2 Barb Horse Archers
              Cornered German Settler between CL and MP with Hoplite+Archer combos
              Takers, AddForce, Wienners march on Wien - very close now
              Explorers continued exploring


              Oesibuster killed by a Barbarian Horse Archer
              Pedrunn rioted (entertainer added)
              German stack visible outside Wombattoon (not within striking range yet)
              Caravan built in COlonia Locuta
              Shrine built in H Town
              Hoplites built in Graz, Maquiladad, Pressburg
              Archer built in mapfipolis
              PW at 0%
              Suicided damaged Hoplite on Wien: city defended by 2 Knights only
              Explorers continued exploring, Bait ran into the German city of Magdenburg
              Takers and AddForce merge NE of Wien, Wienners also within striking range
              Units South of Linz back to the city (a Jewish 12-stack approaches)
              2 Units from mapfipolis start moving West (city finished building an Archer and now has 13 units in/around it)


              Hoplite built in Welsh
              Germans established an embassy in Pedrunnia
              Austrian Catapult bombarded Takers from Wien
              Indians requested map exchange - accepted
              Indians appear to have taken a Thai city (battlesounds in background, Thai/Indian borders looks 'funny').
              Germans are now withing striking range of Wombattoon
              researched Horse Riding, started Geography
              Wien attacked and taken: 2 Knighs and 1 Catapult defending it. 1 Hoplite destroyed, 2 damaged.

              End of Chat (no other moves were made in 1260, all stacks except Wienniers have all movement points left)
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              • #22
                Some left-over sceenies that may or may not be of interest...

                Suicide on Wien
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                • #23
                  Attack on Wien

                  (Screens and graphs of entire empire will follow later)
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                  • #24
                    BTW, if possible I want to play in a non-chat way as well. For this reason I urge all ministers to collect their orders for this turn (optionally next turn as well) *ASAP*. I'd like to play 1 or 2 turns on my own between tomorrow and the next turn chat (in or around this weekend) - the sooner the better...
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                    • #25
                      More screens (can't promise I'll post quite this many every chat, but I have time for it now) - I hope the resized ones work well on smaller screen resolutions...

                      Eastern provinces
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                      • #26
                        Western provinces
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                        • #27
                          (All that) Remains of the Austrian Empire
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                          • #28
                            Quick overview of the empire
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                            • #29
                              State of the Empire
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                              • #30
                                Cities - Resources
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