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Turn Chat #18: 1360 BC - 1260 BC (Turn 132 - 137)

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                            • #44
                              Chat Report

                              [22:02] <Locutus> very well, let's start the chat
                              [22:04] <Locutus> is anyone playing along?
                              [22:04] <Tamerlin> Yes, I am
                              [22:04] <Zaphod> i'll try, but im busy eating
                              [22:04] <Locutus> is anyone not playing along? i.e. should I post lots of screenies?
                              [22:05] <Tamerlin> Immortal Wombat?
                              [22:05] <ImmortalWombat> probably not.
                              [22:06] <Locutus> very well. I'll start by updating the build queue. any objections to the suggestions made by Tamerlin in the forum?
                              [22:06] <Zaphod> i believe they were fine, cant remember
                              [22:07] <Locutus> Tamerlin said we should consider RBing the city wall in CL. should we do this?
                              [22:07] <Zaphod> moment
                              [22:07] <Locutus> we have almost 6k gold, it will cost 1,7k
                              [22:08] <Tamerlin> We can wait until the German stack move...
                              [22:08] <Locutus> I think we should rush-buy and use the time we gain with that to build a caravan or two...
                              [22:09] <Zaphod> if tey are bouind to attack, next tun will be too late
                              [22:11] <Tamerlin> OK, RBing and building caravans seems good
                              [22:11] <ImmortalWombat> agreed
                              [22:12] <Zaphod> g
                              [22:12] <Zaphod> agreed
                              [22:12] <Locutus> okay, rush-buying and inserting 1 Caravan (for now)
                              [22:12] <Tamerlin> OK
                              [22:13] <Tamerlin> Done
                              [22:13] <Locutus> all other changes to the build queues have been made by me
                              [22:14] <Locutus> zaphod, are you playing along or not?
                              [22:14] <Zaphod> im trying, just finished dinner
                              [22:14] <Tamerlin> Done in my game, and yes Zaphod is also playing the game
                              [22:14] <Locutus> do I have to wait for you? if so, how long do you think it will take?
                              [22:14] <Zaphod> only rbed and changed to caravan so far
                              [22:14] <Zaphod> well, not long, what else to do?
                              [22:15] <Locutus> some units and buildings need to be added to various build queues
                              [22:15] <Locutus> see
                              [22:16] <Locutus> in the mean time. IW: we have 1,5k PW. do we want to spend some (or all) of that this turn?
                              [22:16] <ImmortalWombat> yes
                              [22:16] <Locutus> on what?
                              [22:16] <ImmortalWombat> I think with such a store, we are fully capable and ready to complete the road network as planned to mapfipolis
                              [22:17] <ImmortalWombat> and then on the three road tiles due north from wombatoon to the main E-W road
                              [22:17] <Locutus> okay... I guess I'll have to find the right thread about that...
                              [22:17] <Tamerlin> so do I...
                              [22:17] <ImmortalWombat> sec
                              [22:17] <ImmortalWombat>
                              [22:18] <Tamerlin> Thanks...
                              [22:19] <Locutus> okay, so basically build the cheapest road possible from pedrunnia to mapfipolis, as Martin's last 2 pics show?
                              [22:19] <Zaphod> updated qeues
                              [22:19] <ImmortalWombat> yes
                              [22:19] <Locutus> okay, doing so...
                              [22:20] <ImmortalWombat> which leaves ~1000 PW?
                              [22:20] <Zaphod> roads built
                              [22:20] <Zaphod> 1036
                              [22:20] <ImmortalWombat> I think the best course of action would be to build some farms around Pedrunnia (do we have trading posts yet?)
                              [22:20] <Locutus> okay, done. yeah, 1k PW left
                              [22:21] <Locutus> I'm yet to build to road to wombatoon though. 3 tiles north was it?
                              [22:21] <ImmortalWombat> yes
                              [22:21] <Zaphod> id prefer a complete roadnetwork too
                              [22:21] <ImmortalWombat> which should connect equidistantly with the two other cities
                              [22:21] <Locutus> okay, done. 856 PW left
                              [22:22] <Locutus> no, we don't have trading posts yet
                              [22:22] <ImmortalWombat> ok. one farm or two farms round Pedrunnia?
                              [22:23] <Zaphod> we cann connect graz, linz wombatoon in a triangle for 500
                              [22:23] <Locutus> linz and maqidad are now the only 2 cities not connected.
                              [22:23] <Locutus> I'd say 2 farms: one on grassland, 1 on the river
                              [22:23] <Tamerlin> Which tiles must have roads to connect Wombatoon?
                              [22:23] <ImmortalWombat> due north Tam
                              [22:24] <ImmortalWombat> connecting Linz will cost quite a bit won't it? coming over the hills?
                              [22:24] <Locutus> checking...
                              [22:24] <Tamerlin> Sorry, I am a bit late on this issue... ok so two roads to connect Wombatoon to the river
                              [22:24] <Zaphod> sorry, 700, typo
                              [22:25] <Zaphod> if we don't go over the hills but through that forrest tile instead
                              [22:25] <ImmortalWombat> should be three tamelin
                              [22:25] <Locutus> we can connect from Linz to wombatoon for 520, to Graz for 580
                              [22:25] <Locutus> 2 hills
                              [22:25] <ImmortalWombat> yeah, if we connect Linz to Wombatoon is will be 520
                              [22:25] <Tamerlin> OK
                              [22:25] <Zaphod> or 700 for the complete NETwork
                              [22:26] <ImmortalWombat> yes
                              [22:26] <ImmortalWombat> agree
                              [22:26] <Zaphod> to go the direct route over the hills would 1120 including the short road to wombatoon
                              [22:26] <Tamerlin> Agreed
                              [22:26] <ImmortalWombat> strategically, I think those can wait. but it may be better to get the road network done before getting trading posts?
                              [22:27] <Zaphod> i say lets finish the roadnetwork (well except for maguidad at the moment) and then do the other stuff
                              [22:27] <Locutus> hmmm, we don't desperately need farms or mines at the moment so might as well finish the road network...
                              [22:27] <ImmortalWombat> ok
                              [22:27] <Locutus> so how to we build the roads?
                              [22:27] <ImmortalWombat> so Road the potato tile
                              [22:27] <Locutus> do you have a map IW or should I post a pic?
                              [22:28] <ImmortalWombat> I've got the Naming Linz thread up, so I can see
                              [22:28] <ImmortalWombat> then from the NE of Linz, go due north to the farm to the SE of Graz
                              [22:28] <Zaphod> 2 roads west of wombatoon and the connect north and south
                              [22:29] <Locutus> okay. should the road be a straight line from linz to potato, or go as far north as possible (so we can perhaps connect it to graz as well in the future)?
                              [22:29] <Locutus> zaphod worded it better than I did
                              [22:30] <Zaphod> thanks
                              [22:30] <ImmortalWombat> yes. I think we agree. I'm posting a screenie in the chat thread
                              [22:31] <Locutus> that would be helpful - this is confusing
                              [22:31] * Pedrunn has joined #Lemuria
                              [22:31] <Pedrunn> Hi all
                              [22:31] <Tamerlin> Hi Pedrunn
                              [22:31] <ImmortalWombat>
                              [22:31] <ImmortalWombat> Hi
                              [22:31] <Locutus> hey
                              [22:32] <Locutus> looks like this chat might actually work out fine after all...
                              [22:32] <Tamerlin>
                              [22:32] <Zaphod> greetings pedrunn
                              [22:33] <Pedrunn> great
                              [22:33] <Locutus> okay, objections to IW's suggestion?
                              [22:33] <Locutus> I agree myself
                              [22:33] <Zaphod> nope, thats actually what i suggested
                              [22:33] <Tamerlin> No! roads made
                              [22:33] <Locutus> tamerlin: huh?
                              [22:33] <ImmortalWombat> ie. No! [objections]
                              [22:34] <Locutus> ah, oky...
                              [22:34] <ImmortalWombat> "roads made" [on my savegame]
                              [22:34] <Locutus> building road
                              [22:34] <Pedrunn> did we end turn already?
                              [22:34] <Tamerlin> No, I agree... I don't have any objections...
                              [22:34] <Tamerlin> No Pedrunn...
                              [22:34] <Pedrunn> all units moved?
                              [22:34] <Zaphod> rbed the city wall and built some roads, thats all
                              [22:34] <Locutus> no pedrunn, just did build queues, PW and RBing
                              [22:35] <Locutus> it took a long time for the chat to start...
                              [22:35] <Pedrunn> no prob
                              [22:35] <Pedrunn> Lets go on then but my attention will be divided so no wonder if i stop talking for any reason, k?
                              [22:36] <Locutus> we have 156 PW left. any other wishes, IW/
                              [22:36] <ImmortalWombat> 3/4 of a farm?
                              [22:36] <ImmortalWombat> no. I'm done
                              [22:36] <Locutus> 3 cheap roads (though I have no clue where...)
                              [22:36] <Locutus> whereto
                              [22:36] <ImmortalWombat> whither/
                              [22:37] <Locutus> what should the PW tax be? it's currently at 0%...
                              [22:37] <Pedrunn> Did we build roads according to the screenshot?
                              [22:37] <ImmortalWombat> yes, and to mapfipolis according to Martin's plan
                              [22:37] <Locutus> ped: yes, according to the shot in the chat thread + we built a road from ped to mapfi
                              [22:37] <Zaphod> could be west of graz to get faster to the front, but if we wish to build something like that we should better go over the hill to the river
                              [22:37] <ImmortalWombat> Loc: as much as the MoDA is willing to give me Ideally I suppose another 80% or so once we get trading posts, and before we get catapults
                              [22:38] <Locutus> are you gonna play along, pedrunn?
                              [22:38] <Pedrunn> good! We really needed to connect Linz!!! Thanks IW
                              [22:38] <ImmortalWombat> *for a coupla turns
                              [22:38] <Tamerlin> We should build a road around CL, this would allow us to move troops when there are 12 units in CL
                              [22:38] <Pedrunn> yes, i will and am doing the stuff already
                              [22:38] <Locutus> IW: we just did a few 80%ers, IMHO we should build a few units first now
                              [22:38] <Locutus> so I'd say 20% max
                              [22:38] <Tamerlin> You will have your PW... in a few turns
                              [22:39] <ImmortalWombat> ok. 20% is fine
                              [22:39] <Locutus> any objections?
                              [22:39] <ImmortalWombat> in fact, Tamerlin has a point. Stick a road in to the SW of ColLoc
                              [22:39] <Zaphod> though the next turn we could max out pw, as we rushbought the city walls
                              [22:40] <Locutus> agree with that - in my own games I *always* build around cities, never through them...
                              [22:40] <Tamerlin> done
                              [22:40] <Zaphod> yep, cl needs a bypass, citizens already complain about the traffic jams
                              [22:41] <Tamerlin> Roads around cities are a "must have"...
                              [22:42] <Locutus> okay, doing so. we have 106 PW left, do we want to use the same trick NW of wombatoon or east/west of H Town?
                              [22:42] <Tamerlin> I only have 96 left...
                              [22:42] <Locutus> sorry, miscalculated...
                              [22:42] <Zaphod> 96 at mine as well
                              [22:43] <ImmortalWombat> we can't do H-Town without 2 tiles
                              [22:43] <Locutus> so, do the same at wombatoon then? (H Town requires 2 roads)
                              [22:43] <Tamerlin> I agree...
                              [22:44] <Locutus> IW?
                              [22:44] <Zaphod> wombatoon, htown has the rivers, they can be used in as well, though not as fast
                              [22:44] <ImmortalWombat> ok. Wombatoon
                              [22:44] <ImmortalWombat> NW
                              [22:44] <Locutus> okay, done.
                              [22:44] <Zaphod> nope, they can't just had a closer look
                              [22:44] <Zaphod> wombatoon nevertheless
                              [22:45] <Tamerlin> Do we set the PW setting at 20% Locutus?
                              [22:45] <Zaphod> and we should set pw to 80% so we get the best out of cl, where we rbought the walls
                              [22:45] <Locutus> okay, PW at 20% now
                              [22:45] <ImmortalWombat> can I go back to sleep now
                              [22:46] <Locutus> btw, tam, any changes in specialists needed?
                              [22:46] <Tamerlin> No, IW you will have 187 pts to spend next turn... checking Locutus...
                              [22:47] <Locutus> research changed to horse riding. done in 4 turns.
                              [22:47] <Pedrunn> PW rate, roads, build queues!
                              [22:47] <Tamerlin> No specialist change until the next turn...
                              [22:47] <Pedrunn> am i missing anything?
                              [22:47] <Locutus> don't think so, pedrunn...
                              [22:47] <Zaphod> why 20? why not 10 or 30?
                              [22:48] <Locutus> well, IW told me to set it at 20
                              [22:48] <Locutus> personally I think it's fine...
                              [22:48] <Pedrunn> I am ok with that
                              [22:48] <Pedrunn> too
                              [22:49] <Locutus> while we wait for zaphod to (dis)agree with that, we can move units now.
                              [22:49] <Zaphod> well, you don't have to wait, i already gave you my opinion twice during the last 5 minutes
                              [22:49] <Locutus> hmm, I'm first gonna have to name them...
                              [22:50] <Locutus> well, you're in the minority (or at least without proper powers ) so 30+ is not gonna happen anyway...
                              [22:51] <Zaphod> i know
                              [22:51] <ImmortalWombat>
                              [22:51] <Tamerlin> King Locutus have said: I am the state...
                              [22:51] <Locutus> any objections to pedrunn's movement plan for this turn?
                              [22:51] <Locutus> yup
                              [22:52] <Tamerlin> No
                              [22:52] <Locutus> and I'm an emperor
                              [22:52] <Locutus> okay, takers move south.
                              [22:52] <ImmortalWombat> forum emperor, DG King
                              [22:52] <ImmortalWombat> and President
                              [22:53] <Locutus> hmm, i guess you have a point there... wow, 3 titles...
                              [22:53] <Locutus> plus 'manager', that's 4
                              [22:53] <Tamerlin> Locutus the XIV aka the Sun King...
                              [22:53] <Locutus> oh, wait. do I expel the jewish settler?
                              [22:54] <Zaphod> do so
                              [22:54] <Pedrunn> if possible
                              [22:54] <Locutus> yeah, after me the sin-flood (how do you translate that to english anyway?)
                              [22:54] <Pedrunn> yes
                              [22:54] <ImmortalWombat> sin-flood?
                              [22:55] <Tamerlin> After me the deluge...
                              [22:55] <ImmortalWombat> *slap*
                              [22:55] <Locutus> flood of sin? no idea what the english name of that biblical flood is...
                              [22:55] <ImmortalWombat> just "the flood" I think. though deluge would be the quote I guess
                              [22:55] <Tamerlin> Sin is the cause, flood the consequence...
                              [22:56] <ImmortalWombat> "If Noah had been truly wise, he would have swatted those two mosquitoes"
                              [22:56] <Locutus> anyway, settler expelled, takers moved
                              [22:56] <Locutus> hehe
                              [22:56] <Tamerlin> So do we expel those unbelievers?
                              [22:56] <Zaphod> lol
                              [22:57] <Tamerlin> Takers?
                              [22:57] <Locutus> next up is bait: going south through german territory unless I hear objections really fast...
                              [22:57] <Locutus> takers is the 7-stack, tam
                              [22:57] <Zaphod> stop
                              [22:57] <Locutus> okay. what's up, zaph?
                              [22:57] <Tamerlin> Where do you moved it?
                              [22:58] <Zaphod> nothing, just had to check
                              [22:58] <Locutus> tam: moved it south
                              [22:58] <Zaphod> go along
                              [22:58] <Tamerlin> OK
                              [22:58] <Locutus> okay, moving bait south as well
                              [22:58] <Pedrunn> TAKERS - South (To Wien)
                              [22:58] <Pedrunn> BAIT - South (going straigh to Austria Territory)
                              [22:59] <Locutus> farm+road from german city of Bergtesgaden(sp?) reveiled in the SW
                              [22:59] <Tamerlin> Yes
                              [23:00] <Locutus> next up, addforce. also going south, unless I hear objections really fast...
                              [23:00] <Pedrunn> ADDFORCE - South (moving around scottish stack)
                              [23:01] <Locutus> addforce moved
                              [23:01] <Tamerlin> Done
                              [23:02] <Locutus> the other units don't have moves left, so I can't comply with the other orders pedrunn gave me.
                              [23:02] <Locutus> any other orders/remarks/etc or can we end the turn?
                              [23:02] <Tamerlin> We can end the turn...
                              [23:02] <Zaphod> there are some regroupings mentioned
                              [23:03] <Pedrunn> end turn. I did not checked which units could be moved this turns
                              [23:03] <Locutus> where? which ones?
                              [23:03] <Tamerlin> Units moving towards the front?
                              [23:03] <Pedrunn> so i may have to give some thought
                              [23:03] <Pedrunn> There are some defenses to move
                              [23:04] <Zaphod> pressburg wels and wombatoon
                              [23:04] <Locutus> which ones pedrunn?
                              [23:04] <Pedrunn> PRESSBURG DEFENSE - Move 1H and 1A (healthy) to E, S, S (to H Town)
                              [23:04] <Zaphod> PRESSBURG DEFENSE - Move 1H and 1A (healthy) to E, S, S (to H Town)
                              [23:04] <Zaphod> WELS DEFENSE - Move 2H and 1A to S, S, SW (heading H Town)
                              [23:04] <Zaphod> WIENNERS - NE, E (intercepting the Hebrew stack)
                              [23:04] <Zaphod> WOMBATOON DEFENSE - Move 2H and 2A North (to Pedrunnia, we can afford loose Wombatoon but not Pedrunnia)
                              [23:04] <Locutus> okay, good point
                              [23:04] <Locutus> didn't see that
                              [23:04] <Pedrunn> You are fast hum zaphod
                              [23:04] <Zaphod>
                              [23:05] <Locutus> okay, any objections to those 3 'defense' moves?
                              [23:05] <Pedrunn>
                              [23:05] <Pedrunn>
                              [23:05] <Locutus> okay, moving them...
                              [23:06] <Tamerlin> We should move them one by one announcing the tiles...
                              [23:07] <Pedrunn> how is that?
                              [23:07] <Pedrunn> pics?
                              [23:07] <Pedrunn> cant use x, y without cheat mod
                              [23:07] <Locutus> already moved the stacks
                              [23:07] <Zaphod> me too
                              [23:08] <Tamerlin> The problem is we are playing the game on our computers, it could be better to say move one A and 1 H from xxx South for example...
                              [23:08] <Tamerlin> I am a bit slow tonight...
                              [23:09] <Locutus> tam: I want to be faster than the previous presidents. not gonna 'funny about' if it's not needed
                              [23:09] * flash9286 has joined #lemuria
                              [23:10] <Locutus> wombatoon now has a happiness of 72. do we want to do anything about that/
                              [23:10] <Locutus> that?
                              [23:10] <Locutus> or anything else for that matter, before we end the turn?
                              [23:10] * flash9286 has left #lemuria
                              [23:11] <Zaphod> adding an entertainer wonf slow the building of the archer (next turn)
                              [23:11] <Pedrunn> good
                              [23:11] <Locutus> I agree with adding an entertainer, but it's tam's call...
                              [23:11] <Zaphod> of course its his, just checked out the opportunities
                              [23:11] <Locutus> I was just trying to provoke a reaction, zaph
                              [23:12] <Tamerlin> Add an entertainer in Wombatoon...
                              [23:12] <Locutus> from tam, that is
                              [23:12] <Zaphod> there you are
                              [23:12] <Tamerlin>
                              [23:13] <Locutus> anything else?
                              [23:13] <Locutus> 3
                              [23:13] <Locutus> 2
                              [23:13] <Locutus> 1
                              [23:13] <Locutus> 0
                              [23:13] <Locutus> ending turn...
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                              • #45
                                [23:13] <Zaphod> end chat, was a long one already
                                [23:14] <Locutus> no!
                                [23:14] * ImmortalWombat is afk for a few mins
                                [23:14] <Zaphod> englis settler near wels
                                [23:14] <Locutus> okay, the jew disappeared into the darkness, the austrian settlers moved away from us, another jewish settler appeared in the north
                                [23:14] <Zaphod> scots moved south
                                [23:14] <Zaphod> germans went away
                                [23:15] <Zaphod> and a lone barb near linz
                                [23:15] <Locutus> that too
                                [23:15] <Locutus> pikemen, the barb is
                                [23:16] <Locutus> and the settler isn't jewish but english
                                [23:16] <Zaphod> looks like we have the same game
                                [23:16] <Tamerlin> I have forgotten to move the Wienners, who are they?
                                [23:16] <Zaphod> the stack 12
                                [23:16] <Tamerlin> OK
                                [23:17] <Locutus> Wienners didnt' have moves left, Tam
                                [23:17] <Locutus> yup, looks like it, zaph
                                [23:17] <Locutus> okay, let's start with the build queue, any changes needed at this point?
                                [23:18] <Tamerlin> No...
                                [23:18] <Pedrunn> Actually just checked Wienners had but they were fortified.
                                [23:18] <Pedrunn> It is late to cry now
                                [23:19] <Locutus> doh! indeed...
                                [23:19] <Locutus> sorry about that...
                                [23:19] <Pedrunn> my fault too
                                [23:19] <Locutus> but they'll still be well in time
                                [23:19] <Zaphod> nevermind, there goes another impeachment
                                [23:19] <Locutus> well, I'm responsible for the savegame...
                                [23:19] <Pedrunn> If i had totally attention in the game i could have checked that
                                [23:20] <Pedrunn> But lets forget this and move on
                                [23:20] <Locutus> indeed.
                                [23:20] <Tamerlin> Locutus, add 1 Entertainer in H Town and in Mapfipolis as the population will increase next turn...
                                [23:20] <Locutus> so, Tam, you up-to-date yet?
                                [23:20] <Zaphod> d'accord
                                [23:20] <Locutus> okay. remove entertainer in wombatoon?
                                [23:20] <Pedrunn> I believe we should complete 12 units in Graz and merge the rest of the Wienners to AddForce!
                                [23:20] <Zaphod> entertainer in womb can be sent back to the fields
                                [23:20] <Tamerlin> Yes
                                [23:21] <Zaphod> nope, he can't
                                [23:21] <Tamerlin> Sorry but the Happiness is going down to 72 in my game so let the entertainer in Wombatoon
                                [23:22] <Locutus> pedrunn: units come later
                                [23:22] <Zaphod> yes, it was just a guess
                                [23:22] <Locutus> tam: was about to ask that
                                [23:22] <Zaphod> sorry
                                [23:22] <Pedrunn> sorry
                                [23:22] <Tamerlin> Bend down all...
                                [23:23] <Locutus> okay, anything else need to be done, city-wise?
                                [23:23] <Zaphod> we should have built a warrior, archers ain't good for clobbing people to happiness
                                [23:23] <Tamerlin> We will need them for reinforcements...
                                [23:23] <Tamerlin> I don't think something else should be done...
                                [23:24] <Locutus> okay. IW, you still AFK?
                                [23:25] <Locutus> I'll take that as a yes. now it's time for the units
                                [23:25] <Tamerlin>
                                [23:26] <Locutus> I don't think I quite understand your remark, pedrunn. complete 12 units? merge a 12-stack with a 6-stack?
                                [23:27] <Tamerlin> I suppose Pedrunn is typing its orders...
                                [23:27] <Pedrunn> complet 12 units in Graz from Wienners and merge the rest to Addforce
                                [23:27] <Locutus> ah.. but what about the attack on Wien?
                                [23:28] <Locutus> I think we should proceed as planned...
                                [23:28] <Pedrunn> But loosing Graz?
                                [23:28] <Locutus> units from pressburg and wells are underway...
                                [23:28] <Pedrunn> Where is the hebrew stack?
                                [23:28] <Locutus> and H Town can miss a unit or two as well
                                [23:28] <Zaphod> loose o to whom?
                                [23:28] <Tamerlin> Why loosing Graz, we have a 12 stack and a 7 stack available...
                                [23:28] <Locutus> disappeared to the south
                                [23:29] <Pedrunn> the hebrew stack disappeared?
                                [23:29] <Locutus> our main problem as I see it is getting around the scots
                                [23:29] <Locutus> yes
                                [23:29] <Pedrunn> oh
                                [23:29] <Pedrunn> in my game they were heading to Graz
                                [23:29] <Locutus> for now, anyway, but the city will be reinforced before it can become dangerous again
                                [23:29] <Pedrunn> moved North
                                [23:30] <Pedrunn> So lets proceed to the Wien attack
                                [23:30] <Zaphod> so lets be thankfull, you aren't president anymore
                                [23:30] <Pedrunn> Lests move the explorers first
                                [23:30] <Locutus> which reminds me, shouldn't we RB the Theater in Graz, so we can build units there? (2 turns to complete, cost 500ish)
                                [23:30] <Pedrunn>
                                [23:30] <Tamerlin> I agree
                                [23:30] <Locutus> okay...
                                [23:31] <Locutus> bait south?
                                [23:31] <Pedrunn> yes
                                [23:31] <Pedrunn> BAIT - South (going straigh to Austria Territory)
                                [23:31] <Locutus> doing so. goodsight nw?
                                [23:31] <Pedrunn> GOODSIGHT - NW (explore a unknown territory)
                                [23:31] <Locutus> another german road revealed south of the farm
                                [23:32] <Locutus> I'm mainly awaiting objections from others, pedrunn. I know your orders
                                [23:32] <Pedrunn> OSIBUSTER - SE (Kill Austrian Settler) if not possible North.
                                [23:32] <Locutus> oesibuster se?
                                [23:32] <Locutus> sorry, north?
                                [23:32] <Pedrunn> :Actually north
                                [23:32] <Pedrunn> any objection
                                [23:33] <Zaphod> mope
                                [23:33] <Locutus> goodsight revealed cotton
                                [23:34] <Pedrunn> SAMURAI - NW (To Linz)
                                [23:34] <Locutus> samurai NW?
                                [23:34] <Pedrunn> sorry typo NE
                                [23:34] <Locutus> okay, moving it NE
                                [23:35] <Pedrunn> SIZE-3 STACK FROM PRESS - SW, SW, S (to H Town)
                                [23:35] <Locutus> okay, should addforce go north? (path west is blocked by scots)
                                [23:35] <Locutus> moving 3-stack
                                [23:36] <Pedrunn> Now my plan kind of get messed up
                                [23:36] <Pedrunn> Still we could discuss some stuff
                                [23:37] <Pedrunn> Moved already Loc?
                                [23:37] <Locutus> yeah, we have to improvise here...
                                [23:37] <Locutus> no
                                [23:37] <Locutus> the explorers moved. that leaves the defenders heading for Graz (presumably) and the 3 offensive stacks
                                [23:37] <Pedrunn> H DEFENSE - All 6 units S, S, S (just for this turn H Town will be undefended so raise Entertainers) unless if Hebrew stack move North then keep in the city. Call it HEBBEATERS.
                                [23:37] <Pedrunn> Still moving this
                                [23:38] <Pedrunn> ?
                                [23:38] <Locutus> don't think it's needed really. I'd say keep 2 units in H Town, move the rest to Graz.
                                [23:39] <Tamerlin> Locutus, I would appreciate a saved game at the end of this turn...
                                [23:39] <Pedrunn> yep with the Hebrew stack gone why would we need a stack named Hebbeaters
                                [23:39] <Locutus> that's 4 units plus 3 from wels plus 3 from graz itself = 10 defenders...
                                [23:40] <Locutus> indeed, we don't want to make more enemies now. focus on defense versus the hebrew and scots...
                                [23:41] <Locutus> tam: will do.
                                [23:41] <Pedrunn> But now just hit me! We could send the Hebbeaters to Wombatoon
                                [23:41] <Tamerlin> Thanks...
                                [23:42] <Pedrunn> comments?
                                [23:42] <Zaphod> we are just moving units out of wombatoon
                                [23:42] <Locutus> no, I would say send the 4 units that just left wombatoon back (pedrunnia already has 8 units and will manage fine) and focus on defending Graz
                                [23:42] <Zaphod> if we really wish they can be back in one step and the "hebbeaters" can use the road to pedr instead of them
                                [23:44] <Pedrunn> yep. My fear was an attack from the Germans in Pedrunnia but that not something very likely to happen now. So thay will be back to Wombatoon
                                [23:44] <Locutus> good point: we could build a large stack 3 tiles north of wobatoon: that could defend wombatoon, graz and pedrunnia at the same time...
                                [23:45] <Pedrunn> thats kind of the idea but that patrol stack from locutus is indeed the best
                                [23:46] <Pedrunn> comments?
                                [23:46] <Zaphod> in that case we need an additional roadtile
                                [23:46] <Pedrunn> where?
                                [23:46] <Zaphod> se of the wheat
                                [23:46] <Tamerlin> The problem is that the saved game from Martin did not had the full nam of the armies and I am not really aware of their location...
                                [23:46] <Zaphod> else pedr wont be in reach for one turn
                                [23:47] <Pedrunn> Pedrunnia is out of danger
                                [23:47] <Pedrunn> So two turns to reach it isnt a bad distance
                                [23:47] <Locutus> yeah, but an extra road there wouldn't be bad. we can do that when IW is back
                                [23:47] <Pedrunn> just 60 PW anyway
                                [23:47] <Locutus> anyway, what are the orders for this turn? first the 4-stack N of wombatoon...
                                [23:48] <Zaphod> that would allow us to have all 3 towns reachable in one turn from our quick reinforcement stack
                                [23:48] <Pedrunn> first
                                [23:48] <Pedrunn> TAKERS - South (To Wien)
                                [23:48] <Locutus> okay, next?
                                [23:48] <Pedrunn> Second
                                [23:49] <Pedrunn> ADDFORCE - SE
                                [23:49] <Locutus> waiting...
                                [23:49] <Pedrunn> WIENNERS - W
                                [23:49] <Pedrunn> Any comments
                                [23:49] <Locutus> objections?
                                [23:49] <Tamerlin> no
                                [23:49] <Pedrunn> Hey loc, you brake apart my order
                                [23:49] <Locutus> SE?
                                [23:49] <Pedrunn>
                                [23:49] <Locutus> retreat?
                                [23:50] <Zaphod> seems fine
                                [23:50] <Locutus> well, I guess that's worth a shot, see how the scots react.
                                [23:50] <Zaphod> and thats no retreat
                                [23:50] <Locutus> making both moves...
                                [23:50] <Pedrunn> Actually blocking the 11 stack with winners
                                [23:50] <Zaphod> its a tactical move
                                [23:50] <Pedrunn> winners = Wienners
                                [23:51] <Locutus> so, what to do with the 4-stack from wombatoon?
                                [23:51] <Locutus> back to the city?
                                [23:51] <Zaphod> we could split one archer apart to have a look west
                                [23:51] <Locutus> or to the 'collection point' for the 3-city defense?
                                [23:51] <Pedrunn> did yopu moved already
                                [23:51] <Pedrunn> the units west of Graz?
                                [23:52] <Locutus> no, nothing moved yet
                                [23:52] <Zaphod> i already did
                                [23:52] <Locutus> that's risky, zaph, we might loose it (that's next to FOW)
                                [23:52] <Pedrunn> K
                                [23:52] <Pedrunn> I did too
                                [23:52] <Zaphod> fow?
                                [23:52] <Locutus> fog of war
                                [23:53] <Locutus> what did you guys move?
                                [23:53] <Zaphod> well, thats why he should have a look
                                [23:53] <Zaphod> the wieners and addforce
                                [23:53] <Pedrunn> me too
                                [23:53] <Locutus> yeah, moved those too
                                [23:53] <Locutus> but not the smaller stacks yet
                                [23:54] <Pedrunn> I liked the big stack idea protectinf Graz, Wombatoon and Pedrunnia
                                [23:55] <Locutus> so, move 4 units there?
                                [23:55] <Pedrunn> waiting comments
                                [23:55] <Tamerlin> OK
                                [23:56] <Zaphod> ok
                                [23:56] <Tamerlin> Though we are putting ourselves in defence when we should launch an all out attack on Austria...
                                [23:56] <Locutus> there's a river north. we could move N-W and recon the area between wombatoon and graz while still moving towards the collection point...
                                [23:57] <Locutus> tam: the two can be combined...
                                [23:57] <Tamerlin> So let's do it...
                                [23:57] <Zaphod> ok
                                [23:58] <Locutus> pedrunn: just N and wait for next turn to go further N, or go N and then W (and further N next turn over the then-finished road)
                                [23:59] <Pedrunn> Just N seems fine
                                [23:59] <Pedrunn> dont actually see a difference
                                [23:59] <Zaphod> we might spot the hebrews
                                [23:59] <Zaphod> if we continue west
                                [00:00] <Locutus> Ped: the difference is that we reveal some fog, and possibly the jews or some barbs...
                                [00:00] <Locutus> at no additional cost
                                [00:01] <Pedrunn> so W too
                                [00:01] <Locutus> k, done
                                [00:01] <Pedrunn> Dont think we will loose the units anyway
                                [00:01] <Locutus> IW: how about that road tile
                                [00:01] <Locutus> (nothing revealed BTW)
                                [00:02] <ImmortalWombat> I don't know which tile you mean
                                [00:02] <Zaphod> confirmed
                                [00:02] <Zaphod> the importantway tile
                                [00:02] <Zaphod> se of the wheat
                                [00:02] <Pedrunn> The Alt-tabs caused craziness in my PC. So i am eagerly waiting the saved game.
                                [00:03] <Pedrunn>
                                [00:03] <ImmortalWombat> oh I see
                                [00:03] <ImmortalWombat> how much PW we have?
                                [00:03] <Zaphod> 195
                                [00:04] <ImmortalWombat> go for it.
                                [00:04] <Locutus> k, road built
                                [00:05] <Locutus> we *could* build a road around H Town (east or west, both cost 120 PW for 2 tiles) as well, to move around potential 12-stacks defending the city. do we want this?
                                [00:05] <Zaphod> what about the english settler, send someone to scare him away`?
                                [00:06] <Zaphod> don't think that h-town bypass is necessary now, we should collect for mines/farms
                                [00:06] <Locutus> I can live with that.
                                [00:06] <Zaphod> or the soon to build road to wien ;P
                                [00:06] <Locutus> I think the english settler is no threat to us at this time
                                [00:07] <Zaphod> no threat, only pesky
                                [00:07] <Tamerlin> There is not much place to settle...
                                [00:07] <Locutus> I say leave it alone. unless pedrunn says otherwise we move on...
                                [00:07] <Pedrunn> Actually between CL and Maquiladad could be nice production spot
                                [00:08] <Pedrunn> I don even have the game anymore
                                [00:08] <Locutus> that's still far away. we can expel him later
                                [00:08] <Tamerlin> True...
                                [00:08] <Locutus> so, Pedrunnia, Pressburg, Wombatoon and Wels all built archers. fortify all?
                                [00:08] <Pedrunn> Dont see why not
                                [00:09] <Pedrunn> but we could indeed send a archer from Press to H Town
                                [00:09] <Tamerlin> Yes
                                [00:10] <Locutus> agree.
                                [00:10] <Locutus> will move the archer to H Town.
                                [00:10] <Locutus> meanwhile, we have 6 units in H Town with movement points left. move any or all of them?
                                [00:11] <Pedrunn> I believe we should move all to meet the ones from Wombatoon
                                [00:11] <Locutus> all? leave the city undefended?
                                [00:11] <Tamerlin> The more we have troops to attack Wien the more we would be ready to attack another Austrian city if Wien is not well defended...
                                [00:11] <Zaphod> moving all would cause unhappiness, won't it?
                                [00:11] <Locutus> I think we should move 4 to wombatoon...
                                [00:11] <Locutus> leave 2 to defend
                                [00:11] <Tamerlin> Leave 3 units for the martial law...
                                [00:12] <Pedrunn> three is coming from Press next turn
                                [00:12] <Locutus> tam: 1 units is coming from pressburg this turn
                                [00:12] <Locutus> plus 3 from wels (not press)
                                [00:13] <Tamerlin> So we should let 2 units there and move the others now...
                                [00:13] <Locutus> but those should IMO move to wombatoon as well, but that's for later
                                [00:13] <Pedrunn>
                                [00:13] <Locutus> okay. doing so. leave 2 hoplites? (plus archer from pressburg)
                                [00:13] <Tamerlin> Yep
                                [00:14] <Locutus> pedrunn?
                                [00:14] <Locutus> meanwhile, do we RB the Theater in Graz or not? (2 turns to build, cost 538)
                                [00:15] <Locutus> ped, tam?
                                [00:15] <Tamerlin> Yes
                                [00:15] <Pedrunn> decide for me. My attention is divided
                                [00:15] <Pedrunn> sorry
                                [00:15] * CoT has joined #lemuria
                                [00:16] <Locutus> good, was just about to PM you, CoT
                                [00:16] <Locutus> welcome
                                [00:16] <Tamerlin> Hi CoT
                                [00:16] <Zaphod> greetings cot
                                [00:16] <CoT> phew got lost in some place called apolymuria! Hi all
                                [00:17] <Locutus> okay, left behind 2 hoplites
                                [00:18] <Locutus> okay, end turn?
                                [00:18] <Tamerlin> Yes, end turn and send a saved game...
                                [00:18] <Zaphod> ok
                                [00:18] <CoT> ok
                                [00:19] <Locutus> sorrry, BTW, rush-bought theater as well
                                [00:19] <Locutus> ending turn now
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