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UNOFFICIAL: New building option: City Walls

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  • #16
    As we only have the choice between units or walls (correct me if I am wrong), we could try to produce it one by one.

    The point of slavers is a good one:

    Do you want to go to war, if Germany (as example) is trying to enslave us? Using City wall should reduce also this risk. We are in no position to fight at all borders.

    But again our main production should be in units. After Graz, we might be able to take one city out of unit prodcution to produce city walls.

    No I haven't voted yet.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Maquiladora
      That was the most relavant and understandable post ive ever seen from huangshang.

      While we’re fighting everything with a pulse around us, we’re gonna need all the men with pointy sticks we can get. So train our sons for a glorious death now.

      However, we must look at walls as a long-term investment and build them as soon as the pressure is off (or somewhat off) our military. They will protect us from slavers and from conquests when we go slaughter innocents again.

      Maybe build some in our frontier towns. Maybe.
      If something doesn't feel right, you're not feeling the right thing.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Gilgamensch
        As we only have the choice between units or walls (correct me if I am wrong), we could try to produce it one by one.
        Actual we can produce also some other like a granuary, a shrine, a balista towers and the Ramajana and the Pyramid.

        Originally posted by Gilgamensch
        The point of slavers is a good one:

        Do you want to go to war, if Germany (as example) is trying to enslave us? Using City wall should reduce also this risk. We are in no position to fight at all borders.
        To make it clear it is not a question afterwards the Germans enslaved us. Enslaving is an act of war and then we have war whether we want whether we don't want.

        Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


        • #19
          I guess units for the time being - i've just seen Martins world map pic in the Chat thread and we look really puny stuck between Austria(about 11 known cities) and Germany(more!!). They've both been breeding like rabbits it seems. In fact Graz will not be the end of it i think.So units untill we've secured our immediate goals and then as MrBaggins says - a few taken cities may leave some production over and walls might by cheap to get.
          'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

          Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.

