Turn Chat Log Part 2
Wise1> who is in orange
Pedrunn1> I cant see orange my screen is white
Locutus> if it's the same river, it's a big one...
Pedrunn1> MAQ: Where to go
maq> pick a neutral colour
maq> north
maq> stick to the river
Pedrunn1> this river?
Pedrunn1> The one we built the city
Wise1> yah
HTower> go to the north
Pedrunn1> oh oh
maq> no the new one
HTower> just my .02 cents though
Pedrunn1> confusion
The-Gingerbread-Man> Pedrunn, go north-west, then go north onto the other river, then stay on that river.
Locutus> first n/w then north...
The-Gingerbread-Man> I think thats what Maq is saying.
maq> yes he is
Locutus> yes, he is
Pedrunn1> ok them north west it is
The-Gingerbread-Man> The two rivers are the same, I think
Pedrunn1> END TURN 8
Locutus> I take it you're you're fast one in the family?
The-Gingerbread-Man> They're too close to be different.
Locutus> big river then...
maq> yeah too big for one river
HTower> that's one curvy river then
Locutus> my thoughts exactly...
maq> we're lucky though
The-Gingerbread-Man> I just think theres a curve in the west.
maq> could be a burden because they can attack us more quickly
Locutus> maybe we should call our capital Babylon after all, we're in Mesopotamia...
The-Gingerbread-Man> Maq, we can move quicker.
The-Gingerbread-Man> Rivers are a double edged sword.
maq> i think we should disband it and build it on that wheat
HTower> what's wrong with being on a river?
Locutus> let's not...
maq> ok lets not
The-Gingerbread-Man> I think we should build City 2 in the north west, with the wheat in the boundaries.
Pedrunn1> Check the thread
* The-Gingerbread-Man presses F5
Locutus> HTower>river = fast movement, thus AI can attack at high speed...
Pedrunn1> MAQ: Where to go now
The-Gingerbread-Man> Forested River
maq> ew desert.... west then north-west i say
HTower> i was wondering if there was anything else that could be wrong
Locutus> nah, we'll get to the wheat eventually - it's our capital after all, it grows fast...
Locutus> yes, agree with maq
* The-Gingerbread-Man loves Forested rivers in CtP... are they as good in CtP2?
* The-Gingerbread-Man thirds Maq
maq> redbull could be right its the same river, but joins in the east instead
The-Gingerbread-Man> It does look like the same river.
Locutus> still a very big river then...
maq> lol they all look the same
Pedrunn1> ALL: Should i add a farmer or have PW at 20%?
Wise1> hmm
Locutus> no and no
maq> no
Wise1> lol
The-Gingerbread-Man> No no.
The-Gingerbread-Man> Production is vital at this stage.
maq> can you see the border in the south-east? thats either a desert or a beach tile../
Locutus> yup, get that settler asap
Pedrunn1> We dont loose turns to finish the warrior (3 btw)
The-Gingerbread-Man> Pedrunn, get the second warrior and get a settler.
Locutus> South east? north east you mean?
The-Gingerbread-Man> We need the second city..
maq> no well more east than south-east lol
Locutus> what redbull said...
Pedrunn1> It is a question to actually choose a option: 1 farmer or 30% PW
Pedrunn1> ???
Locutus> ah...
maq> farmer
Locutus> no pw, no farmer
Locutus> why do you want either?
Wise1> lol
The-Gingerbread-Man> If we HAVE to chosse, farmer.
maq> does it reduce prodcution?
Locutus> agreed, but why?
Locutus> yes
Pedrunn1> farmer adds growth from 900 to 1200
The-Gingerbread-Man> Maq, of course.
maq> oh well dont then
The-Gingerbread-Man> Pedrunn, I suggest we get a second warrior FIRST then get the farmer.
Pedrunn1> and 30 percet PW gives 11 PW per turn
maq> it doesnt always reduce production, but cause we have pop 2 now it does
Locutus> we don't want PW at all at this point, the barbs will destroy it anyway
maq> true
Pedrunn1> We dont loose turns to build the warrior it will keep being 3 turns
Wise1> farmer
The-Gingerbread-Man> PW = unnecessary right now.
maq> when you do what?
Locutus> a farmer takes pop away from the field, so unless the entire ring has 0 production it takes production away...
maq> not if the item being prodcued is one turn away or rush bought
The-Gingerbread-Man> We don't want to rush buy.
Locutus> you're right maq.
Locutus> how much gold do we have, Pedrunn?
Pedrunn1> We wont rush buy
Locutus> okay, then. in that case you might as well use a farmer...
Pedrunn1> 74 gold
Pedrunn1> ----174 gold
The-Gingerbread-Man> Pedrunn, keep that colour!
The-Gingerbread-Man> I can see it!
* HTower agrees
Pedrunn1> what color
Wise1> all I see is black
Locutus> lol
Pedrunn1> ???
maq> open your eyelids wiseass
maq> i like that colour too
Locutus> lol
Locutus> me too
* The-Gingerbread-Man isn't used to Java-users changing colour.
Wise1> nope still only see black
Pedrunn1> A farmer or 30 % PW???? In both or in none cases the warrior will be finished in 3 turns
Locutus> turn on your pc first */helpdesk mode*
The-Gingerbread-Man> Does CtP2 have ZOC's?
Pedrunn1> So choose one
Pedrunn1> yes
The-Gingerbread-Man> Good.
Locutus> we all agreeed on a farmer, pedrunn...
HTower> please stick to one color...
The-Gingerbread-Man> I love to pin other armies in CtP1.
Pedrunn1> OK them farmer
Pedrunn1> This color?
maq> no the lighter one
Locutus> don't care...
Wise1> black
* The-Gingerbread-Man THIS COLOUR!
Wise1> red
The-Gingerbread-Man> Pink!
maq> ok let him play the turn

Wise1> oh my bad, I saw pendrunn in pinkl
Wise1> or peurple
HTower> not the last color
Wise1> err.. I can't type :'(
Pedrunn1> color 1
The-Gingerbread-Man> br
The-Gingerbread-Man> b
Pedrunn1> color 2
Locutus> whatever, just play, pedrunn....
The-Gingerbread-Man> 2!
Pedrunn1> color 3
The-Gingerbread-Man> 2!
Locutus> orange (2) is nice...
The-Gingerbread-Man> 2!
Locutus> so is 3
The-Gingerbread-Man> 2!
Wise1> 3
Pedrunn1> color 4
The-Gingerbread-Man doesn't mind 3...
maq> STOP!
The-Gingerbread-Man> what was the last one?
Wise1> blue
The-Gingerbread-Man> what did he say?
* Wise1 sees the colors
Pedrunn1> So this one right
*** Wise1 is now known as Wise
Locutus> they're all okay with me, though I have a slight preference for 2 or 3.
maq> ignore these lunatics pedrunn just play the turns
Locutus> second maq
Wise> ok now how do I make smilies visable
The-Gingerbread-Man> I can't read the last one.
The-Gingerbread-Man> third maq
*** Toussaint (jules@pD9E00EC1.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined channel #Lemuria
Toussaint> hello again
maq> hi toussaint
Pedrunn1> END TURN 9
Locutus> hi, wb!
Wise> eb
Wise> errr
Wise> wb
Pedrunn1> Welcome back tousin the Maq is a warrior therefore too rude
maq> excuse me
*** Signoff: Pedrunn1 (Quit: Leaving)
*** Pedrunn (~Java_user@ has joined channel #Lemuria
Locutus> lurkers are officially not allowed to vote in polls but since you're not registered you obviously can't do that. there are no rules about the chat, so as far as I'm concerned you're welcome here...
Pedrunn> I am back
Locutus> though I hope you'll join us on the forums as well
Locutus> we noticed. now play the turn
Pedrunn> So Maq West and then north west now, right
The-Gingerbread-Man> If I leave will it matter? I don't even have CtP2, so it doesn't make a difference..
maq> yes
Wise> You only need it to be pres
maq> this is almost as fast as PBEM
The-Gingerbread-Man> I mean leave the chat.
Locutus> PBEM is faster
HTower> i don't have it and i have no idea what half of the stuff you guys have said means
maq> !
Locutus> this chat is being outpaced by continental drift
maq> lol
Wise> we can't exactly play a demo game in PBEM fashion
Wise> lol
Toussaint> unless its a MP game
* The-Gingerbread-Man can't wait for the CtP1 DG...
Pedrunn> We are outside our borders
Wise> :O
Wise> are you guys setting up a CTP1 demo game :O
Locutus> goody...
maq> signup wiseass
Locutus> yup, but we need more people. interested?
HTower> you got enough people for it?
Pedrunn> Check the thread
Wise> yeah I might join
The-Gingerbread-Man> (Link: http://apolyton.net/forums/showthrea...threadid=73222)http://apolyton.net/forums/showthrea...threadid=73222
The-Gingerbread-Man> HTower, no.
HTower> i'm considering joining, i even have the game
maq> 6 more people needed i think
The-Gingerbread-Man> Join dammit!
Pedrunn> The Chat ends when the second Warrior is finished
Locutus> a 3rd river? nah...
Pedrunn> Sorry i will have to go
Pedrunn> yep a third river
The-Gingerbread-Man> 15!
Pedrunn> But probably the same
Locutus> wise and pedrunn, you both need to check this thread (now or later): (Link: http://apolyton.net/forums/showthrea...threadid=73222)http://apolyton.net/forums/showthrea...threadid=73222
The-Gingerbread-Man> Wise has.
Pedrunn> MAQ: What about now? Where to go?
Wise> I am #15
maq> well i cant see the river but go north if you can
Locutus> do'h, I hand't finished loading yet
maq> we need contact with another civ and exchange map
Locutus> the page, that is...
The-Gingerbread-Man> BRB... need to make a nexting in Mokey2
The-Gingerbread-Man> *monkey2
Locutus> good, if all the other guys who promised to join, actually join, we're in business...
Pedrunn> North???? You mean North West along the river right?
maq> north if you can but stick to the river yes
Locutus> yes, follow the river
maq> how many AIs are there, 12?
Pedrunn> END TURN 11
The-Gingerbread-Man> !eva
Pedrunn> ops 10
The-Gingerbread-Man> Ooops... wrong room :/
Pedrunn> turn 10
Locutus> goody...
maq> is that it then?
The-Gingerbread-Man> I assume we're done.
Locutus> I guess so. good thing too, it's getting too late for me...
maq> we have pretty good land
The-Gingerbread-Man> We're lucky.
Locutus> yeah, good land indeed
The-Gingerbread-Man downloads Garden World map for CtP1
maq> ok we finished then pedrunn?
* HTower thinks we should keep the capitol named Good Land
The-Gingerbread-Man> I think we should all take turns in naming cities.
maq> me too
HTower> what is the third thing we are building?
The-Gingerbread-Man> Pedrunn names no. 1, someone names no. 2, next one names 3 and so on.
maq> settler i think, but id prefer a warrior
* Locutus wants the capital to be Kishkindha
maq> valhalla is gonna win
Locutus> think so...
Pedrunn> We have met a new civilization!!!!!! Check the thread
Locutus> in that case, might as well stick to good land
Wise1> who is in orange

Pedrunn1> I cant see orange my screen is white
Locutus> if it's the same river, it's a big one...
Pedrunn1> MAQ: Where to go
maq> pick a neutral colour
maq> north
maq> stick to the river
Pedrunn1> this river?
Pedrunn1> The one we built the city
Wise1> yah
HTower> go to the north
Pedrunn1> oh oh
maq> no the new one
HTower> just my .02 cents though
Pedrunn1> confusion
The-Gingerbread-Man> Pedrunn, go north-west, then go north onto the other river, then stay on that river.
Locutus> first n/w then north...
The-Gingerbread-Man> I think thats what Maq is saying.
maq> yes he is
Locutus> yes, he is
Pedrunn1> ok them north west it is
The-Gingerbread-Man> The two rivers are the same, I think
Pedrunn1> END TURN 8
Locutus> I take it you're you're fast one in the family?

The-Gingerbread-Man> They're too close to be different.
Locutus> big river then...
maq> yeah too big for one river
HTower> that's one curvy river then
Locutus> my thoughts exactly...
maq> we're lucky though
The-Gingerbread-Man> I just think theres a curve in the west.
maq> could be a burden because they can attack us more quickly
Locutus> maybe we should call our capital Babylon after all, we're in Mesopotamia...

The-Gingerbread-Man> Maq, we can move quicker.
The-Gingerbread-Man> Rivers are a double edged sword.
maq> i think we should disband it and build it on that wheat

HTower> what's wrong with being on a river?
Locutus> let's not...
maq> ok lets not
The-Gingerbread-Man> I think we should build City 2 in the north west, with the wheat in the boundaries.
Pedrunn1> Check the thread
* The-Gingerbread-Man presses F5
Locutus> HTower>river = fast movement, thus AI can attack at high speed...
Pedrunn1> MAQ: Where to go now
The-Gingerbread-Man> Forested River

maq> ew desert.... west then north-west i say
HTower> i was wondering if there was anything else that could be wrong
Locutus> nah, we'll get to the wheat eventually - it's our capital after all, it grows fast...
Locutus> yes, agree with maq
* The-Gingerbread-Man loves Forested rivers in CtP... are they as good in CtP2?
* The-Gingerbread-Man thirds Maq
maq> redbull could be right its the same river, but joins in the east instead
The-Gingerbread-Man> It does look like the same river.
Locutus> still a very big river then...
maq> lol they all look the same
Pedrunn1> ALL: Should i add a farmer or have PW at 20%?
Wise1> hmm
Locutus> no and no
maq> no
Wise1> lol
The-Gingerbread-Man> No no.
The-Gingerbread-Man> Production is vital at this stage.
maq> can you see the border in the south-east? thats either a desert or a beach tile../
Locutus> yup, get that settler asap
Pedrunn1> We dont loose turns to finish the warrior (3 btw)
The-Gingerbread-Man> Pedrunn, get the second warrior and get a settler.
Locutus> South east? north east you mean?
The-Gingerbread-Man> We need the second city..
maq> no well more east than south-east lol
Locutus> what redbull said...
Pedrunn1> It is a question to actually choose a option: 1 farmer or 30% PW
Pedrunn1> ???
Locutus> ah...
maq> farmer
Locutus> no pw, no farmer
Locutus> why do you want either?
Wise1> lol
The-Gingerbread-Man> If we HAVE to chosse, farmer.
maq> does it reduce prodcution?
Locutus> agreed, but why?
Locutus> yes
Pedrunn1> farmer adds growth from 900 to 1200
The-Gingerbread-Man> Maq, of course.
maq> oh well dont then

The-Gingerbread-Man> Pedrunn, I suggest we get a second warrior FIRST then get the farmer.
Pedrunn1> and 30 percet PW gives 11 PW per turn
maq> it doesnt always reduce production, but cause we have pop 2 now it does
Locutus> we don't want PW at all at this point, the barbs will destroy it anyway
maq> true
Pedrunn1> We dont loose turns to build the warrior it will keep being 3 turns
Wise1> farmer
The-Gingerbread-Man> PW = unnecessary right now.
maq> when you do what?
Locutus> a farmer takes pop away from the field, so unless the entire ring has 0 production it takes production away...
maq> not if the item being prodcued is one turn away or rush bought
The-Gingerbread-Man> We don't want to rush buy.
Locutus> you're right maq.
Locutus> how much gold do we have, Pedrunn?
Pedrunn1> We wont rush buy
Locutus> okay, then. in that case you might as well use a farmer...
Pedrunn1> 74 gold
Pedrunn1> ----174 gold
The-Gingerbread-Man> Pedrunn, keep that colour!
The-Gingerbread-Man> I can see it!
* HTower agrees
Pedrunn1> what color
Wise1> all I see is black
Locutus> lol
Pedrunn1> ???
maq> open your eyelids wiseass
maq> i like that colour too
Locutus> lol
Locutus> me too
* The-Gingerbread-Man isn't used to Java-users changing colour.
Wise1> nope still only see black
Pedrunn1> A farmer or 30 % PW???? In both or in none cases the warrior will be finished in 3 turns
Locutus> turn on your pc first */helpdesk mode*
The-Gingerbread-Man> Does CtP2 have ZOC's?
Pedrunn1> So choose one
Pedrunn1> yes
The-Gingerbread-Man> Good.
Locutus> we all agreeed on a farmer, pedrunn...
HTower> please stick to one color...
The-Gingerbread-Man> I love to pin other armies in CtP1.

Pedrunn1> OK them farmer
Pedrunn1> This color?
maq> no the lighter one
Locutus> don't care...
Wise1> black
* The-Gingerbread-Man THIS COLOUR!
Wise1> red
The-Gingerbread-Man> Pink!
maq> ok let him play the turn

Wise1> oh my bad, I saw pendrunn in pinkl
Wise1> or peurple
HTower> not the last color
Wise1> err.. I can't type :'(
Pedrunn1> color 1
The-Gingerbread-Man> br
The-Gingerbread-Man> b
Pedrunn1> color 2
Locutus> whatever, just play, pedrunn....
The-Gingerbread-Man> 2!
Pedrunn1> color 3
The-Gingerbread-Man> 2!
Locutus> orange (2) is nice...
The-Gingerbread-Man> 2!
Locutus> so is 3
The-Gingerbread-Man> 2!
Wise1> 3
Pedrunn1> color 4
The-Gingerbread-Man doesn't mind 3...
maq> STOP!
The-Gingerbread-Man> what was the last one?
Wise1> blue
The-Gingerbread-Man> what did he say?
* Wise1 sees the colors

Pedrunn1> So this one right
*** Wise1 is now known as Wise
Locutus> they're all okay with me, though I have a slight preference for 2 or 3.
maq> ignore these lunatics pedrunn just play the turns
Locutus> second maq
Wise> ok now how do I make smilies visable

The-Gingerbread-Man> I can't read the last one.
The-Gingerbread-Man> third maq
*** Toussaint (jules@pD9E00EC1.dip.t-dialin.net) has joined channel #Lemuria
Toussaint> hello again
maq> hi toussaint
Pedrunn1> END TURN 9
Locutus> hi, wb!
Wise> eb
Wise> errr
Wise> wb
Pedrunn1> Welcome back tousin the Maq is a warrior therefore too rude
maq> excuse me
*** Signoff: Pedrunn1 (Quit: Leaving)
*** Pedrunn (~Java_user@ has joined channel #Lemuria
Locutus> lurkers are officially not allowed to vote in polls but since you're not registered you obviously can't do that. there are no rules about the chat, so as far as I'm concerned you're welcome here...
Pedrunn> I am back
Locutus> though I hope you'll join us on the forums as well

Locutus> we noticed. now play the turn

Pedrunn> So Maq West and then north west now, right
The-Gingerbread-Man> If I leave will it matter? I don't even have CtP2, so it doesn't make a difference..
maq> yes
Wise> You only need it to be pres
maq> this is almost as fast as PBEM
The-Gingerbread-Man> I mean leave the chat.
Locutus> PBEM is faster

HTower> i don't have it and i have no idea what half of the stuff you guys have said means
maq> !

Locutus> this chat is being outpaced by continental drift

maq> lol
Wise> we can't exactly play a demo game in PBEM fashion

Wise> lol
Toussaint> unless its a MP game
* The-Gingerbread-Man can't wait for the CtP1 DG...

Pedrunn> We are outside our borders
Wise> :O
Wise> are you guys setting up a CTP1 demo game :O
Locutus> goody...
maq> signup wiseass
Locutus> yup, but we need more people. interested?
HTower> you got enough people for it?
Pedrunn> Check the thread
Wise> yeah I might join

The-Gingerbread-Man> (Link: http://apolyton.net/forums/showthrea...threadid=73222)http://apolyton.net/forums/showthrea...threadid=73222
The-Gingerbread-Man> HTower, no.
HTower> i'm considering joining, i even have the game
maq> 6 more people needed i think
The-Gingerbread-Man> Join dammit!
Pedrunn> The Chat ends when the second Warrior is finished

Locutus> a 3rd river? nah...
Pedrunn> Sorry i will have to go
Pedrunn> yep a third river
The-Gingerbread-Man> 15!
Pedrunn> But probably the same
Locutus> wise and pedrunn, you both need to check this thread (now or later): (Link: http://apolyton.net/forums/showthrea...threadid=73222)http://apolyton.net/forums/showthrea...threadid=73222
The-Gingerbread-Man> Wise has.
Pedrunn> MAQ: What about now? Where to go?
Wise> I am #15

maq> well i cant see the river but go north if you can
Locutus> do'h, I hand't finished loading yet

maq> we need contact with another civ and exchange map
Locutus> the page, that is...
The-Gingerbread-Man> BRB... need to make a nexting in Mokey2
The-Gingerbread-Man> *monkey2
Locutus> good, if all the other guys who promised to join, actually join, we're in business...
Pedrunn> North???? You mean North West along the river right?
maq> north if you can but stick to the river yes
Locutus> yes, follow the river
maq> how many AIs are there, 12?
Pedrunn> END TURN 11
The-Gingerbread-Man> !eva
Pedrunn> ops 10
The-Gingerbread-Man> Ooops... wrong room :/
Pedrunn> turn 10
Locutus> goody...
maq> is that it then?
The-Gingerbread-Man> I assume we're done.
Locutus> I guess so. good thing too, it's getting too late for me...
maq> we have pretty good land
The-Gingerbread-Man> We're lucky.
Locutus> yeah, good land indeed
The-Gingerbread-Man downloads Garden World map for CtP1
maq> ok we finished then pedrunn?
* HTower thinks we should keep the capitol named Good Land
The-Gingerbread-Man> I think we should all take turns in naming cities.
maq> me too
HTower> what is the third thing we are building?
The-Gingerbread-Man> Pedrunn names no. 1, someone names no. 2, next one names 3 and so on.
maq> settler i think, but id prefer a warrior
* Locutus wants the capital to be Kishkindha

maq> valhalla is gonna win

Locutus> think so...
Pedrunn> We have met a new civilization!!!!!! Check the thread
Locutus> in that case, might as well stick to good land
