The Altera Centauri collection has been brought up to date by Darsnan. It comprises every decent scenario he's been able to find anywhere on the web, going back over 20 years.
25 themes/skins/styles are now available to members. Check the select drop-down at the bottom-left of each page.
Call To Power 2 Cradle 3+ mod in progress:
My sincerest apologies Toussaint. An idiot indeed I am. If I were any more of an idiot, it would be tattooed on my forehead in red lettering.
Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy? "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis
*** Pedrunn (~Java_user@ has joined channel #Lemuria
Pedrunn> Hi all
maq> hi
Wise> bout time
*** Mode change "+o Pedrunn" for channel #Lemuria by Zephyr
Wise> hello
HTower> welcome mr. president
maq> we ready to start then?
Pedrunn> mr President? I will never get uset to this. Looks like i am sobody
* Zephyr knows everything
Pedrunn> It is not 07:30 sharp
Locutus> ah, good...
Pedrunn> Lets wait a few more minutes
maq> ugh
Pedrunn> We have 6 people right
Pedrunn> I will see if someone else is around
Pedrunn> huanghuang is around now
Pedrunn> I will start a thread in the forum to announce the people that just arrived
Zephyr> Just missing Iski from the Ministers team
HTower> we're missing a few judges, but gilg hasn't been around since december
Wise> IW what are you running for next term?
Zephyr> I was going to re-run, but if you want it, I won't
*** Zephyr is now known as ImmortalWombat
Wise> If you want it don't worry, I actually like MODO better than I thought I would
maq> so how long is this gonna take?
Pedrunn> Wise and Maq, thanks for coming yours ministers function will be the most used
maq> i thought so
Pedrunn> Nice to see you too, IW. Just skallin missing to our team
ImmortalWombat> you never know, we might stumble upon another civ, then you'll need me.
ImmortalWombat> or find a caravan in a goodie hut
Pedrunn> Vry true IW.
Locutus> maybe this will draw some attention: (Link:
Pedrunn> I have started the thread warning that the start in a few minutes
Pedrunn> Testing the colors
Locutus> hehe, good, that will make it extra hard to miss
Pedrunn> I will be writng game related stuf in red ok?
Pedrunn> I will launch my CTP right now
HTower> can we start? i want to do some stuff tonight still, and i imagine the euros will want to sleep eventually
Locutus> don't matter to me. maybe it's better to close one of them?
Pedrunn> crosspost hum, H
maq> im supposed to continue a MP game in 5 minutes :\ oh well
*** Zephyr ( has joined channel #Lemuria
*** Mode change "+o Zephyr" for channel #Lemuria by ChanServ
*** ImmortalWombat has been kicked off channel #Lemuria by Zephyr (ghost)
*** Toussaint ( has joined channel #Lemuria
Locutus> HuangShang went offline...
Toussaint> hello
Locutus> hi
Zephyr> Hi
HTower> hey
Locutus> what's your forum name, Toussaint? Can't seem to find you...
Toussaint> good, seems its still available
Locutus> unless it's Jules...
Locutus> but I doubt it somehow...
Zephyr> The Jules?
Toussaint> no, i have no forum name
Locutus> ah, okay. a lurker?
Toussaint> sounds logical
Toussaint> hm, thought that was a turnchat here
Locutus> yeah, me too
Locutus> which reminds me...
maq> we cant chat without turns
Pedrunn> sorry all just a minute
** has changed the topic on channel #Lemuria to CtP2 Democracy Game -- Turn Chat NOW!
maq> so how many turns we gonna play?
Pedrunn> The Game Shall Begun
Pedrunn> For sure until the second item of the queue after that we will discuss
Pedrunn> if we should continue
maq> didnt we all agree 3 warriors first?
Zephyr> 2 warriors first, for definite
Turambar> are we sending the first off exploring?
HTower> we hadn't decided on whether settler or warrior third
Pedrunn> Also waiting Wise feedback for the second item
maq> we should decided now
Locutus> we can decide now a lot depends on the map...
Pedrunn> It will be two warriors indeed
Pedrunn> ???
Locutus> yes, first 2 warrior, then see what happens...
maq> yeah we agreed 2 already
Pedrunn> All Slider at set to give maximum (As GoodMod alow)
Pedrunn> PW: 0%
Pedrunn> Gold to Science: 50% (maximum)
Pedrunn> Year: 3980 BC (second turn)
Pedrunn> Gold: 109
maq> tell us how many turns are over after the first warrior
Pedrunn> PW stored: 0
Locutus> duh
maq> lol
Pedrunn> Turns to finish Warrior: 6
Zephyr> Go Pedrunn! Go Pedrunn! Go Pedrunn! Go Go Go
Turambar> lol
maq> so thats 8 turns played and 1 warrior ready
Pedrunn> Turns to finish Ballistcs: 93
Wise> lucutus something tells me you dancing is a horrible site
Pedrunn> I will end this turn now and we shall discuss the next
Pedrunn> ok!?!
Wise> probably hitting enter untill the warrior is born
maq> yes i hope so
Locutus> yeah, all Pedrunn should have to do is end turn, end turn, end turn...
Pedrunn> END TURN 3960
Pedrunn> Should we drop the military upkeep form War to Peace or Alert?
Turambar> leave it
Locutus> NO!
Zephyr> Maq's call.
Locutus> not anymore
Pedrunn1> My name has a '1' now
maq> cloned pedrunn
maq> but does he have a soul?
Pedrunn1> :more scared:
maq> who knows
HTower> do / nick Pedrunn
maq> ive got 20 minutes
Pedrunn1> END TURN 3920
Pedrunn1> END TURN 3800
Locutus> finally, we're making progress...
Pedrunn1> one turn to finish the Warrior
HTower> has the city grown to size 2 yet?
Pedrunn1> Get ready Maq
Pedrunn1> No
Pedrunn1> We are almost there
maq> im ready
Pedrunn1> 17,875 people 1,575 gwowth Pedrunn1> H you are a genius
maq> the second warrior should take 5 turns then
Locutus> hmmm, pretty slow for such good terrain...
maq> naw
Pedrunn1> We can add a Farmer specialist in this very moment and still build the warior in 1 turn
maq> its hard to get faster than 5
Pedrunn1> :b
Locutus> sounds like a plan to me...
maq> thats upto uh..... wiseass? i say no
Locutus> maybe I'm mistaken then?
Locutus> why not? we don't loose any production over it...
Pedrunn1> Growth now at 2,175
Locutus> (just for 1 turn)
Turambar> might as well for 1 turn
maq> suppose so
HTower> how am i a genious?
Locutus> yeah, I was wondering about that - that can't be right
maq> move the first warrior up the river North West
Pedrunn1> I know but we will reach size two next turn (one turn earlier because of H)
HTower> whoo hoo!
Pedrunn1> END TURN 3880
maq> in fact, move it directly East jumping further down the river
maq> so are we gonna build a 3rd warrior or not?
maq> i say we do
Pedrunn1> Wise, shall we build another Warrior
Pedrunn1> Also want to see others feedback
Locutus> don't forget to remove the farmer again...
Pedrunn1> We have reached size 2
maq> did you move the warrior east?
Pedrunn1> East the old settler position?
maq> yeah
Pedrunn1> Shouldnt we go the other river position
maq> east is better
Locutus> why?
maq> i have no idea
Zephyr> GO WEST!
maq> because is diagonal and may continue that way
Zephyr> (life is peaceful there...)
Pedrunn1> I will attach a pic in the thread we are using
Pedrunn1> the topped one
maq> ugh
** Wise1 ( has joined channel #Lemuria
Locutus> I vote west...
maq> you uncover more terrain moving diagonal
Wise1> heh I hid the conversation in trillian and now I can't get it back :s
Locutus> then again, it may not be diagonal...
maq> this is not a vote though
HTower> we can offer advise though
maq> its already 3 diagonal east thats enough
maq> if the NW one continues straight then its wasted, from what we know so far east is best
Wise1> any one know how to unhide conversations?
Zephyr> yeah, precisely. we know east. we dont know west. thus to explore, we move west
maq> no we dont know all east
maq> warrior has 2 vision
Pedrunn1> We have a far view because of the warrior! check the thread!!!
Pedrunn1> There are also some good info we all should take a look
Pedrunn1> Here are the question to the next turns
Locutus> based on the new map that pedrunn posted, I say go west, the land is fertile there, a good spot for our second city maybe. we need to recon there...
maq> we can still move faster east but west has better tiles
Pedrunn1> WISE: How many farmers
Locutus> I say 0
Wise1> hmmm
maq> me too
Zephyr> 0
Wise1> yeah 0
Locutus> too many barbs...
Turambar> 0
maq> ok go north-west and then west pedrunn
Pedrunn1> farmers it is
Pedrunn1> oops we dont have 40 farmers
Zephyr> what?
Locutus> hmmm?
*** Signoff: Wise (Quit: Trillian ((Link:
Pedrunn1> farmers
Locutus> stop using that color, it's very hard to read.
HTower> i thought everyone wanted no farmers
maq> yes
Zephyr> 000000.0
Pedrunn1> It is 0 farmers them
Pedrunn1> Better?
Locutus> that's better
Pedrunn1> WISE: What to buid?
Locutus> warrior, we already agreed that...
HTower> we only have one warrior i thought, build a second!
Pedrunn1> MAQ: Where to go?
Wise1> yeah second Warrior
Pedrunn1> Or this color?
maq> north-west then west
maq> along the river
Pedrunn1> k
maq> the lighter blue is easier for me
Locutus> fine with me, as long as it's not yellow...
Pedrunn1> It was red
Locutus> the 2nd color you used was yellow...
Locutus> the first was red
Zephyr> the dark blue is a system colour
Locutus> true, better avoid that...
Pedrunn1> WISE: How Many PW?
Locutus> 0
Wise1> o
Wise1> 0
Pedrunn1> k
Zephyr> 0
Zephyr> 20
Pedrunn1> With the drop in the farmes: 69 turns to ballistics
Wise1> heh our kids wil be running th country by then
Zephyr> 69? Wahoo. I only need to be elected another 7 turns then
maq> yeah the info isnt really important until we;re almost there
Pedrunn1> IW: either 0 (4 turns to warrior) or 30 (5 turns to warrior)
Zephyr> Why is our capital named "Good Land"?
maq> cause its good and its not a sea city
Locutus> lol
Pedrunn1> It is a temporary name since no one accepted Apolymuria
Pedrunn1> Read my story
Toussaint> Lemur Poo was better, anyway
Wise1> lol
Wise1> why can't I see smiles in java
Zephyr> Irrenui
Pedrunn1> Toussaint? A lurker or someone with a new name
Zephyr> lurker
Pedrunn1> Welcom to the CTP2 DG Toussaint
Pedrunn1> Even if only for today
Locutus> since the game is going so slow, can everyone excpet pedrunn check out this thread? (Link:
Toussaint> i am not a citizen. i'm here to learn a bit
Zephyr> didn't we make lurking illegal yet?
Toussaint> ok then
Toussaint> never mind
*** Signoff: Toussaint (Quit: .)
Locutus> no
Locutus> hey, you hunted him away
*** The-Gingerbread-Man ( has joined channel #lemuria
maq> oops
Zephyr> oops
Locutus> a little late, redbull
Locutus> but things are going slowly, so you didn't miss much...
The-Gingerbread-Man> Of course I'm late.
Locutus> well, you were here earlier this morning...
Pedrunn1> So PW at 0% right :b
Locutus> yes
The-Gingerbread-Man> PW must be at 0%.
Wise1> yeah
Zephyr> UUUUUrgh. I'm going to bed. Goodnight citizens
Pedrunn1> Funnyly the Happiness is at 74 now
Wise1> why can't I see smiles and such
Locutus> already, IW?
Locutus> a little early for you?
Zephyr> yeah. got school
The-Gingerbread-Man> Please stick to the normal colour pedrunn, Blue doesn't go well on my mIRC navy background
Locutus> so? so do I...
maq> we got to play faster pedrunn
Wise1> night IW
* The-Gingerbread-Man dislikes school
Zephyr> not on thursdays. if it were Friday, then yeah. but thursdays I have to be semi-reasonable
Zephyr> RB is my deputy for the duration of the chat
Pedrunn1> END TURN 3860
Locutus> k, CU around then...
*** Zephyr has left #Lemuria
* The-Gingerbread-Man struggles to see Pedrunn's writing
maq> hmm ok 15 more minutes lets try and get the 3rd build item going...
Pedrunn1> MAQ: Where to go with the Warrior now?
maq> does the river end?
Pedrunn1> No
maq> just keep following it.... when the river ends just keep going north
Locutus> can you post a screenie, Ped?
Wise1> have we run into any barbs yet?
Locutus> no need for detailed stats, just a screenie...
maq> barbs dont come until turn 20
Pedrunn1> Another river had show up I was so in a rush to move the warrior i passed him
maq> yeah you can save it and post the stats later
Locutus> we don't even need the stats of every single turn...
Locutus> but regular screenies are useful...
The-Gingerbread-Man> What turn are we?
Locutus> 8 or something...
The-Gingerbread-Man> Okay.
maq> the happiness went upto 74 for a turn because the warrior was stationed there i think
The-Gingerbread-Man> Martial Law.
Pedrunn1> I will load auto save
maq> i wonder how long this will take when we're at war with all the AIs...
HTower> i don't even want to think about how long it will take
Pedrunn1> Check the thread
* The-Gingerbread-Man shudders
Wise1> can you post another link to the thread
Locutus> we need better orders and a president with a little bit more confidence then we'll get better over time I'm sure...
maq> thats the same screenshot as before pedrunn...
Pedrunn1> I fixed now
HTower> that's what i was going to say
Locutus> wrong picture
Wise1> anothr link?
Locutus> nm
Locutus> (Link:
HTower> another iver
HTower> another river
Wise1> thank you
Locutus> you moved the warrior back again?
Pedrunn1> no i loaded the saved game
Pedrunn1> Autosave
maq> no he just went north-west in that screenshot
Locutus> ah, the turn's not over yet?
maq> so is that the current turn?
Pedrunn1> 8
The-Gingerbread-Man> I spy with my little eye something beginning with G.
HTower> huh?
maq> Confusion
Pedrunn1> So Maq whre to go
Locutus> what he said...
maq> north-west then north
The-Gingerbread-Man> I still can't see pedrunn's writing. Meh.
Locutus> I thought you wanted to go in diagonal direction? not that I care too much in this case...
Locutus> lol
maq> bah
maq> yeah me neither but that direction is more central to the map
Locutus> pedrunn, start using a different color, redbull doesn't have a clue of what's going on
Locutus> it's fine with me. let pedrunn move 2 tiles and then post another screenie...
* The-Gingerbread-Man has write normal writing, and a cliff background.
The-Gingerbread-Man> Anyway..
maq> better if we just give general orders
Pedrunn1> Sorry Frozzy i did not get it what were you sayng
Pedrunn1> Anyone against this color
The-Gingerbread-Man> Well, I say that we get this warrior north to the river (I think its the same river as the one were on)
The-Gingerbread-Man> Yes.
The-Gingerbread-Man> Something bright!
The-Gingerbread-Man> Orange is nice.