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Who is still around?

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  • Who is still around?

    I would like to know, who would be still around (in the moment) to continue our DG.

  • #2
    Er im not "Still around" but i am "Around now" to play - i only just found this website but this DG look interesting - Mind you i dont how it works but im up for it
    Then i remembered thinking to myself "Holy Jesus what are these god damn animals"----> "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"


    • #3
      You mean, you don't know the principles behind a DG (Democracy Game)?


      • #4
        No i have been looking at the threads and i do understand what it is about but i meant i dont really no what to do in terms of how to join or how to make what i think influance what happens in-game, but after a short look around i noticed the polls etc... so i have have a basic understanding what my role would be. but things seem to be dead.

        Then i remembered thinking to myself "Holy Jesus what are these god damn animals"----> "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"


        • #5
          That's what a couple of us a afraid about, that's why I started this threat, trying to get the people on again............


          • #6
            Well best of look Gilgamensch, i was liking this idea aswell - until i found out when the last time someone posted was!
            Then i remembered thinking to myself "Holy Jesus what are these god damn animals"----> "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas"


            • #7
              I come from time to ttime but not enough to do some participance. I could be some help in turn threads.
              "Kill a man and you are a murder.
              Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
              Kill all and you are a God!"
              -Jean Rostand


              • #8
                Well the only change to get this game up again is to continue slowly. For example start with turn threads and onces all the orders are together one turn can be played. Like in the CTP1 DG game, it is slow but still up. (I hope.)

                Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                • #9
                  Hi Martin, I am still here and ready to play...

                  I will be away from july the 1st to the 20th...

                  I am not that interested by Turn Threads as the real pleasure of the game, as far as I am concerned, is to meet together in the chat room and play the game. But if it can help the game to survive, why not.
                  "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


                  • #10
                    i still come to check back in to see whats up...


                    • #11
                      i'm still here but my burst of activity as senior judge has ended after Frozzy didn't reply to my messages...


                      • #12
                        Doesn't make a lot of us (till now), I would still like that we could kind of continue.............

                        If Frozzy doesn't react, means you are still in business..........


                        • #13
                          For Frozzy you should read this thread.

                          So it looks Frozzy is still not available.

                          Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                          • #14
                            How is the war against the germans and Austrians going?
                            So one guy turns to another guy and says "T.A.I." His friends says "What?" He responds by saing "Think about it;)"


                            • #15
                              Nothing has changed since last no advance is there.....

                              We are still at war with Germany and Austria. We have retaken Wombaton..............

