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MOD Discussion: Ages of Man!

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  • #46
    Just had a look through the NEW_diplomod slic because I still can't get the LogRegardEvent to work and found one line where the fifth arguement in the function is missing. Didn't count the lines but I think it'll be rather easy to spot.
    Looking forward to the alpha. MTW is a buy then?


    • #47
      Originally posted by Dale

      BTW, sorry it's taking so long, but I've been splitting my PC time between AOM and Medieval: Total War the last few weeks.
      Medieval eh? It's very nice ain't it..........i must admit i'm playing a fair bit too at the mo(that and swos on the amiga!!!!!), still i'll be back to CTP2 next weekend +i'll have a look at the tech tree thingy
      'The very basis of the liberal idea – the belief of individual freedom is what causes the chaos' - William Kristol, son of the founder of neo-conservitivism, talking about neo-con ideology and its agenda for here. prove me wrong.

      Bush's Republican=Neo-con for all intent and purpose. be afraid.


      • #48
        Yep, M:TW is a

        It needs a patch though. (expected anytime now).


        • #49

          Getting closer now........

          I want to put out an Alpha to 1500AD, start of the Age of Discovery. I've just got a few lose ends to tie up (like the upgrading script) and it'll be ready.

          Here's the AOM charts file...... comments welcomed as I know it's not perfect yet.
          Attached Files


          • #50
            Looks good, by and large. I'm not sure about some of the tech names, though. Pythagoras was a person (except I don't think he really was, but that's not important), how can he be a tech? And what is Earth's circumference supposed to represent?

            Also some likle Roman Calander and Hours and Minutes are a little specific. There's nothing special about Hours and Minutes themselves, it's more the concept of measuring time. I probably would have called it something like Precision Timekeeping, but 'precise' is a little too context dependant (Minutes are precise for sundials, but not for mechanical clocks). I'm sure there's a better name. Maybe Temporal Units - but that sounds rather overscientific.

            It's a shame so many of the techs are lacking results, it would be nice to give them all something, even if it's only a little SLIC trigger which donates some gold or PW, or a breif happiness bonus. Perhaps something like in Civ2 when the first to research Philosophy gets a free tech.

            There are also some typos - Latitude was spelt Lattitude, and Archimede's should be Archimedes's (Archimedes' is probably OK too - I could argue for hours about that with some people I know).

            It really does look good though .


            • #51
              I agree with John. Looks good.
              Two things:
              Mobile Tactics: As soon as men had horses they used them in battle, so what's the meaning of this tech and why would it allow a mounted archer? Why is horse riding and archery not enough?
              What happened to Polytheism? And why does the oracle require monotheism? The old greeks would certainly disagree...


              • #52

                Yeah, I know some of the techs are wierdly named, but those particular "people" discovered important things. EG: Pythagorus discovered the properties of triangles among many other things. As for what things represent, they will be in the GL obviously. But for Earth's Circumference as you asked, it indicates the first fairly accurate estimate of the circumference of the world. After being rediscovered at the end of the Dark Ages, it gave Columbus the great idea to sail west, and we know where that got him!

                Specific techs like Roman Calender are important. The Romans needed an extremely accurate calender to co-ordinate large empire things like wars, reinforcements, etc, so the Gregorian Calender (commonly known as the Roman Calender) was formulated. It was the first calender to recognise that an Earth year is not absolute to days (leap year). Hours and Minutes are important as it provided the work force with accurate time-keeping, beginning of labour movements, unions, time as a compartmentalised concept, etc.

                I know there's some typos in, but where did you learn English?? When a word ends in "s", you don't put another "s" after an apostraphe! And you're a Pom too, you should know it's your language!

                Mobile Tactics indicates real mobile strategies. Beforehand mounted warriors weren't much better than foot, unorganised, didn't know how to utilise horse, etc. It's the formality of war-horse training.

                Polytheism was around long before 8000BC! Polytheism is the worship of many Gods, and the mega-anchient Civs already did that before settling. EG: Australian aborigines had the Dreamtime with something like 200 Gods 40,000 years ago.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Dale
                  I know there's some typos in, but where did you learn English?? When a word ends in "s", you don't put another "s" after an apostraphe! And you're a Pom too, you should know it's your language!
                  I'm afraid you do. The most official source I could find quickly was (Columbia Guide to Standard American English). I couldn't find a vaguely official site on British English, but all the ones I looked at agreed with me. When adding a possessive to a singular form you *always* add 's - even if it already ends with an s.


                  • #54
                    I won't have the time to test your mod until December but it's good to see you are back and working on a new mod. The SAP 2.0 is the reason why CtP2 is the game I play the most.

                    About the AoM, the new concepts are really interesting.
                    "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by J Bytheway

                      I'm afraid you do. The most official source I could find quickly was (Columbia Guide to Standard American English). I couldn't find a vaguely official site on British English, but all the ones I looked at agreed with me. When adding a possessive to a singular form you *always* add 's - even if it already ends with an s.
                      Great! Now I gotta go through the strings and fix them all!

                      Nah, screw ya's. You can wait till "I get around to it".

                      BTW, it's ready. I don't know how it'll go, but it's ready.


                      • #56
                        Now, now boys... allow a citizen from another of Her Majesty’s colonies to set you straight...

                        The apostrophe in the possessive form of a noun is placed after the complete noun but before the s which forms the possessive; a dog's life, Poets' Corner, children's books. In the case of a name ending in a sibilant, the possessive is usually formed by adding 's if the name has one syllable, and the apostrophe only if it has two or more syllables: Keats's poems, Dickens' novels etc.
                        If something doesn't feel right, you're not feeling the right thing.


                        • #57
                          That's even more confusing . You can rarely get differing sources to agree about all points of the use of apostrophes. Personally I don't mind the apostrophe-only version anywhere, it's certainly in common useage. I just prefer the convention of always adding 's because that makes it obvious whether you're talking about a singular or plural. If you use DoT's Dickens' you don't know whether that's one Dickens or many of them. It reduces redundancy, and I'm a great fan of redundancy.


                          • #58
                            Dale, will you be doing anymore work on the diplomacy side of things for AOM? I particularly enjoy having alliances or at least having amicable relations with a least one of the AI, it just feels more enjoyable and immersive. I know having an alliance with an AI would make it easier for the human in some situations but its just great to feel its not just you against all the AI's sometimes and it is about gameplay right and not just making the game harder?
                            Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                            CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                            One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


                            • #59
                              I think I'll just leave the apostraphe's where they are. It's my Mod, anyways.


                              The diplomacy I'm using is Peter's NewDiplomod with a few changes. I've modified it a little to try and eliminate bugs. For instance, you don't automatically get embassies back when you make peace. You have to go and do them again.

