Also, in regards to this, the description says once a tile is destroyed it can never be repaired, or reused much as a polluted tile, Why is this?
must it always remain a virtual slum (for lack of a better word)? can it not be repaired and reused later after acheiving the neccessary advances that you need to clean up polluted tiles?
must it always remain a virtual slum (for lack of a better word)? can it not be repaired and reused later after acheiving the neccessary advances that you need to clean up polluted tiles?

As i said the Apolton Pack is the only mod in which the city Expansion is compatible since a new modswapper option will show up.
As about the dead suburbs, once a suburb gets destroyed and becames a dead city. It wont be removed unless you terraform it. Once terraformed it turns a clean tile again. But two other things can happen which you have no control: 1) A new city epansion can grow in its place like Locutus mentioned 2) or the nature claims the tile back (the dead city disappears on its own) after 100 turns.
The nature claiming was just implemented in version 2.2 of the mod and i forgot to update the readme to explain this new feature. Sorry
