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Super Apolyton Pack! The Fan's Unofficial Patch.

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  • Also, in regards to this, the description says once a tile is destroyed it can never be repaired, or reused much as a polluted tile, Why is this?
    must it always remain a virtual slum (for lack of a better word)? can it not be repaired and reused later after acheiving the neccessary advances that you need to clean up polluted tiles?
    Sorry, I hadnt seen the second part of the question
    As i said the Apolton Pack is the only mod in which the city Expansion is compatible since a new modswapper option will show up.
    As about the dead suburbs, once a suburb gets destroyed and becames a dead city. It wont be removed unless you terraform it. Once terraformed it turns a clean tile again. But two other things can happen which you have no control: 1) A new city epansion can grow in its place like Locutus mentioned 2) or the nature claims the tile back (the dead city disappears on its own) after 100 turns.
    The nature claiming was just implemented in version 2.2 of the mod and i forgot to update the readme to explain this new feature. Sorry
    "Kill a man and you are a murder.
    Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
    Kill all and you are a God!"
    -Jean Rostand


    • Next, Immortal Wombat created the Visible Wonders Mod, is it compatible with the SuperApolyton Pack? Also, the same question for his Natural Wonders Mod
      Ok, I did make an SAP version of the VisiWonders, but the search is screwed ATM, so I'll find it later if you need.

      The mods are easy enough to explain the manual installation of though. (I hope )

      a) Get the Apolyton Tile File

      b) Unzip both mods into the normal directory.

      c) Open IWW_tileimp.txt and IWN_tileimp.txt (ctp2_data/default/gamedata)

      d i) For both of them, (one at a time though) find the wonder tileimprovement entries, and copy them to the clipboard. (ctrl-C)

      d ii) Paste the wonder tileimprovements into APOL_tileimp.txt, at the bottom, out the way of everything else. (ctrl-V)

      e) open APOL_Script.slc (ctp2_data/default/gamedata)
      in notepad, and at the very bottom, add the lines:
      #include "IW_wonders.slc"
      #include "IWN_naturalwonders.slc"
      Natural Wonders only: You'll need to do a search/replace in APOL_tileimp.txt for "ICON_TILEIMP_NWONDER", and replace it with "ICON_TILEIMP_UNDERSEA_TUNNEL" - this will not alter anything in the game, but it will save some trouble on installing.

      Note: This will not give you all the GL entries and stuff, but if you can live without that for a few days before I get the proper stuff rigged up, then feel free.

      :hmm: Let's try the search again....
      Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
      "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


      • Originally posted by RunsWithDwarf
        Next, Martin Guhmann created the City Mod 2.1/City Mod English and City Mod 2 Graphics Pack, What is the Difference between City Mod 2.1 and the City Mod 2 Graphics Pack? and is one required to play with the other? Also are they compatible with the SuperApolyton
        As Lucutus stated the difference between the CityMod 2.1 and the CityMod2 Graphics is that the graphics pack only contains the source graphics I made for CityMod2. I used for the original CityMod the graphics by Harlan, as I did not made these city styles you won't find them in the graphics pack. CityMod2.1 is a playable mod in comparision to the graphics pack. I released this graphics pack, because we don't have a sprite viewer, so everyone who wants to change these graphics has to make screen captures.

        CityMod English is another story, the original CityMod version was only in German, and I registered here at Apolyton afterwards I submitted the CityMod, therefore Chris Horscroft did the translation. Even if CityMod2.1 is a bilingual version, I can't request easily to remove CityMod English version from the Directory as I did not made the translation

        Originally posted by RunsWithDwarf
        Next, Martin Guhmann created the Commerce Improvements for AI's, is it compatible with the SuperApolyton Pack?
        There is a version in the Apolyton Pack but it is actual an obsolete version, therefore you can download the latest version and unzip it into your ..\ctp2_data\default\gamedata\ folder and open file APOL_main.slc with any editor of your choice. Replace there the line:

        #include "APOL_ComImpSForAIs.slc"


        #include "MG_ComImpsForAIs3.slc"

        That should be all.

        Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


        • I noticed to things while playing "Giganitc Goodmod SAP" The AI doesnot seem to place Resource-Improvement TI's on Good-Tiles. My guess is that it has to do with either the teraform prohibition on thouse tiles, or the fact that there is already a TI there.

          Too bad Activision didn't do the goods as in CTP1, so you could use the terrain.txt and goods.txt files to set the resouce output of tiles there. It was such a nice and simple way of doing it.

          Another thing: I enslaved a city with black squares to one side, but the slavers were created all over the place, so I got valuable inteligence information. Not that it will mater much in the long run, but....
          Visit my CTP-page and get TileEdit and a few other CTP related programs.
          Download and test SpriteEdit development build.


          • Originally posted by Martin the Dane
            Another thing: I enslaved a city with black squares to one side, but the slavers were created all over the place, so I got valuable inteligence information. Not that it will mater much in the long run, but....
            Well, there's a good reason for that: the slaver is running around the city to catch the slaves
            Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


            • Originally posted by Martin the Dane
              I noticed to things while playing "Giganitc Goodmod SAP" The AI doesnot seem to place Resource-Improvement TI's on Good-Tiles. My guess is that it has to do with either the teraform prohibition on thouse tiles, or the fact that there is already a TI there.
              It is the fact that there is already a tile improvement.

              Originally posted by Martin the Dane
              Too bad Activision didn't do the goods as in CTP1, so you could use the terrain.txt and goods.txt files to set the resouce output of tiles there. It was such a nice and simple way of doing it.
              Yeah it was simple in CTP1, but as Activision was nearly bankrupt as they released the CTP2 programmers hadn't the money and the time to finish the game.

              Originally posted by Martin the Dane
              Another thing: I enslaved a city with black squares to one side, but the slavers were created all over the place, so I got valuable inteligence information. Not that it will mater much in the long run, but....
              Yup this is a very nice feature, even if you get some inteligence information, I will keep this feature in the next version of the kill city option, as the kill city option is buggy and needs an update anyway. But in return for the inteligence information you could lose some cities in the next version, of course only if these cities gained too many slaves in this enslavement action.

              Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


              • Thank You!, Pedrunn, Locutus, Martin, and IW.

                You guys really make this easier than you have to, and I
                want you all to know, that I am truly grateful, for all of your help.

                You guys, as well as a few others that I haven't named, are the real reason that the Apolyton site is such a success, IMO.

                You don't blow people off, or ignore their questions as being beneath you. Your polite, courteous, as well as forthcoming, and honest in your responses. Something I find very rarely in some of the other forums I frequent.

                It would be nice to hold you up (or Apolyton rather), as a positive example, of what some of these other forums could achieve in their communities, as opposed to all the bickering and infighting that is seen in them.

                And for that gentlemen, I thank you!

                By the way, If there is anything I can do to help contribute to the community, other than bombard you guys with countless questions, please let me know, I am at your disposal. However, please keep in mind that I am currently unemployed, and also, I am not exactly
                what you might call computer literate. (So don't be asking me to write no programs, yet!) I am on what you might call, the poor man's scholarship program, which basically means if I can get the information firsthand, or secondhand for that matter, and comprehend what I'm reading or hearing, then I commit it to memory or paper which ever is readily available, for future use.
                Where there's a whip, there's a way.; Tolkien "the Hobbit"


                • Originally posted by RunsWithDwarf
                  By the way, If there is anything I can do to help contribute to the community, other than bombard you guys with countless questions, please let me know, I am at your disposal.
                  We are playing in the same category RunsWithDwarves, I am not very useful to the community of modders around here who are the kind of people we would like to give something back in return for their work and their kindness.

                  I am myself more and more interested in modding and I think I will someday cross the borderline (though not before I finish the french translation of the SAP2), you can find a modder's guide on Hexagonian's web site here.

                  The big problem for both of us is that the hardest part for non-programmers like us (slic programming) isn't covered in this guide as it must be a very hard and very long work to write a manual on such a topic.

                  You should also have a look to the Resources for modmakers thread in the CtP2-Creation/AI/Mods/Scenarios...
                  "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


                  • Originally posted by Tamerlin
                    The big problem for both of us is that the hardest part for non-programmers like us (slic programming) isn't covered in this guide as it must be a very hard and very long work to write a manual on such a topic.

                    You should also have a look to the Resources for modmakers thread in the CtP2-Creation/AI/Mods/Scenarios...
                    Actually Locutus wrote a guide to slic and its referenced in the thread you mentioned, IW wrote a more basic one too which was particularly helpful to us non-mathematicians. Also take a look in the scenario scripts, if you cant write your own from scratch just "borrow" some.
                    Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
                    CtP2 AE Wiki & Modding Reference
                    One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


                    • Locutus' one is really basic I think. It's basically an intro to logic IIRC. Mine does the harder stuff, and I'm not so good at explaining things simply.

                      And for that gentlemen, I thank you!
                      You're welcome.
                      Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                      "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                      • Originally posted by Immortal Wombat
                        Locutus' one is really basic I think. It's basically an intro to logic IIRC. Mine does the harder stuff, and I'm not so good at explaining things simply.
                        Logic what?

                        I have downloaded your manual Immortal Wombat but I won't have the time to read it (or at least try...) until a few days or weeks. This is a great gift to the apprentice modder anyway.
                        "Democracy is the worst form of government there is, except for all the others that have been tried." Sir Winston Churchill


                        • RunsWithDwarf:

                          Glad you're enjoying it. The best contribution you can make to these forums, and the best compliment to us modders, is stick around, post and play our mods.


                          • how do i get the ultra gigantic maps that it says it has on the webpage? I can only get the normal size gigantic maps.


                            • Originally posted by Immortal Wombat
                              Locutus' one is really basic I think. It's basically an intro to logic IIRC.
                              Did you only read the first chapter or something? Granted, important stuff is still missing (I'm working on that, BTW, I was hoping to release an update this week but I'm not gonna make that - hopefully within 2-3 weeks though) but it's about 40 pages, covering about 80% of SLIC...
                              Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


                              • Maybe I'm thinking of an earlier version.
                                Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                                "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis

