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NewDiplomod.slc comments....

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Pedrunn
    Unless it is the god of death and destruction

    Note: god with small letter like the ancient ones.
    Have a melon, Kali baby!
    "...your Caravel has killed a Spanish Man-o-War."


    • #17
      Wonderful! This is the game that I was hoping that CTP II was out of the box.

      A few points:

      -Early in the game, I did have the game crash to the desktop, saying that I didn't have authorization to access this file, pathway, or folder (or something to that effect).

      -I had a city defended by one hoplite. An Apolyton army of 10 showed up, but then left without attacking. Two turns later, an army of 7 showed up, but again left without attacking. After I rushed in reenforcements, an army of five showed up and did attack, but I defeated them. While I was happy to keep the city, I was a bit disapointed in the AI.

      -Several times Barbarians walked right by unescorted Nomads without attacking them.

      Please understand that my comments are meant to help with any further AI tweaks. By no means do I mean to disparage the fantastic work done by the Apolyton modding community. I have put away my Civ III and playing CTP II again. My big complaint, now my old tech tree that I always used now no longer works!!!!
      The wall of the Achaians


      • #18
        BTW, for those who want the greeting and declare war messages, open NewDiplomod.slc and put these at the very top before anything else:

        -Where do I find this file??
        The wall of the Achaians


        • #19

          There should be a way to force barbarians to attack your settlers of you want...
          Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
          "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


          • #20
            Not necessairily, but when I think of Barbarians, I think of rape, pillage, killing, and plunder!

            Thanks for the reply.
            The wall of the Achaians


            • #21
              Originally posted by Immortal Wombat
              There should be a way to force barbarians to attack your settlers of you want...
              I do think this is a good idea.
              "Kill a man and you are a murder.
              Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
              Kill all and you are a God!"
              -Jean Rostand


              • #22
                Originally posted by Pedrunn
                I do think this is a good idea.
                Try this:
                HandleEvent(BeginTurn) 'kill_the_settlers' pre {
                	if(player[0] == 0){
                		int_t	i;
                		unit_t	tmpUnit;
                		for(i=0; i < player[0].units; i = i + 1){
                			GetUnitByIndex(0, i, tmpUnit);
                			int_t	j;
                			location_t	tmpLoc;
                			for(j = 0; j < 9; j = j + 1){
                				GetNeighbor(tmpUnit.location, j, tmpLoc);
                				if(UnitsInCell(tmpLoc) == 1){
                					unit_t	tmpTarget;
                					army_t	tmpArmy;
                					GetUnitFromCell(tmploc, tmpTarget);
                						GetArmyFromUnit(tmpUnit, tmpArmy)
                						Event:Battle(tmpArmy, tmpLoc);
                Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                • #23
                  "IsCivilian"? That's a bit bloodthirsty isn't it? You want to kill the lawyers, too?

                  errh, um, reminds himself "No, this isn't real life. It's a game."

                  BTW, NewDiplomod is in a state of limbo at the moment. I'm having a major re-think, which is going to involve a lot of work.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Peter Triggs
                    "IsCivilian"? That's a bit bloodthirsty isn't it? You want to kill the lawyers, too?
                    If they're unescorted, more fool you
                    Concrete, Abstract, or Squoingy?
                    "I don't believe in giving scripting languages because the only additional power they give users is the power to create bugs." - Mike Breitkreutz, Firaxis


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Peter Triggs
                      BTW, NewDiplomod is in a state of limbo at the moment. I'm having a major re-think, which is going to involve a lot of work.

                      Uh oh!

                      *runs for the hills*


                      • #26
                        whenever I try to open a slc file, I get a pop-up window asking me what program I want to use to open this file. Am I correct in assuming it's notepad or is it something else??

                        thanks for the help
                        The wall of the Achaians


                        • #27
                          yes it is notepad or word pad depending on the size.

                          oh and I like the idea of killing the lawyer
                          do you think there is any room in there for my terrorist code

                          I am using the quick respond bit cool
                          "Every time I learn something new it pushes some old stuff out of my brain" Homer Jay Simpson
                          The BIG MC making ctp2 a much unsafer place.
                          Visit the big mc’s website


                          • #28
                            After playing about 700 turns with the Cradle 1.3 (since I was sick all weekend and nothing else to do!), here are some things that I have noticed:

                            -When you have a No Tresspassing pact with another civ and you request them to withdraw and they agree to, naval units still do not withdraw, despite repeated request. I get the "we don't have any units in your land" reply.

                            -When a neighboring civ "unconditionally surrenders" after you capture one of their major cities and you propose a cease fire and add a request for a city, they always give it to you, even if you ask for their capital. Easy way to get your city count up. The same holds true if you capture a barbarian city later in the game (about 550-600 turns). However, ALL of the barbarian cities are given to you. I was playing as a Democracy and suddenly shot up to 57 cities, which cause alot of unhappiness. I tried to give some of the cities to another civ to try to buy their favor, but when you select the offer city option, I guess it only list 50 cities. None of the ex-barbarian civs that I just conquered were on the list. Is there any way to list all of the cities?

                            -The AI doesn't always garrison troops in newly conquered cities. It just seems to sell off alot of the city improvements for gold. When I retake a city that was formerly mine, I always have to rebuild the walls, granery, courthouse, etc.

                            -Sometimes when I bombard an approaching army with catapaults or cannons, they bombard the enemy and then are destroyed. Is this because of active re-bombardment by the AI out of turn or is this a bug?

                            -AI civs seem to be able to bombard my diplomats and not have war declared. When I attacked the Celts in retalliation for this act, I was told that I broke the cease fire agreement with them.

                            -I miss the hold reception function of the diplomats. It was a great way to increase regard when everyone hates you!

                            -One thing I love is that if you accidently attack an army, you can ask for a cease fire and offer some gold and the AI will usually accept.

                            Hopefully, I'm going to be able to read and understand the SLC and modding guides that I have seen posted so I can offer some answers along with my observations. I deeply appreciate all of the modding efforts by everyone and their hard work.

                            The wall of the Achaians


                            • #29
                              Thanks for the comments, Aias.

                              -When you have a No Tresspassing pact with another civ and you request them to withdraw and they agree to, naval units still do not withdraw, despite repeated request. I get the "we don't have any units in your land" reply.
                              I haven't put in the withdraw feature for naval units yet. It's a bit more difficult than land units.

                              When a neighboring civ "unconditionally surrenders" after you capture one of their major cities and you propose a cease fire and add a request for a city, they always give it to you, even if you ask for their capital. Easy way to get your city count up.
                              They should only agree to this if you're very much stronger than they are (so much stronger that they're effectively out of the game). Still it doesn't sound like much fun so I'll put in a reject if you ask for one of their cities. Any suggestions about what they should say to you in this situation?

                              BTW, I guess you know that those 'unconditional surrender' are not at the moment keyed to the actual surrender. Can you remember when you were fighting an AIciv and first got one of these messages? Do you think that would have been a realistic time for them to have surrendered (and you get all their cities) or did you think it's preferable to keep on fighting?

                              The same holds true if you capture a barbarian city later in the game (about 550-600 turns). However, ALL of the barbarian cities are given to you.
                              This was an actual surrender. Unfortunately, it's a bug. The Barbs shouldn't surrender like this, thanks for pointing it out.

                              The AI doesn't always garrison troops in newly conquered cities.
                              That's a problem with the FrenzyAI code. Off and on I keep trying to find a way to avoid using this code: IMO it's just not working properly.

                              It just seems to sell off alot of the city improvements for gold. When I retake a city that was formerly mine, I always have to rebuild the walls, granery, courthouse, etc.
                              It's not actually selling them off. Whenever a city is captured, Dale's capturecity.slc will wipe out about 50% of it's buildings to simulate the destruction that must have occured during the fighting. So when you recapture it, there goes another 50%. If you think this is too high, you can easily change it in CRA_capturecity.slc (open with Wordpad or Notepad or any text editor):

                              // Capture City event
                              HandleEvent(CaptureCity) 'MM2_DestroyBuildsOnCapture' pre {
                              	city_t tmpcity;
                              	int_t tmpbuilding;
                              	int_t i;
                              	int_t randnum;
                              	tmpcity = city[0];
                              	if(CityIsValid(tmpcity)) {
                              		for(i = 0; i < 64; i = i + 1) {
                              			randnum = random(100);
                              			if(randnum < 50) {
                              				DestroyBuilding(tmpcity, i);
                              and change the '50' to whatever percentage you want.

                              More generally, now that you've mentioned it, having to rebuild ancient buildings when you capture a city is something that's always struck me as NOT one of Sid's better ideas. There you are in the Industrial Age and you capture a city. So the first thing you have to build is the same granary or shrine that you were building in your cities all those millenia ago. This has got to be totally unrealistic: IMO, they should have used the 'Ages' more, so that once you enter an age you never have to build something from ancient history (and so only have to rebuild whatever those buildings have evolved into in the Industrial age).

                              -Sometimes when I bombard an approaching army with catapaults or cannons, they bombard the enemy and then are destroyed. Is this because of active re-bombardment by the AI out of turn or is this a bug?
                              It's the counter-bombard feature.

                              AI civs seem to be able to bombard my diplomats and not have war declared.
                              Nothing to do with me, guv. I've seen this too. I guess they can kill diplomats (or lawyers? ) without automatically going to war. Hang on, with lawyers, that's not a bug it's a feature.

                              I miss the hold reception function of the diplomats
                              They've still got the 'ThrowParty' flag in Units.txt. But the 'StealTechnology' order, which is supposed to use button location 5, is turning up in button location 4, which is what the 'ThrowParty' order is supposed to use. Maybe Hex knows something about this.



                              • #30
                                Thanks for the in depth reply. And now I can go in and add some of the code that is on this thread to the game.

                                I agree with your opinion regarding having to rebuild older structures. Perhaps there is something to code with that. For example, when you reach the industrial age (which my game hasn't yet, btw) the granary can be replaced by the food silo, without a loss of productivity. Just a thought.

                                I don't know why it didn't dawn on me that these structures were destroyed during the "seige" of a town. Do you lose another 50% if it is taken back the next turn? For example, I lost a town to the Persians, but took it back the next turn. 3 turns later, they retook it before I could rush in reenforcements.

                                Thanks again. I would love to play against some of you guys online someday once I know what the heck I am doing with this mod!
                                The wall of the Achaians

