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Commerce Improvements for AIs

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  • #16
    You should start a new game.
    And happines priorities must be the HIGHEST.
    In Medmod they are very low so they are almost newer used.
    And don't forget in starting strategies to put happy seq. as very low pirority (you don't want AI build ramayana & shrines instead of settlers & Hoplites)


    • #17
      These ara a strategies I use im my own mod.
      They will probaly not work on its own, but you can see happines seq.
      priorities compared to others.
      Attached Files


      • #18
        Here is also a BuildListSequences.txt:
        Attached Files


        • #19
          Player one I already did all that, I set the happiness priority to 11500 and bottom 0.1 happy cities.

          In Medmod they are very low so they are almost newer used.

          actually thats not true they are at 7000, the reason the AI becomes unhappy IMHO is that happiness buildings go obsolete, and they don't build replacements, they just mess with the silders. I have noticed in my games that the happiest civs are the ones that haven't discovered advances that obsolete happiness buildings. Hopefully though if they have 78 or so hapiness when buildings go obsolete they won't be affected as much.

          Back on topic, Why not make the slic trigger every 3 or four turns, and build at most 4 or 5 commerce improvements.


          • #20
            Commerce Improvements for AIs Version 3.0

            OK here is a new version of the Commerce Improvements for AIs. But it still needs some playtesting and therefore I need your feedback. Actual doesn't do anything different then in the previous version, but it should do it in less time.

            This file is full compartible with the default game, with ApolytonPack, CityMod2 and GoodMod for Apolyton Pack or CityMod2. It can be used with Cradle and MedPack2 too. But it isn't optimized for these mods. IIRC Cradle uses the same version as ApolytonPack but only used different build in DB indeces for the tile imps therefore, it won't give you an disadvantage if you use it for Cradle.

            Installation is similar to the original file I posted:

            To install this slic file just unzip the content of this *.zip file into your \ctp2_data\default\gamedata\ directory. And open the the scrip.slc file (of course CRA_scrip.slc for Craddle or APOL_script.slc for ApolytonPack) and add at the end of that file the line:

            #include "MG_ComImpsForAIs.slc"

            All what you have to do after installation of this file is: Open the the chat window once you are in the game by typing (') of course without the brackets and enter /reloadslic.

            So test it and report.

            Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


            • #21
              Obviously no one of you tested this file otherwise you would have notice two bugs.

              First: The code was also active for the human player. Fixed.
              Second: The code kept the AI from improveing existing non commerce improvements on beach, forest, hill... tiles. Problem fixed.

              From this point of view the file seems to be stabil and much faster than the old one. Therefore I recomment the replacement of CRA_ComImpSForAIs2.slc, APOL_ComImpSForAIs2.slc and MG_ComImpSForAIs2.slc by this file: MG_ComImpsForAIs3.slc

              Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"

