Here a sollution for the problem that the AI never builds commerce improvements like ports, drilling platforms, trading posts, outlet mall, and nature preserves. This code construct such tile improvements automaticly as soon as the AI has enough PW to build them in the city square.
To install this slic file just unzip the content of this *.zip file into your \ctp2_data\default\gamedata\ directory. And open the the scrip.slc file (of course MM2_scrip.slc for MedPack2 or APOL_script.slc for ApolytonPack, unfortunatly this file is not Cradle comapartible) and add at the end of that file the line:
#include "MG_ComImpsForAIs.slc"
All what you have to do after installation of this file: Open the the chat window in the game by typing (') of coarse without the brackets and type /reloadslic.
To install this slic file just unzip the content of this *.zip file into your \ctp2_data\default\gamedata\ directory. And open the the scrip.slc file (of course MM2_scrip.slc for MedPack2 or APOL_script.slc for ApolytonPack, unfortunatly this file is not Cradle comapartible) and add at the end of that file the line:
#include "MG_ComImpsForAIs.slc"
All what you have to do after installation of this file: Open the the chat window in the game by typing (') of coarse without the brackets and type /reloadslic.