quote:![]() Originally posted by Timeline on 03-21-2001 10:36 PM Science seems to advance to slowly, I am in the year 2030 and am just 2 years away from the Railroad!! Either I am just not playin good enough to match the tech to the year, or there are too many advances, or they are too expensive. I don’t know. My pop is 1,932,390, 26 Cities, Research averaging at 1500 a turn. I’ve had no catastrophic wars which might have slowed me down, and I have even enjoyed a little bit of imperial conquest to expand my empire. I started off real good - finding settlers in two goody huts. Has anyone els had this problem? I noticed there are no overpop improvements until the Industrial Age (Besides the Aqueduct). At first I thought this was a great Idea, it’s a neat way to simulate the pop explosion and massive movement to the cities that occurred in the Industrial Age. However, I think this may be the reason why science advances so slow - you are stuck at size 16 for 2000 years. My suggestion is to perhaps add an improvement in the Classical Age (maybe under engineering advance?) to help with over crowding. Maybe it could be a ‘Bath House’ or ‘Doctor’s Clinic’ or something that fits the times. Don’t suppose you have any pics laying around that would fit the bill? How do you think this would effect game balance? ![]() |
I completely support timeline's point (I liked this novel very much), I made the same experience. 2100, I got the game ending warning (btw how can you deactivate it, I'd like to play till 3000) but I'm still researching techs that are 20th century (playing on "hard", I know shame on me but I wanted to make sure that I can at least see all the Wonders and future techs). There must definitely something be done. Hexagonian has a sprite for Bath House maybe he will be so kind to "lend" it to you.
Other things I ran into:
When Bazaar becomes obsolete you're no longer able to build Banks because Bazaar is a prerequisite.
Oilrefinery is prerequisite for Nuclear Plant (don't understand that) so I guess I'll run into the same problem as for Bank
Democracy with such a weak economy (low). Come on Wes even City States has a better one.
Citizen loyalty for Communism, Fascism and Fundamentalism is a bit low IMHO.
Well that's all for now. I hope you will have a look at these things.