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CRADLE 1.33 (Final update)

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  • #91

    Was the crash between turns 35 and 40?

    I have had a problem with Cradle crashing in several games at about that time after I loaded 1.3. Reloading slic from editor was what did it for me. But check ctp2/ctp2 date/ctp/userprofile.text and make sure deblug.slic is No.


    • #92
      no much later, can't look it up now, because i have another game running

      as i mentioned relaodslic doesn't help and of course debugslic was set to no


      • #93
        Sorry Zaphon, I meant that reload.slic from editor fixed for me(last message not very clear)


        • #94

          NewDiplomod should be compatible with Cradle 1.33, but I haven't looked at it in months. If you install it, any bug reports/ comments/ suggestions would be appreciated.


          • #95
            Something that may be worth telling.

            I had a couple slics to move AI units through slic like the frenzy AI and the Martin's Better AI. And here what i found out.
            If a slic makes a unit moves to a direction and another slic makes it move to another direction the game crashs without warnig. Therefore you need to be careful to have several codes that moves units like the BetterAI or the frenzy code.

            Hex, did you get my e-mail with the file you requested?
            "Kill a man and you are a murder.
            Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
            Kill all and you are a God!"
            -Jean Rostand


            • #96
              Originally posted by stankarp
              ...The AI likes to bring the militia out of cities some times which means if U know there is militia in a stack, they can't charge down roads to attack U.
              Actually, this is one of the main reasons why I consider this a bug that needs to be fixed - and more so in the early game. Militias were put into Cradle to help the AI set up an early defense against the human player. Although a player can launch an early invasion against the AI, it will be a little more costly to do so because of the stronger defense. (If you notice, the Militia Spearman has stronger stats that the normal Spearman.)

              Plus, (and this is the most important reason), Militias provide a garrison unit to the AI to quell slave rebellions. This is critical in the early game, as many of the AI civs will beeline to slavery and start collecting slaves, so there needs to be garrison units in cities at that time. I do have a higher priority for garrison units, but this is offset by Frenzy and the early game focus on Exploration/Expansion. A city that revolts in the early game is a bad thing because it is more cripppling at that time. When a city has 20-30 cities, it can absorb the loss, but if it only has 3 cities, that is 33% of its empire. So I need to have those militias stay in place...

              (BTW, this is one of the reasons why gigantic maps with no more than 8 civs makes for the best game, because it allows the AI some time to get itself established.)

              Peter's Diplomod should be compatible with Cradle, but I do not know how it will work within Cradle. There were imbalances with the code when Peter first gave me the files, but he may have a better version available.

              Congrats on hitting 1000.

              Cradle contains the update you sent on September 23.
              Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


              • #97
                Cradle contains the update you sent on September 23.
                I e-mailed you a new one wich make possible the creationof roads in cities. As you asked me a couple days ago. Didnt you received?

                Congrats on hitting 1000.
                "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                Kill all and you are a God!"
                -Jean Rostand


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Pedrunn
                  I e-mailed you a new one wich make possible the creationof roads in cities. As you asked me a couple days ago. Didnt you received?
                  Yeah, I have it. I wasn't online too much this weekend though, so I didn't do anything with it. I have a request into Locutus to try and fix the militia movement in CRA_partisan.slc, so when I get that file, I will bundle everything up into a single download and switch the file designation to 1.33b I also have some reported game crashes, which I'm stumped on...

                  There is also the issue regarding the bonuses on GoodMod no longer appearing when using City Expansion (reported by Zaphod). Could you look into this too?
                  Yes, let's be optimistic until we have reason to be otherwise...No, let's be pessimistic until we are forced to do otherwise...Maybe, let's be balanced until we are convinced to do otherwise. -- DrSpike, Skanky Burns, Shogun Gunner


                  • #99
                    Since this was one of the last versions I thought I would report this bug I got

                    It appeared in the messges area but there was no popup messagebox for it, what it says doesnt make sence. Also I got a technology by diplomacy (exchanged it) and it came up with the upgrade screen. It said something like

                    "There are 00 units pleading for new technology it will cost a total of 0 gold"
                    When actually i had spearman wanting to be upgraded, I chose view the unit option and the box dissapeared and none of my spearman upgraded????
                    Oh yea I got one city that got 2 city expansions outside of it when it was only a size 6, which i didnt mind but just seems weird.
                    Attached Files
                    Oxygen should be considered a drug
                    Tiberian Sun Retro
                    My Mod for Tiberian Sun Webmaster of


                    • The attachment showed a test message from the IW natural disaster code. It should have been removed. It is a left over.

                      Crazy things happen with the Peter Triggs unit updater. Hexagonian, I have a unit updater that upgrade units when an army entrench inside a city (you could also create a new order for it if you prefer. Do you want it?

                      It was two alive cities, or one dead and one alive city?

                      Hexagonia, i found the incompability with the cityX and the goods.
                      Since my code seems to be more instable I would like to ask martin if he could make the grantAdvance function be in the same event handler as the CreateImprovement rather than different ones. This will solve the problem.
                      "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                      Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                      Kill all and you are a God!"
                      -Jean Rostand


                      • Originally posted by Pedrunn
                        Since my code seems to be more instable I would like to ask martin if he could make the grantAdvance function be in the same event handler as the CreateImprovement rather than different ones. This will solve the problem.
                        This wouldn't work, either. Actual the CreateImprovement event that creates the help tile improvement is in the same event handler like the GrantAdvance event. So you have to make shure that your code won't remove subneural ads on the first two turns.

                        Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                        • i'd really like to have your updater code pedrunn, regardless if it will become an "official" part of cradle or not since i'm always having trouble with the current updater, it only rarely does what it was meant to do though i really don't why (had a lot of hours looking through that code and tinkering a little around without succes, well at least i begint to learn some slic this way)


                          • This is madness. There are too many cradle options/ files to replace. Lets wait him to set the file to the Craddle options.
                            "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                            Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                            Kill all and you are a God!"
                            -Jean Rostand


                            • Hex, Here is the code and the messages neede for it
                              Attached Files
                              "Kill a man and you are a murder.
                              Kill thousands and you are a conquer.
                              Kill all and you are a God!"
                              -Jean Rostand


                              • noticed another incompability:
                                the seaside town (size7) which just had 2 landsquares in the inner circle, both with citytiles on it (nomad got ready while the city was size 6) was building lighthouse of alexandria.
                                put the ti into one of those cities which turned dead (terraininfo stating the lighthouse, dead city was only visible), the next turn the lihghouse dissappeared and was replaced completely by the dead city

