I started a GoodMod for SAP on an ultra-large map and 15 players. I also took a page from the 3rd SP tournament game and made it a doughnut world, which I had never tried before the tournament. I adjusted the max_behind values down to even lower numbers than before, but it is otherwise a GoodMod/SAP/UL game. I have barely made it to 200 AD and I am down to 2 cities. But I finally have catapults, so I am finally holding my own. It’s been tough and often frustrating for me so far! It’s my first CtP2 game that I’ve really felt like stopping and just throwing in the towel, but something keeps me going…. I like trading all these exotic goods, plus the tile bonuses really make the goods more of a factor in gameplay. I sure hope I can start expanding again soon!
I have not yet noticed my troops suddenly becoming active. I am using your new MG_betterai file from the tournament and this time I DID start my own game so I didn't reload slic. I’ll just keep an eye out for that, but I don’t expect it to happen. I also noticed in the bottom of the screen when I mouse over a good I get “Imp. Landgood Class 2 (or similar) instead of the good name. What’s up with that? Another “feature” of CtP? Any ideas on how to get the good name in there? I can look up my old notes from the problems encountered in CtP if you think that may help.
I have not yet noticed my troops suddenly becoming active. I am using your new MG_betterai file from the tournament and this time I DID start my own game so I didn't reload slic. I’ll just keep an eye out for that, but I don’t expect it to happen. I also noticed in the bottom of the screen when I mouse over a good I get “Imp. Landgood Class 2 (or similar) instead of the good name. What’s up with that? Another “feature” of CtP? Any ideas on how to get the good name in there? I can look up my old notes from the problems encountered in CtP if you think that may help.