Try this scenario.slc I've added the whole lot to this file.
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WW2 scenario including the U.S
i HAVE TO be the dumbest person alive. I thought the scenario.slc was working but after noticing my leader didn't become a leader i realized it wasn't working. I stupidly put in the attachment file in the gamedata folder without realizing it wasn't a slc. file.
Instead of just attaching the scn.slc i was thinking of sending you the whole thing so you can see what's wrong. Don't laugh at the scn, it's still a work in progress and it's in the world at war mod so you should have no trouble making it start.
I did get your scenario slic but i was talking about putting my whole scenario as an attachment and it didn't work. I compressed it to a zip file but it didn't come out in the next thread.
Do you happen to know where i can find tga files of the units like the ones in the calltopower2\gamedata\graphics\pictures folder?
I'm trying to mod a picture of a marine.
Most of the original graphics files are stored as *.rim files in the *.zfs files that you can find in the directory you mentioned above. You like to visit the CTP2 page of Martin the Dane, there you find a tool that allows you to explore the *.zfs files and allows you to save *.rim files as *.tga files.
-MartinCiv2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
Martin: I still couldn't find those pics even with the zfs reader i got from the Ctp2 site. I installed my game again and they still don't come out. They all come out as .tga files and i can read those. The only pics i can find are the ones for tanks and planes i got from Dale's World at War mod.
OK you got the *.zfs reader. Run this program now go on File > Open... Now you get a dialog box that allows you to browse your computer system. Go to your ..\ctp2_data\default\graphics\pictures\ folder there the program will tell you that this folder contains two files: The pic555.zfs and the pic565.zfs. Double click on the pic555.zfs and the *.zfs reader will open the pic555.zfs file. Now you can explore and you will find all the images for you are searching.
-MartinCiv2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"
Never mind the error, I just typed in some wrong info the the units.txt file.
Well, I'm almost finished with my scenario except that I don't have any events and could never get the veteran effect to work.
This is what i have changed:
I used Dale's World At War mod and changed a couple of things.
The civs in the scenario are 1.America 2.Germany 3.Great Britain 4.Canada 5.France Does anyone know who was the leader of Canada thru WW2?
I placed a "Cargo Plane" that can carry 6 units.(like a cargo helicopter)
I gave every civ their own marine and infantry.
I gave the allies two set of units to pick from
ex. tank II and tank III or fighter 1 and fighter2
I did the same for Germany.
So the units Germany can build the same as the Allies are Politician, Spy, Battleship, M1 and M2 Artillery, Transport Ship and Cargo Plane, and finally an Aircraft Carrier.
Their own units include: German Marine, German Infantry, Pzkpfw II tank, Pzkpfw III tank, Stuka Divebomber bf-109 fighter, U-boat. I made all these units with a stronger defence and more hit points.
There are pillboxes and barbed wire. Barbed Wire takes away two to three move points; i still haven't chosen how many points to put on the units. The ones already set seem like too many. Like the marine having 800 move points. I want to cut it down from 1-3.
Another thing I did was force America, Great Britain, Canada, and France to have Democracy as their government. Germany has to stick to Fascism. I took away their choices so they can't change no matter how much they want to. I've also put everyone to war on Germany and set alliances with the remaining civs to all attack Germany. I hope they don't set up peace treaties later in the game.
I couldn't think of anymore things right now. As i said before the only things remaining i wanted to put in were generals and events. I don't have any ideas right now, but i'm open to suggestions!
Just to remind everyone , this is a scenario on the D-Day Invasion.
Hi,my two cents: peraphys u should change pk III and pkiV for the german tank as the pkII was crap...
To answer you question about the PM of Canada during the WWII here is an interesting link:
The Right Honourable William Lyon Mackenzie King
29 December 1921 - 28 June 1926
25 September 1926 - 7 August 1930
23 October 1935 - 15 November 1948
- Liberal
- served for longest amount of time as Prime Minister
- Led Canada as Prime Minister during World War II
- Unemployment Insurance 1940, Old Age Pensions 1926,
- Appointed First Woman Senator