I think someone will need to start a new thread for debugging the new diplomod, but I don't have much time right now so I'll just throw in a few quick comments here (in addition to what Spanscape said):
- I get all sorts of messages every turn about the status of diplomatic relationships, etc. I think most people will only find these annoying. They're useful for testing but should be turned off in Cradle.
- The AI is *extremely* weak right now. I was at war with Carthage for ages but they only sent the occasional loose unit to attack; and when I finally got around to sending in a stack to attack them (I was very reluctant to do so because normally you need more than 1 stack to attack a city and I was involved in several wonder races so couldn't build many replacements), they turned out to have only 1-3 defenders in each city, I just walked over a 15-city empire in less than 30 turns...
On to the more relevant stuff:
- This is ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!!! I LOVE IT But a lot of work is going to be needed to get it all finished.
- I got a message 'no tresspass treaty expires in three turns/has expired', when it was really peace treaty that was expiring.
- AIs are very eager to get embassies with me but there's not a chance in hell I'll ever get an embassy from them via diplomacy (ended up sending diplomats across the globe).
- After a diplomatic proposal is received from an AI, it is sometimes followed by some sort of messagebox which gives additional explanation. Very nice idea, but once the messagebox appears the game continues and soon the diplomacy screen disappears again, sometimes too early for me to have had a chance to continue. You should probably disable the EndTurn event when sending out messageboxes in diplomatic negotiations.
- I got messages like 'no tresspass expires in three turns/has expired' when the AI had a treaty with me but not the other way around, quite confusing. At the very least you ought to give a different message if the tresspass treaty is not a mutual one.
- At one point I noticed that I was all of a sudden at war with 2 new enemies (next to the 2 with whom I was already at war earlier) but I had never gotten any sort of warning about this. When I asked for Cease-Fire, the AIs gladly accepted; it looks like they weren't particularly happy with being at war with me... Bug?
- Science treaties which are supposed to last forever in reality don't do so.
Probably unrelated but 2 other possible bugs:
- The same city (not mine, fortunately) got struck by an earthquake *very* often, can't be a coincidence anymore
- Plagues did not seem to have any effect anymore. I didn't notice a decrease in pop at all.
- I get all sorts of messages every turn about the status of diplomatic relationships, etc. I think most people will only find these annoying. They're useful for testing but should be turned off in Cradle.
- The AI is *extremely* weak right now. I was at war with Carthage for ages but they only sent the occasional loose unit to attack; and when I finally got around to sending in a stack to attack them (I was very reluctant to do so because normally you need more than 1 stack to attack a city and I was involved in several wonder races so couldn't build many replacements), they turned out to have only 1-3 defenders in each city, I just walked over a 15-city empire in less than 30 turns...
On to the more relevant stuff:
- This is ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC!!! I LOVE IT But a lot of work is going to be needed to get it all finished.
- I got a message 'no tresspass treaty expires in three turns/has expired', when it was really peace treaty that was expiring.
- AIs are very eager to get embassies with me but there's not a chance in hell I'll ever get an embassy from them via diplomacy (ended up sending diplomats across the globe).
- After a diplomatic proposal is received from an AI, it is sometimes followed by some sort of messagebox which gives additional explanation. Very nice idea, but once the messagebox appears the game continues and soon the diplomacy screen disappears again, sometimes too early for me to have had a chance to continue. You should probably disable the EndTurn event when sending out messageboxes in diplomatic negotiations.
- I got messages like 'no tresspass expires in three turns/has expired' when the AI had a treaty with me but not the other way around, quite confusing. At the very least you ought to give a different message if the tresspass treaty is not a mutual one.
- At one point I noticed that I was all of a sudden at war with 2 new enemies (next to the 2 with whom I was already at war earlier) but I had never gotten any sort of warning about this. When I asked for Cease-Fire, the AIs gladly accepted; it looks like they weren't particularly happy with being at war with me... Bug?
- Science treaties which are supposed to last forever in reality don't do so.
Probably unrelated but 2 other possible bugs:
- The same city (not mine, fortunately) got struck by an earthquake *very* often, can't be a coincidence anymore
- Plagues did not seem to have any effect anymore. I didn't notice a decrease in pop at all.