You know you all want to do it and it could be very good! I think both Cradle and Med mod are excellent in their own right, and each has stuff the other doesn't but to try to combine the best of both ,to birth some kind of hellspawn 'Cred' Mod would be awesome
.Something that just hit me last night as i was playing was that CTP2(more so than CTP1) does suffer in the early stages with not a great deal to do except wait for advances, if the first 2000 years could be fleshed-out some more, with more minor advances that don't take so long to learn.Maybe break down a few of the present advances into smaller less 'powerfull' things; so the player always has new stuff happening, new choices that only take a couple of turns to invent.That way he/she has something to do apart from bulid units.Untill you get a decent government(which can take awhile, especially on higher difficulty settings) its very easy for the early game to drag-on. Pre-History was(probably!) mankinds most inventive when he was getting to grips with his enviroment and food and conflict with other tribes. None of the civ games really suffer from lack of choices after say the classical period, but not one of them really helps give you many options outside of 'rush to tanks and conquer'. Cradle partly addresses it but you can still be waiting 20-40 turns or so before much really starts to happen. So i think this could be an area of the game that could be looked into. I think once more people hear of what you are proposing then we should get even more traffic in these forums
