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Medieval Pack II v1.1: A Call to Arms

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  • #46
    ctp2 has caused an error in ctp2.exe

    I have been playing mm2 v1.1 and the game crashing and giving me an error that says, "ctp2 has caused an error in ctp2.exe" in turn 255(850 ad) when I try to move my 4th unit. Im playing on a gigantic map, 12 civs, 10 cities, marauders, and I have gunpowder units. I tried uninstalling ctp2, reinstalling, and patching, but it didn't work. It still gives me the error. I haven't tried reinstalling medmod though.


    • #47
      How to End Piracy without Going to War?

      The Scots, my next-door "neighbors," with whom I have a Peace Treaty AND a mutual withdrawal treaty, have begun bugging the h... out of me, sending in Cavalry units and PIRATING my trade routes. When I tell them to stop the pirating, they refuse. When I ask them (politely) to get their troops out, they agree -- BUT they don't leave right away AND they stagger the entry of their units, so no matter how many the 10-turn rule forces back into their territory, there are always one or two still there. Very clever of the AI, but incredibly annoying -- especially since the Scots are Number One in everything, and my civ next to last. I certainly don't want to go to war at this point, and I'd prefer not to go to war at any point, since I'm aiming for the Science Victory (which is difficult enough even without the delays and waste of war).

      Unfortunately, as I have discovered, my Spies can't Sue a military unit. In Civ and Civ II, I would easily solve a situation of military trespassing by bribing the unit and adding it to my own army. Such an elegant solution! God knows why the CTP game designers didn't include it.

      Is there any way of "booting" a military unit out immediately instead of having to wait the ten turns?

      I'd like to reduce the ten turns to a lower number, say, two turns. Is there a way I can do this?

      I don't know why "ten" was the number decided on, anyway. It's virtually useless in a situation like this -- with a staggered entry of military units.


      • #48
        Cube, try using modswapper to update your GL, and reloading slic. There may be a conflict with a message you are supposed to receive.
        Caranorn, you must be overlooking something with your cities if you cannot build city walls. There is no pre-requisite for building them. Make sure you are using the slic from the 1.1 version. Walls also go obsolete with Military Engineering, so you will not be able to build them after you get that advance.

        As far as your timeline, you may need to use the large civs version with your settings. It has fewer ruins per square.
        As far as revealing the map, you need to debate this with the people who complain about being stuck on their home continent when they get one with no shallow water bridges to other lands. You can't have everything with every game. I would just enjoy it as part of the game's replay value.

        Gazer, sorry to see you annoyed, but I think most players would see this situation as a challenge. You can always form a picketline of troops along your border with the Scots, and use their zoc to keep the Scots out.
        You cannot kick out military units, and the ten turn setting was made by Dale to give the AIs plenty of time to move out on their own before resorting to slic.

        I do not plan on making any more updates to the Call to Arms version of the mod, so I have left the texts with the 1.1 name. When I begin to post the version 2 beta, I will re-name the files according to the date they were posted.


        • #49
          Originally posted by WesW
          Gazer, sorry to see you annoyed, but I think most players would see this situation as a challenge. You can always form a picketline of troops along your border with the Scots, and use their zoc to keep the Scots out.
          You cannot kick out military units, and the ten turn setting was made by Dale to give the AIs plenty of time to move out on their own before resorting to slic.
          Yes, it is a challenge, but annoying because, as I am learning, the game options of CTP for handling the problem are too limited (more so than in Civ or Civ II, for example). In "real life," the offended nation should be able to solve the problem with a localized "surgical strike" (remove the pirate or offending military unit) that does not automatically break one's Peace Treaty and cause a war in which the entire nation is involved.

          The picketline is a good idea, one that I thought of, too, after I had posted the message and was mulling over solutions to the problem. I think a line of Spies would be best, because 1) they are Stealth Units and 2) they pose less of a threat to the Scots (who tend to mass troops in any area where they detect my troops near their border).

          Why do the AIs need "plenty of time" to move out on their own? By the way, I have NEVER seen them move out on their own. At least, the Scots don't until the ten turns are up and the units go "poof" and disappear. And then, they come right back in again. Now, please tell me how to adjust the game file to the number of turns I want in my games. Thanks!


          • #50
            Look for the following lines of code in my SLIC file:

            // The magic art of withdrawing
            if(CellOwner(WDT_tmpunit.location) == player[1] && GetAgreementDuration(player[0], player[1], 3) >= 5) {
            The part where it says GetAgreementDuration(player[0], player[1], 3) >= 5 means check the duration of agreement 3 (withdraw) between player0 and player1 (variables). If it is 5 or greater then return TRUE. Change the >= 5 to however many turns till auto-expel kicks in.

            For those wanting to expel settlers find the following line of code just below the lines mentioned above:

            if(!(IsCivilian(WDT_tmpunit)) && WDT_waterunit != 1) {
            and change it to:

            if(WDT_waterunit != 1) {
            DO NOT DELETE the waterunit reference! The script is only setup for LAND units.

            NOTE: Deleting the civilian reference will make ALL units be expelled, not just military and settlers. That means the AI will have no diplomats, no spies, no nothing on your land. Bit harsh if you ask me.

            Anyways, if you ask me I like the idea of enemy settlers in your lands. Take a look at Africa where millions of people move over borders to settle in a new country. Quite often those governments don't know they're there till they stumble on them.

            Let's give this info to them to change their files if they want. They'll just find out that the game isn't what it should be if spies and stuff are expelled as well. They'll come back to the correct files.


            • #51
              President IQ

              I will continue a little bit about US president's IQ. I heard few days ago a news about Bush's IQ and decided to search that news from the net and voilá I wound it:

              PS. What are the original settings for
              continent - islands
              land - water

              I got my settings quite messed up and I would start "normal" game after my current game.

              PPS. Is it so that AI sees inside my cities automatically and if he sees that my cities are well defended he will not attack against me? Or against any AI's? I have always used a "strong" defend in my cities, maybe that is the reason I have not been attacked against?


              • #52
                I just remembered one bug I have seen in my vacation. When I investigate AI and check what wonders he have. There is only citynames(where wonders are I assume) in list. Shouldn't there be wondernames and maybe citynames both?

                Am I right? Should/could this be fixed?

                I used older version of medpack in my vacation and I have not check this later.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by StarGazer
                  The picketline is a good idea, one that I thought of, too, after I had posted the message and was mulling over solutions to the problem. I think a line of Spies would be best, because 1) they are Stealth Units and 2) they pose less of a threat to the Scots (who tend to mass troops in any area where they detect my troops near their border).
                  Since the spies havo no ZOC, you will have to position one next to the other in order to prevent anyone from tresspassing your borders.

                  I prefer lines of real units every third tile. Their ZOCs then combine to a barrier, which foreign units cannot pass. On vital borders these frontier-defense troops are further strengthened with fortifications.


                  • #54

                    Could you please tell me, which files have been changed since the July 18th' update.

                    I made some modifications in the txt-files myself and want to replace only the ones which are really necessary.
                    This way, if you didn't change a file I modified myself, I won't have to restore my own changes.

                    By the way:
                    In one of the MM2-readmes you said you wanted to raise the number of rivers.
                    Playing MM2 I always had the impression, there are fewer rivers than in the original.

                    Yesterday I found some lines in the MM2_const.txt concerning rivers and started playing with them blindly.

                    With the settings

                    PERCENT_RIVER 20 # percent of land with a river on it (WW from 5)
                    RIVER_LENGTH 15 # average river length (WW from 15)
                    RIVER_CELL_WIDTH 20 # Size of cells to be searched for river starts (WW from 5)
                    RIVER_CELL_HEIGHT 5 # (highest point in each cell) (WW from 5)

                    I suddenly got plenty of rivers all over the map (110 x 220) as I always wanted.
                    Since my adjustments are partially opposed to yours I think I should tell you.


                    • #55
                      Wes, I thought I was using the latest version of Med Mod II already. I went back to your page again and downloaded the text files again. I will let you know if this solves the problem.

                      Yesterday I spent some time digging through the (MM) terrain and tile improvement filesbut decided not to change anything yet as I started modifying too much right away. One thing i always hated was that river and road movement costs never changed regardless of actual terrain. To me it just makes no sense to move as fast through a mountain pass as over a plains highway. I think I'll first build an exell file to have a good overvie of the existing terrain features and only then start messing arround with the files.

                      By the way, has anyone tried adding additional production or other factors to the goods file? I expect it's not possible, but it would be nice to have more then trade benefits out of goods.


                      • #56
                        Has anyone thought to add natural disasters to MedPack?


                        • #57
                          Hi Janilxx,

                          How many US Presidents could converse fluently in a language other than their own? As far as I know, George W. Bush is the only one. He speaks fluent Spanish. Compare that to the much more "intellegent" Clinton who really muffed it the only time I know of that he tried.

                          Also, please take this question off topic as it does not belong here. I personally don't want to see these kinds of comments in a thread where I try to find out information about Med Mod 2. If I want to see this kind of crap I can go to off topic.

                          Timothy Pintello


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Caranorn
                            By the way, has anyone tried adding additional production or other factors to the goods file? I expect it's not possible, but it would be nice to have more then trade benefits out of goods.
                            So you want a free tile improvement on every good tile? Of course it is possible to create on every good tile a free tile improvement with the help of slic. My slic code for GoodMod is nearly complete I only have to replace the placeholder tile impprovement number by the final according good tile improvement.

                            So here is a screen shot of three goods with a tileimprovement on it. Of course it is possible to create a tile improvement without a graphics, therefore the final good improvements won't have a graphic. The graphics are just there to be shure that the good tile has an improvement.

                            A note for the good improvement create code: It is a little bit slow, because it checks every tile for a good, therefore the Barbarian turn is a little bit longer for the first two turns.

                            An interesting side effect is that these tile improvements can be pillaged and there is no change to get them back later in the game.

                            Attached Files
                            Civ2 military advisor: "No complaints, Sir!"


                            • #59
                              Ctp2.exe problem still there

                              Well I'm still getting the "ctp2 has caused an error in ctp2.exe" error in my game. It's at the year 850ad(turn 255) and the game crashes to the desktop and gives the above error when it swiches to my 3rd or 4th unit. I have tried reinstalling both ctp2(patched version) and medmod 2, but it still doesn't work. I tried switching mods with modswapper like wes suggested but it still doesn't work. I reloaded a previous game with the same setup and it worked fine. I would keep playing this game, but it's at 500ad and it will take a long time to get to 850ad. Well I will try it anyway.

                              Martin g Than picture looks cool. I saw that image when I downloaded the latest version of tileview, and I'm what is it supposed to do originally? Did you create new goods, because the ones in the picture look new. How did you get the picture to appear, what file did you edit, because I would like to add the space farms to the game.

                              Der ph just unzip it and when it tells you this file already exist................... replace it with this one mm/dd/yyyy (date). Replace the files that have a date older than 7/18.


                              • #60
                                Doesn't my whining ever end?

                                I know I am doing something wrong...

                                I have not doubled but tripled AI_TIME_SLICE values.

                                I have now 12 players and quite of bg continent where I play. Every players have other players next to his borders.

                                Ok ok I have to say that I have only played ~120 turns now.

                                What have I got... Once I heared a voice that is heared when city is destroyed. And once I saw AI to capture other AI's city.

                                So what is my problem? I want to see more city captures!!!


                                There have been hundreds or maybe even thousands of wars and city captures in the history. Human has always wanted to get more living space.

                                Lets take some examples.

                                - Egyptians were attacked many times by other african nations
                                - Indians. They had wars and captured land from other indian tribes.
                                - Europeans took lands from indians
                                - Roman empire was huge
                                - China's great wall was made to protect against attacks
                                - Britain(and many other nations too) had a huge amount of territories(for example india, australia etc)
                                - Scotland and wales were added to britain
                                - Poland's borders were move a lot after WWII
                                - East and West Germany after WWII
                                - Russian(or soviet union) bastards took lands(and cities/towns/villages) from Finland in WWII
                                - Namibia got it's independency and breaked out from South Africa
                                - Soviet Union got splitted to many nations.
                                - Yugoslavia got splitted

                                Nowadays after WWII almost all wars have been actually wars inside one country. And as a result of the war the country is splitted. But of course there is still country vs country wars but now it seems that those wars do not change borders.

                                So how could I get more citycaptures to my MedPack games? There could be for example average of one capture per 10-30 turns. And there should be captures against many countrys. Not only captures between two country for a hundreds/thousands of years.

                                Have anyone had this many captures?

                                Do you agree that this many captures would be nice?

                                If I am the only one could someone guide me so that I can add more captures to my games?

